An interesting night. 2 choline, blueberries, purple grape juice. 5.30 Fragment. Admiring my thick bronze-coloured hair in a mirror? At my age, even a comb-over is a plus. Got up for a short while, had a small coffee then BTB. It took me a while to go off (it sometimes take a longish time with or without a coffee.) There followed a long period where I got really strong sensations like I used to have when trying to WILD (I wasn't trying to this time...I just wanted to go to sleep.) I got SP - which I now always ignore and a sensation in my head that I was really going somewhere this time. It went on-and-on building and the tinnitus in my ears really ramped-up. But as before so many times no colours (except for a touch of green), no dream forming...nothing. I tried visualizing one to no effect...I just really wanted to go to sleep...and eventually I did 7,45 A disturbing dream (I had one like this last year) I was in a classroom and my teacher had popped out somewhere. Some of his gear (coat scarf etc) was on a trolley and it seemed to be possessed and it was rising into the air. Eventually the whole trolley moved across the room and I said to another person "You saw that didn't you?" He seemed to be in denial and that made me angry. He clearly was trying to expunge it from his mind and i decided to exercise my supernatural powers and flew around the room, then swooped down on him trying to terrify him. The teacher returned and wanted to know what was going on. He clearly didn't believe my explanation either and he seemed to be very patronising with me. So I turned on him and got really violent and I started hitting him very hard. I've had other dreams about me turning nasty...I think I have a streak of violence locked deep within me ..."monsters from the id" as Morbius said in the film "Forbidden Planet" I don't think it relates to the fact that other people think we're daft with this LD thing...I'm really not that bothered Maybe the coffee contributed but there's frustration with something...or maybe everything. If I was American I'd be running round with an AK47...because I'm a Brit I'll probably just put a stroppy tweet in my local rag.
Updated 08-26-2014 at 10:12 AM by 63430
I had a good two hour walk on an amazingly clear and beautiful day. I stood on a high point and "communed" with nature and told myself that my brain is me so I am the dreamer and the dreamee. I therefore expect to control my own dreams. I'm not sure Ed was really listening but I won't go away till he does. Only two late dreams last night but I expected that my walkout would tire me some. 6.30 AM Found some dropped items on the floor around an escalator (finding things = DS) Someone losing things = DS) I somehow deduced that a woman with a baby had dropped them and I ascended the escalator with them. I somehow managed to get pissy with two guys who were trying to push through (emotion -anger =DS) Got to the woman and then couldn't find most of the things I had collected up (me losing things = DS) Then the scene apparently changed to me standing on the roof of a house. I was close to falling off and the roof was treacherously wet and slippery and I felt anxious (emotion = DS) for my family????? 8.00 AM I unfortunately turned over as soon as I awoke and I think I lost the front of this dream. I was on a train and I think I had to collect some clues as we travelled through the countryside.(looking for things = DS) I think I'd done the journey once, then repeated the journey...only. this time, the train apparently went beyond it's previous turning point and continued into countryside that was uniformly dark-brown and uninteresting Ed clearly wasn't impressed by my "Head to Ed" so no breakthrough last night but I ain't giving up Ed I'll eventually be so aware that I'll be flying around without dreams so stick that in your Cerebellum and smoke it