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    LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5

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    Come read of LiveInTheDream's adventures in the dream world! Nothing is impossible in here.

    1. Thursday, September 2, 2010

      by , 09-03-2010 at 04:14 AM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)

      Ok, I haven't stopped experimenting with this technique (which I'm now not so sure should be labeled CAN-WILD...more like EILD, since I modified things a bit) and I'm going to go on with trying an alarm that will play a sound sometime early in the morning that will cause me to lucid dream without WBTB. I have determined that this is the best possible way for me because it requires no daytime work and only a few minutes of bedtime preparation, plus I don't have to lose any sleep or sleep in late, so I can lucid dream every night once I get this down.

      Since I've been gone a few days from the forums, I'll catch you up with a summary of the experiment thus far:

      DAY 1: (NO LUCID)
      ~Determined that WBTB with the alarm woke me up far too much for method to be practical.

      DAY 2: (NO LUCID)
      ~Slept through all alarms, although computer records proved them to have gone off properly.

      DAY 3: (NO LUCID)
      ~Heard alarms while still in a dream; DC told me to listen up because he heard my lucid dreaming alarm playing...but I woke myself up rather than did an RC.

      Tonight (Day 4) I'm going to try something slightly different. I think the alarm sound is just too closely related with waking up for me to use it effectively as a lucid dreaming tool. Instead I'm going to try an induction mp3 with frequently-playing recordings of a voice saying 'This is a dream', 'do a reality check now', etc. Instead of the flash-based timer I linked to in my last entry, I'll be using Cool Timer since it better suits my needs. I can set it to go off at a certain time and play the MP3, which I have listened to many times and very strongly associate with lucid dreams, and reality checking (rather than waking up).

      The biggest challenge will be getting me to hear the MP3 properly. I've been using a set up where I run a headphone extension cord from my computer and then stick the headphones to the side of my bed (the bed frame is metal and the headphones are strangely magnetic ), but that was just for an alarm sound; I didn't need precision audio. This is different. I'll need to make sure that I can understand the voice without having it wake me up from being so loud.

      Could take some experimenting...
    2. Tuesday, August 31, 2010

      by , 08-31-2010 at 04:32 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      My first CAN-WILD attempt...

      Alright. It's official: my sleep schedule is just too inconsistent these days to be able to keep up with LD's the way I used to. It's time to figure out new ways of going lucid that don't require attention from all my waking hours, since those have become filled with other matters. It's time...for CAN-WILD!

      I'm going to be putting all of my lucid dreaming effort into this one, and documenting what I can in this DJ. Entries will be inconsistent depending on what days I work early in the mornings (which I can't use to LD) and days that I work later on in the day (which I can use to LD). So bear with me.

      I tried the method using the flash-based timer found on this tutorial. I'm definitely on the right track, but no lucids yet. I just need to tweak my timer settings...but I can do that beneficially now, thanks to some things that I learned/observed over the past night.

      First thing: It takes me much longer than 10 minutes to fall asleep after I've already gotten about 5 hours in. Therefore, the first timer beeped while I was still very much awake. I think I should kill off the WBTB which was used to set/start the timer and instead set the first timer to go off automatically after about 5 hours, so I don't have to get up and do anything. This way I can fall back asleep very quickly.

      Second thing: The first dream I did have was very vivid and coherent, never mind it was far from realistic, and the clarity and coherence decreased with each dream that followed. I was part of a human settlement on a distant planet where aliens were trying to eradicate us. We could hear them coming...all of our houses were fragile, as we'd been forced to construct them ourselves. There was no way we'd be protected from the oncoming attack. Everyone grabbed what weapons they had and I organized as good of a defense grid as I could (I guess I was their leader or something). Then, when I went to look for my own weapon, all that was left was a sniper rifle.

      "I don't know how to use this! Oh, great..."

      There was no time to figure something else out, though. Just then, against the red sky, we saw the first wave of aliens flying in towards us.

      *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*

      My vision went blurry a second and I lost balance. Then a blast went off somewhere and I was drawn back into the dream. Only something was different now...I wasn't sure why, but I knew I had total control over things. So with a grin I looked through that sniper scope and began to take down aliens with perfect precision. Some where barely visible in the distance, and yet I still would hit them square in the head.

      The battle was long and intense, and eventually I had to put down the sniper and switch to hand-to-hand combat, but of course I dominated all opponents who dared get close to me then. When the battle was over, and we'd only lost two people as compared to the 10,000 aliens, I was considered a war-hero.

      *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*

      This time I woke all the way up, but it was momentary. Before long, I was in another dream. But after a few minutes, the alarm went off again and I woke up. Then back into another dream. And so on this went for about 5 different dreams.

      Third thing: Each of these was basically a DEILD, only I was not lucid, so there was very little coherence by the end of all this. My dreams were mixing together in odd ways which resulted in one totally bizarre mish-mash of weirdness and people and places and things to the point that even if I had gone lucid, the dream probably would have just shattered, because it was not stable as it was.

      Conclusions: The alarm should go off automatically from the start, and trend towards increasing time between alarms as time goes on rather than decrease the time between alarms.

      Should be interesting to see how this works out
    3. Thursday, August 19, 2010

      by , 08-19-2010 at 03:55 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Wow...I really don't know why that WILD didn't work. Everything was set up right, I woke up to the alarm and did a WBTB that felt like exactly the right amount of time, and then I went through the WILD just as I had when it succeeded last...only this time, rather than envelope me and pull me into the dream, all the HI and sensations and all that just faded away all of a sudden. I tried just shifting positions and then going back through the process, but that still didn't work. After an hour or so of trying I just decided to get some sleep and not worry about the dream...but it was really strange that it didn't work that time, seeing as everything was in place.

      However, I do recall one normal dream from last night, and in the spirit of maintaining good recall, I'll write it here.

      My brother-in-law and I were assigned to run the projectors in a theater for the re-release of Avatar. Not all was normal, though...the projectors were two trucks, and we were using computers, not film, as the source media, not to mention we were stationed close up to the screen, off to the left, rather than from the very back in our own little projector room.

      About half-way through the movie, both computers froze up. We couldn't get them to do anything. My brother-in-law went to look for help from someone in the theater building, and I went to look for help by driving around outside. This actually was the majority of the dream; me just driving around, looking for help, when the traffic was absolutely insane. No one followed the road rules, and when there was construction on the road, sometimes the road would be closed and I'd offroad to go around it, only to look back and see that the road had been opened the whole time! It was the most frustrating drive ever...eventually I had to give up and head back, only I couldn't find a freaking parking spot! Someone had taken mine while I was out...and of course for the re-release of Avatar, the lot was full anyway. I ended up taking down a 'No Parking: Fire Lane' sign and parking there ()

      On my way back inside, I ran into several people that I know. I don't remember what all they asked me about--just random things about real life--but I tried to answer fast and get back inside.

      I got back in to discover that the computers still weren't fixed, and no one was able to help us fix it. The audience was starting to get angry, so we went at the computers ourselves this time...by opening up the hoods of the trucks and messing around with the engines.

      I don't remember ever actually getting the darned things fixed, but oh well. I won't have to run any more theater projectors any time soon
      Tags: avatar, epic fail
    4. Wednesday, August 18, 2010

      by , 08-18-2010 at 04:37 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)

      I remembered to set my WBTB alarm...but I forgot to actually turn it on...so of course I didn't wake up at the appropriate time to make a WILD attempt. Oh well...at least I was able to remember a couple dreams, and this time after I had already gotten up and things were against me remembering them at all!

      Dream 1: I was in a mix of Bioshock and Mass Effect. Geth were attacking (I guess I should be giving them more validity as a dream sign if the buggers are going to keep showing up...I haven't even played Mass Effect in a while, but for some reason Geth have been everywhere lately!) and everyone in the facility was defenseless. I was being chased by one of the machines when I dove around a corner and hid behind a pile of crates. The Geth fired at me as I fled, but missed and instead took out one of the crates on the top of the pile. I covered my head as debris and the objects inside the crate came crashing down, but managed to remain silent, so the Geth moved on down the hallway without noticing my hiding place.

      Once I had opened my eyes again, I saw what had fallen out of the broken crate: plasmids. I picked up the first one and saw the Electro Bolt symbol on it, then took a deep breath and injected it into my arm. It felt very realistic...and the DNA re-writing process felt weird, too. A rush of body heat, increased clarity of vision...and finally, a lot of little lightning bolts coming from my left hand. Encouraged, I also grabbed an Incinerate and stuck it in my pocket, but didn't inject it.

      The Geth that had tried to kill me was still in sight down the hall a ways, so I jumped out of my hiding place and with a yell I let out a bolt of lightning right on the blasted thing. Being mechanical, the electricity instantly shorted out the Geth's hardware and made it fall to the ground, useless.

      Unfortunately, I had been a bit too quick to jump out and attack. Now everyone knew where I was, and a million Geth began slowly advancing down the hallway from the opposite direction. I tried to shoot out lightning once again, but this time it only flickered faintly in my hand; I couldn't produce a real bolt. I desperately pulled out the Incinerate plasmid as I backed down the hallway one step at a time. I tried to use pyrokinesis, but I barely generated enough heat to create viscosity in the air.

      "Uh oh."

      I turned and ran back for the crates then as a million bullets flew at me. Somehow I managed to reach safety before any of them hit.

      "Hypo, hypo, where's an EVE hypo?!" I said to myself as I searched through the other crates.

      Finally I found one, stuck it in my arm, and I was able to emit a burst of flames from my hand. I jumped out from hiding and began spraying fire at every Geth I could see. The realism of the fire was awesome; the hallway and Geth were all made of metal, and they appropriately blackened or glowed orange-hot, not to mention the light simply reflected in a very accurate and detailed way.

      I woke up sometime around then.

      Dream 2: I'm low on time, so I'll have to keep this one short. I was basically seeing a replay of a memory from one of my filming jobs. At first things were accurate, but then the wrong music started to play in the background.

      "Wait a minute, that's not right..." I thought to myself. "I didn't choose this music!"

      I didn't go lucid, though, I just figured someone else had made a last-minute change. But then other things started being different than they were supposed to be, and I couldn't ignore them as easily.

      "This just isn't right! What's going on here?"

      Then someone tapped me on the shoulder and told me to get ready, because we would all have to leave in 18 minutes.

      I started to head out and get my things together, but I kept an eye over my shoulder, wondering what was going on. Then...SMACK! I ran right into the doorframe because of my carelessness.

      I woke up with my nose bleeding...probably coincidence. This isn't the Matrix, after all.
      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Tuesday, August 17, 2010

      by , 08-17-2010 at 04:16 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)

      My dream recall continues to improve...what memories are there are in near-perfect detail, and I even remember more than one dream, although the second one was very short and came late in the morning.

      Dream 1: I was at a gathering of some sort in a large room. Even though it was fairly crowded, it didn't take me long to notice the huge canisters against one of the walls. I walked closer to them, and saw that they were filled with a green, transparent liquid, and a man was sitting Indian-style in the midst of it. He was skinny and totally hairless, plus his skin had taken on a sickly, pale green tone from being in the liquid so long. A tube ran from the back of his head to the bottom of the canister, where a bunch of machinery was.

      "What is this?" I muttered to myself.

      The man in the liquid opened his eyes and replied:

      "I'm being grown into a pickle."

      I didn't believe him at first. But there was another such canister next to this one, and the man inside it chimed in:

      "It's true."

      I ran to find someone who knew what was going on with the men in the canisters. The first person that came to mind was the guy that owned the place, so I talked to him first.

      "Excuse me," I began, "do you know what's going on with the men in the canisters back there?"

      "They're being grown into pickles, what else?" He replied, as if this were common knowledge. After a moment, he realized I still didn't understand. "You mean...you don't know how pickles are grown? No one ever told you?"

      "Told me what?"

      He started to walk over to the canisters as he spoke:

      "That all the other stories about how pickles are grown are just that--stories. Lies designed to cover up the truth that pickles are grown from humans in canisters like these. The machinery at the base runs the whole thing by connecting to the person inside through the tube at the back. The liquid is what causes the real transformation, though. The machines simply speed things up and make sure it all goes well. The process takes nearly fifty years to complete."

      I was shocked.

      "Why would people give up their lives for this?" I asked.

      "They believe it is a better form of existence." Came the simple reply.

      "How the heck is that a better form of existence? That must stink to have to sit down for fifty years straight."

      We had reached the canisters by now, and one of the men inside heard me say that, and I guess he agreed.

      "You're right!" He exclaimed. "Oh, to get to run again! I've been in here for 25 years...I can't take it any longer! Quick! Get me out!"

      The owner of the place protested.

      "You can't quit now!"

      I didn't listen. I grabbed a nearby crowbar and smashed the canister open. All the liquid poured out, which fried the machine and freed the man inside. He looked more alien than human, but he was alive, and not a pickle, which was good enough for him.

      "This can't go on." I told the owner.

      I left the building and marched straight to a political gathering. I pushed the speaker aside like he was nothing and took the podium for myself.

      "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to inform you of a conspiracy."

      As I spoke, the dream left first-person and was spectating fields of humans being grown into pickles. All stages of the transformation were visible; the ones that were nearly pickle-ized looked quite creepy.

      "It turns out that we have things backwards. Previously, in life as we once knew it, pickles were harvested, and humans were grown. However, I have seen the truth with my own eyes, and it is not that way. The truth is, that pickles are grown, and humans are being harvested--yes, humans are being harvested as pickles through a transformation chamber that is neither right nor pleasant. I would inform you..."

      I was knocked out by the cops, then.

      When I came back to, there was green transparent liquid all around me. I could feel a tube attached to the back of my head. When I reached out, I could feel glass only a couple feet away from me. And outside, I could see the owner of that building I began in. My skin was pale. My arms were woefully skinny. I knew exactly what they had put me in. I tried to break out, but couldn't...

      Then I woke up. It probably would have been a kind of creepy dream if the thing people were being turned into wasn't pickles

      Dream 2: There was a celebration going on in China that had achieved world-wide attention. It was a celebration of McDonald's anniversary, and it was completely led and organized by a 10-year old girl. I wasn't physically present, but I was seeing an interview with the kid on Discovery Channel. She explained to the news guy how she had organized everything and who was doing what and how it was possible, and then showed him the floats of the parade, the most prominent of which was a play on the chinese dragon where a whole bunch of people stand beneath it and walk around with it over their heads. Rather than a long dragon, it was a float that looked like a chain of hamburgers.

      Weird, right? Pickles as a dream sign, I mean. Hamburgers have pickles on them, and the first dream had pickles...so that seems to be the common element with my dreams last night. No idea why.
      non-lucid , memorable
    6. Monday, August 16, 2010

      by , 08-16-2010 at 07:05 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      I'm actually kind of glad I didn't go lucid last night. I probably would have done something other than go through this totally awesome dream I had. It was super vivid and realistic...I seriously felt like I was there. And honestly, I might have been just a tad bit aware that I was dreaming, due to the car thing...but I'll just tell you what happened now.

      It was a pretty normal day...to begin with. I had one of my video jobs to do that day, and it required a team of people driving from place to place all day long. We had it all organized and figured out, though, so it wasn't stressful or anything; just another thing to have to do for the day.

      The first three film locations were easy and went smoothly. I got all the footage I needed, and everybody did what they were supposed to and did it well. We stopped back at the hotel we were staying in for lunch and planned out the remainder of the day--still normal. But when we were about to leave again, I went to the bathroom and on my way out discovered that everyone had left without me! I gathered up all my equipment as fast as possible and tried to run after the car, but they were already way too far off to hear me call, and it was impossible to run while carrying all that stuff.

      Fortunately, a friend was driving by just then and he stopped to ask if I needed a ride. I got in his car (which was unnaturally small, and which I observed without gaining full lucidity, if any) and he took me where I needed to go. However, once at this final location, things would go anything but as planned...

      I caught up with my team by nightfall. They were gathered in a dark alley, all of them evidently very scared.

      "What the heck was that!?" I shouted. "Why did you guys just leave me back there with all the..."

      "SHHH!!!" They all replied desperately.

      Then I saw what their problem was. A few feet away from me, out of the pitch blackness, a light turned on, and I heard the familiar sound of a Geth. Within moments, a million other similar lights turned on all around us, the same sound of communication echoed through the walls, and we knew we'd be dead in a few moments if we didn't get the heck out of there.

      "Hey! In here!" I heard one of my team members shout.

      We all turned around to see him at an elevator on the outside of one of the buildings. We got in as fast as was possible and rode it to the top floor, hoping to escape. But on our way up, we heard the chilling roar of a zombie, and soon witnessed several jumping down onto the glass roof of the elevator. Fortunately they were not too bright, and when they collided with it, they simply were thrown off from impact...but there were more where they came from.

      We got to the roof and instantly looked for a door to get us inside and away from harm. We found one, but halfway there, I stopped everyone.

      "No." I said. "We have to finish this!"

      I clamped together the tripod legs on the camera I was carrying and tightened the camera itself so that it wouldn't budge from its position. It was a metal camera, and I figured it would make a great club.

      "We can take them."

      My friends got the point and hurriedly threw together some makeshift weapons. Then we waited. Before long, zombies and Geth and headcrabs and other such creatures began climbing up the side of the building and trying to attack us. With a loud war cry, I swung the camera and tripod through the air, doing a spin move, and landed the camera right on the head of a zombie. It was thrown back over the side of the building and burst into pieces when it hit the ground (it was probably an 80-story fall).

      It was a huge battle. We had to stop each and every creature from climbing onto the roof, or if they made it all the way up, we had to knock them off the edge immediately. My group and I were doing well, but it was only a few of us against millions of them. Even with my camera-club (which was by far the best weapon we had) and crazy attack moves we were slowly being pushed back.

      I hurled my whole body against an oncoming zombie and threw him over the edge. The effort made me stumble and land on my knees right on the edge of the building just as another zombie was reaching up to pull himself to the top. I remember his face...skin totally white and rotted from death. His hands and arms had no skin left, just a bloody mess of muscles and bones. As I sat and watched this monster approach me, I thought for sure he would grab me and throw me over the edge before I would have a chance to do anything about it. And then...

      The Indiana Jones theme began to play as the man himself burst out of the door behind us and start pulling off awesome moves with his whip and gun. Shortly after that, Lara Croft, Luke Skywalker, and Jake Sully (in his Avatar) showed up, too! We had a chance now, and with my renewed hope, I grabbed the face of the zombie with my bare left hand, ignoring how disgusting it was, and then bashed it in with the butt of my tripod. The creature screamed and then fell, defeated.

      After that, the fight was an easy victory. The last thing I remember is peering over the edge and looking at all the bodies in piles below...

      and then I woke up. But here's a funny little sidenote: all the moves I did in the dream with the tripod I can now do IRL! Hmm...
    7. Saturday, August 14, 2010

      by , 08-14-2010 at 05:13 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      No lucids last night, but I wasn't actually trying that hard for another one yet, anyway. I need to get my recall fixed up first and foremost, else there's not much point in going lucid, since I won't remember the experience anyway

      Again, I didn't remember more than one dream, but the clarity of that memory has noticeably improved. All the same, since I don't have a ton of time and the dream was a pretty simple concept, I won't go into much detail about it.

      I was sitting in my basement with a dissected Wii remote laying on a table before me. I was messing around with all the parts, modifying them, attaching them in new ways, etc. When I was done, I had created a motion-based controller that relied only on hand motions. I strapped the device onto the back of my wrist like a bulky watch and then was able to use it just by pointing different fingers or moving my hand around.

      I'm very tempted to do that IRL. Like I said, the memories are pretty clear, so I remember how I did it in the dream, and I'm confident it would work. The creativity of the sleeping mind is rather cool
      Tags: creativity, wii
    8. Friday, August 13, 2010

      by , 08-13-2010 at 04:42 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Well, after a day full of reality checks and a watch of Avatar before bed (you know, for lucid dreaming inspiration ) I was decently set up for some good dreams...except for recall. It still stinks after going so long without working on it. Oh well, I'll get better again.

      I'm actually not sure if the RC's helped me out any last night or not. I know they will as they become habitual, so I'm not disappointed, but to be honest, I can't remember any of my regular dreams. So maybe they did help and I went lucid and totally don't remember it; I don't know.

      But, at 6:00 I woke up to my WBTB alarm, and that's when things took a turn for the better. I went for a WILD this time, and it half-worked. I went right into a dream, but I wasn't completely sure of if I was dreaming or not. I was looking for confirmation either way, but never once remembered to RC.

      Before long, I was caught up in a group of DC's comprised of both people from real life and fictional characters. I cannot recall exactly what they were doing, but I believe they were looking for something very important, and although they weren't enemies, there was a lot of competition to see who would find it first.

      I only had to go with them a very short while for it to sink in that this was a dream. The terrain was weird, for one thing. We had moved along from a very realistic looking place to something like a video game from the late 90's. And then of course the Na'vi in the group were kind of a dead giveaway

      Knowing it was a dream, the DC's bore no weight on me anymore and I didn't care to stick around their group any longer. I just stopped and took some time to feel things around me, and before long the realism of the place increased tenfold and I grew more lucid as well.

      What happened next is mostly uncertain. I feel like I did something first, but at any rate, I ended up in a false awakening and lost lucidity. I was back in bed, lying down. I thought the lucid dream was over and I had woken up, so I got out of bed to get ready for the day. But no sooner had I opened my bedroom door than I was standing back amidst that group of DC's, and it hit me again that this was a dream. Unfortunately, this time I didn't think to even feel things, so my lucidity was pretty low. I never thought to leave the DC group and do more interesting things. Instead, I just went along with them and showed off all the things I could do while knowing that physics didn't exist.

      It gets really hazy after that...I remained lucid for a very long time and did a lot of stuff, but eventually I lost it again and the dream continued on non-lucid for the remainder of the dream.

      When I woke up I had been asleep for over two hours, and I'm sure about an hour of that was lucid...too bad it wasn't very high lucidity, and my recall wasn't so great. But at least I'm making progress again!
    9. Thursday, August 12, 2010

      by , 08-12-2010 at 04:37 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Well, my crazy summer is finally over, and I have the time and motivation to get back into lucid dreaming. I'll be doing reality checks all day long and thinking up new goals to get me motivated, and hopefully they'll work out here real soon

      But of course one of the most important parts of all this is...my DJ! Gotta start recording those dreams again so I can get my recall back up...so without further ado, here is what little I remember of last nights dream.

      I was in California with a friend from real life that I presently only know through Skype. We spent a lot of time planning how to rebuild our website and add new features, and then we got down to actually building it...physically. We went into her room and cleared it out to make room for work. I began by setting a huge PC monitor in the middle of a long desk that ran from one end of the room to the other. I never connected a computer to the screen, or used a mouse or keyboard to navigate to the website on the monitor, but this didn't make me go lucid. I just kind of thought of what I wanted to have happen on the screen and it did.

      Once the website was called up, we started to build stuff on the desk all around the monitor. It was a bunch of random stuff...inhumanly big boots, picture frames, food, and even Legos! But as we built all around the monitor, the website was built on the screen. We were just about finished when there was a knock on the bedroom door. My friend opened it and her brother was waiting. He saw the desk covered with stuff and looked horrified.

      "What are you doing, sis? I need to sleep there. I'm dead tired!"

      He walked over and cleared the desk of all our work and handed me the monitor. Then he pulled a mattress out of nowhere, put it on the desk, and went to sleep on it.

      "Oh well." I said.

      We did some other weird stuff like that afterwords, but I can't really remember anything else in detail.
      Tags: weird
    10. Saturday, July 21, 2010 (RAW FILE)

      by , 07-31-2010 at 07:28 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Well, I had a crazy thing happen last night. I finally lucid dreamed again (!!!) but when I woke up, I had attempted to type it out in a word document...in my sleep!

      Here is what I wrote while asleep. I'll write a proper explanation of the dream and update my sig and all that later (I'm at work right now).

      "I started out last night determined to lucid dream.I convinced myself that despite my lack of practice, I would have a lucid dream the following night, as well as a new method-ish thing , a theory perhaps, to aid in other lucid dreams. Tpdau. Today, I have both.

      I realized last night (to begin with the theory of induction) that if I repeanough, my mind would try to alter t it patteni eveempted to think it out, the patern would fight hard to change, but I would resist this. Fight hard to change, but I would resist this. After a while, I audibly heard muswas on to something..

      That was when I knew I hypnagogic audio, So I began repeating a sequence of images in my head, begarepenough, before long, my brain . Ied fought er ts e pg so, which then immediately resulted in a flare of very visible images. Ately resulted in a flare of very visible images.

      Unfortunately, I never got a chance to see if this could be useful for WILD. It sure brought me into the sleep stage pretty quickly, though.

      So I fell I don't remember where, but there wasbuilding. Still, the red flags waved in my head, and I sud nlye sure wwas raoing to be a devent lucid dream, I real ty c world.

      “Yes, I'm finallly lucidTGH THE CEILINGLAND OUT INTO THE OPEN (which happene to be just a black void)I didn't let tuld still feel my weightlessness from flying, I could still feelthy dream.body alone. I was stilll fullly in the dream.

      “Ok, where should I g to ind, to
      FT ISOWHERE I decided to go.

      The moment I thought aboutre I decide light appeared in the distance, a beacon for the location of my destination.ance, a beacon forn the direction of that red light, and tried nd, everything was still black all There are a bunch of gh of this. There are a bunch of walls all around me.””FULL COLOR>
      “....a floor, a ceiling AM ! The walls are lined with products. I am in a gif shop.”n

      ABLAInessk andvbefore long my environment was fully solid. Atiking to myself about how awesome lucif.dreams are, when I saw my vieo camera on assible idea. But since I wasrationally. I epicked up the camera and turned it m. T
      “ K GUYS<” I sa I narrated, “this is my lucid doiam.to be so cool to watch once I wake up.”

      I don'have known that the camer. Was couldn't possibly be linked the dream.-life version, or record real videos of the dream.

      Stptl, cording. I showed who all was there (mostly family members or people from Shaytards)) and I filmed around and other stuff.aytards) and I filmed around and other stuff.

      TaMy family anough, since they were in “but guys, this me@H! I don't wante to go no else, like fly?”

      “No.” they said. “Let's go home and have tea.”

      I didn easily upset by lucid dr amerthat I needed to use the bathcrem ed a bathroom in the nearast wI really did need to I ust ent to pee in the dream and hoor the dream to go on. It woralls and I had to levitate to use them

      After that, though, I aiti g: “You cango on ahead, I'm right behind you.”

      Aore interesting, and away from all e they were going to go into. Onlyoset IVITY WAS ORIENTED SIDEWAYS FOR ME> I did a recording on my camera about it and tioen was to shock the DV's inin a lucid dream.I was serious abbout them being in a lucim.ream. Instead, the stunt din't d o anything for them either, alhough it did make for some interesting recordings.hough it did make for some interesting oughr and gravity reorien my iicelf and sontards.the DC's as well; namely, my nices, and sontards. They fell up to tpped open the window. Sontard feul upsave him. One of my nieces almost and pulled her back inside.ce grabbed her in time and pulled her back inside.

      Ore in a dream, right? Nope. I fixed gra vity to be normal again and everyone fell to the ground. Be normal again and everyone fell to the ground. Be normal again and everyone fell to the ground. Be normal again and everyone fell to the ground. Be normal again and everyone fell to the ground. Be normal again and everyone fell to the ground. Be normal again and everyone fell to the ground. Be normal again and everyone fell to the ground. Be normal again and everyone fell to the ground. Be normal again and everyone fell to the ground. Be normal again and everyone fell to the ground. Be normalfagainmeone to comment ed stething else.

      “You see this camera?” I asked.

      The DC's nodded.

      “Well, camera?” I asked.

      The to function properly, right?ld require a battery to function properly, right?”

      They nodded agais camera still workd again.

      Sust took out the camera battery and kept f abin the significance of the gesture.

      N caringt guys, well, I realjust going to have to leave.”

      “F el! > Don't you want to be with your nieces? These are your family! Why wetld again. I knew it wasa just a dream.

      “Actually, I don't care.” I said before walking out the door.

      Unfortunately, I ned up somewhere other than England. Everything around me looked like a quilted pattern. Gravity was irrelevant, since up and won looked the exact same.

      And guess what? The DC's were there, too! I got out the camera and filmed/narrated my disbelief.

      They crowded around me and begged me to go back home with them, and just because I thought it would make for an entertaining video to watch when I woke up, I agreed to go back with them.

      It gets fuzzy from here on, but I remember quite clearly being at a party back at the house. I guess the DC's were throwing it to celebrate me coming back. I wasn't in the mood, though. I sat in a corner with my video camera, watching all the recordings I had made and marveling that everything was actually recorded onto this thing inside the dream. It was seriously playing back to me all the stuff I'd heard and seen without changing anything.

      I did a bunch of other stuff after this, but I can't remember it any more. It wasn't the most exciting lucid dream ever since I was focusing on recording it all (epic fail there) but it was a nice long one and I was very lucid; no issues with dream control.

      Confidence is key, people! I got this lucid dream simply from believing I would have it. Can't wait for tomorrow night! "

      Updated 08-12-2010 at 04:39 PM by 29433

      Tags: hilarious
      lucid , memorable , side notes
    11. Wednesday, July 28, 2010

      by , 07-28-2010 at 03:48 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Well, I finally have a week where I've got enough time in the mornings to work really hard on lucid dreaming...only it's been so long since I last worked at it, all of my more advanced methods of induction are totally failing!

      Guess I'm going to have to make like a newbie and start over at the simple stuff...let's see how doing reality checks 24/7 works for me.
      side notes
    12. Tuesday, July 20, 2010

      by , 07-20-2010 at 03:20 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Wow guys, sorry it's been so long since I last posted a DJ entry...or much of anything at all! I haven't given up on lucid dreaming or this forum yet; don't worry. Life has just been so freaking crazy lately that I seriously haven't had time to write anything down!

      I still don't have time to write everything out, actually...so you're just going to have to trust me that since my last entry I've had 2 DILDs and 1 WILD, and they were quite enjoyable.
    13. Monday, July 5, 2010

      by , 07-06-2010 at 03:32 AM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      I won't spend a lot of time on the first part of the dream, as it was pretty unimportant.

      Basically what happened was that several DC's were introduced into the story, but other than that, the beginning served no real purpose. I just went around with my friend (who I will call John) and did stuff pretty much like we'd do IRL.

      Where the important part begins is when we decided to stop by QuickTrip for something to drink. We were on our way in, when I saw a girl (whom I care about very much IRL, and will refer to as Jane) walking to her car further down the parking lot (it was a huge lot, nevermind we were just at a gas station). My mind raced.

      “Jane!” I thought. (Well, actually, I thought of her real name, but in case she happens to read this somehow, I'd rather not list it here). “Oh, she's too far away to hear me...I can't stop her to talk...if only I could run up to her and...”

      Then the non-reality of it all suddenly began to hit me. Just in time, I figured out that it was all just
      a dream!

      “...wait, then. I can run after her!”

      So that's exactly what I did. I abandoned John and forgot my drink so that it ceased to exist and I ran as fast as I could (which was pretty fast, being lucid). I was so eager not to miss Jane that I accidentally got to her truck even before she did. So I just waited there a moment.

      When Jane caught up, she seemed a bit surprised to see me there, but made no comment about my super-human speed.

      “What are you doing here?”

      I hadn't actually planned on answering a question like that, so for a moment no words came to me. I knew I couldn't tell her the truth that I was dreaming, though.

      “Oh...” I began, desperately fumbling for a way to put a positive spin on the situation. “Just...thought I'd open the door for you! Yeah...that's it.”

      I reached back and opened the door. Jane just stood there a moment and stared. Not fully sure what she was thinking, but I got the idea that she just didn't know how to respond to me going so far out of my way to do something nice for her.

      “Oh. Well...thanks,” said she.

      Then Jane started to get in, and I realized she was going to try to leave. This was a lucid dream! I couldn't let her go like that.

      “Uh, Jane?”

      “Yeah?” She hesitated on the step of her truck.

      "Come here."

      I reached over and wrapped my arms around her, picking her up off the truck and setting her back down on to the ground. She half-tried to resist at first, gently pushing back, but it was only because she was worried about the time.

      “I don't have time...I need to go.”

      “Need to go?” I replied. “There's nowhere you need to be more than here.”

      She smiled, and then put her arms around me as well, and leaned her head up against me. I remember thinking she seemed somewhat shorter in the dream than in real life, or I was taller, but whatever. I didn't let that bother me. What mattered was that Jane was there, and I was holding her in my arms.

      We stayed that way for a very long time. That was all I wanted. There was nothing else I needed to use my lucidity for more than that. She was totally worth it.

      Eventually she insisted that she really had to go, and I had to let her, then. Even if she wasn't physically present, I care about her too much to not respect her wishes. But, she assured me we'd see each other again soon and that we'd spend more time together.

      Then, an interesting thing happened. The girl from a few previous flying dreams (who is also from real life and will be referred to as Janet) came up to me and I could see in her eye that she remembered all of our flying times together. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jane watching to see what would happen. In Jane's presence, I reached out and hugged Janet, but not very closely and for a very brief time, as if to declare who I truly loved, and who was just a good friend.

      After that, Jane smiled and left,
      I lost lucidity, and the dream went to a weird thing where John had turned into this huge blob. At first all I could see was his head sticking out of the covers on his bed. Then, suddenly, the covers flew back, revealing that the rest of his body was just hundreds of pounds of blubber--no bones, no muscles. He wobbled out of bed and across the floor, and I could see little protrusions that served as 'arms' and 'legs', but they also had no bones, and there were no hands or feet, so they would have been useless anyway. Then he suddenly jumped into the air and twirled around, which caused physics to stretch him out and flatten a bit. John landed on the floor and turned into a rug, and then the dream ended.

      I swear I wasn't on drugs...but that last bit was REALLY weird.
      Tags: love, weird
      lucid , memorable
    14. Tuesday, June 29, 2010

      by , 06-29-2010 at 02:56 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Well, that was a frustrating lucid dream! I tried my RC-MILD method again, and it worked like a charm, but I guess having not been lucid in a while made me forget a few details about dream control...

      I was at a huge party; people were everywhere, and the place was crowded despite the fact that we were in a mansion. It wasn't long before I simply said: "I'm in a dream!" and then just from looking around me found it to be true. Unfortunately, I didn't take time to do a nose-plug RC, so I never was quite as 'there' as usual. But I did remember my dream goal: to share a dream with a friend by utilizing the dream room from a previous lucid.

      I tried to leave the main party room so I could find a door that would lead me where I needed to go. However, on my way out, a DC tugged on my arm.

      "Where are you going?" he asked.

      "I'm lucid now, I have to leave." I replied.

      "What? You can't leave now!"

      "Yes, I can. Let go of me."

      "No! You're staying right here!"

      "Alright then, VANISH!"

      As I shouted that last word, the DC faded away into nothingness and the grip on my arm disappeared with it. "Problem solved," I thought. But after going no more than two steps closer to the end of the room, another DC cried out.

      "He killed him! He killed him! I saw it!" A woman screamed, breaking out of the crowd and running towards me.

      "Quiet down! It's just a dream, you idiot! He never existed! Do you want to get this whole place in an uproar?"

      "Yes!" She replied before starting to scream.

      "Ok, enough of this. You can just vanish, too!"

      And she did. But this time I had the attention of everyone else, and they all thought I was a killer. The party music stopped, people put down their drinks and food, and slowly advanced towards me.

      "I don't have time for this..."

      My next thought was to try flying. I made it up to the ceiling and about half-way through, but for some reason at that point I was sucked back down in and I couldn't push through anything. I was also distracted enough that I fell about fifty feet to the ground. Of course it didn't hurt, but it further convinced everyone else that I was demon possessed or something. So I ran, then, going from room to room, just looking for a door, without success. Hundreds of DC's were always in hot pursuit.

      Eventually I came across a staircase, so I jumped down and found myself in a cement basement. There was an alcove not far away, so I teleported myself there to throw off my pursuers and then peeked around the corner to see if it worked. It had. They were all gathered around the spot I had teleported from, scratching their heads and wondering where I could have gone.

      I slowly backed down the alcove, hoping to find something I could hide beneath until the DC's gave up. Instead, I bumped into something on the wall. When I turned around to see what it was, I saw a door staring me in the face!


      The DC's heads all snapped in my direction when they heard me say that.

      "Get him! Quick!"

      "When I open this door," I frantically commanded, "the dream room will be on the other side!"

      I threw the door open, DC's just feet away, and then slammed it shut behind me just before they could get to where I was. I locked the door and then turned around. I wasn't in the dream room, for sure. I was in some vast darkness...and then, there was this light. And I realized it was the light from the window...and I had woken up

      At least I scored another point for RC-MILD...
    15. Thursday, June 22, 2010

      by , 06-22-2010 at 03:10 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Wow...I was so close to WILDing again. All was going fairly well, but not perfect. I woke up later than I meant to, didn't make it as far in the attempt on the floor, but when I got back in bed I was getting quite close to being there. The HI were growing more realistic and frequent, and I could feel myself getting quite close to sleep. Then...


      Ugh...try again later, I guess
      Tags: epic fail
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