Fragment of Dreams
Better...albeit just 2 small, mundane and slightly odd dreams recalled. Thanks threw me a couple of bones. My boss/teacher? (DS) tells me "look up dieters." ??? I scan through a large journal and apparently find some references. (D/S looking for something) I tell my boss/teacher...adding "It should have been entered in the index." My boss (DS) and I are wrestling with a long roll of computer-printout paper. I mean really fighting... this paper must be made out of carbon fibre or something. Eventually I tear through the paper (where's the physics in that?) and he presumably falls backwards (if the physics is working at all) You know, I really felt as if I'd won a major disagreement...small victories. I have a handful of dream signs and that's a good thing I think, because they invariably pop up and surely increase the chances of lucidity when conditions are right...which they're not at the moment. Not much but thanks shows you care.
Only one fragment of a dream today but at least I'm ticking over. I'm working at trying to visualize (maybe it's the way forward) I read somewhere that basic visualizing (for example seeing a red circle) is easier if you can induce the hypnagogic state and I have managed to achieve that once so I'll try that route. 2.30 Myself and one other are on the run from some people. We are moving across a large open area and fearing that our pursuers are close behind. We know that a house belonging to these people is coming up ahead so we branch left into a much more built up area...and that was it. So far, since my return to Dream Views my dreams overall have been less and more disappointing and I can't work out why. I've definitely been working more at ADA, I know all the mantras, and responses by heart. I do have more of a health issue at the moment but I have a hospital appointment and I'm working on this problem. The only other change has been the position of my bed. For the first time for 15 years in this house I'm sleeping north-to-south rather than east-to-west. I can't see any logical reason why that should matter but I will get around to switching back for a few days to at least knock that theory out of the equation. As a by-the-way I've been Googling and I came up with this:- When people slept mostly on their stomach, one of the most common dream subjects was sex, such as believing that they had a secret admirer, often someone famous. Other dream themes that were common for stomach sleepers included feelings of being tied up, being locked up and being unable to move. What is this sleeping position’s connection to dreams of feeling restricted? While that’s not completely understood, the study’s authors say it may be a result of the pressure that’s applied to your face, chest and genitals when sleeping on your stomach. I don't think I'll try this at the moment...I have enough trouble breathing as it is...
4.15 I'm apparently the lead singer (I seem to think) of a 50's type group. (The Diamonds type thing is how I'd like to kid myself ) Away we go with upbeat close harmony and I begin to really get into my groove...I'm really rockin' and my voice soars away and I'm gradually taking over the whole thing. I'm pretty impressed with myself and I think I'm the doggies doodahs but I then sense that I'm maybe I'm hogging the limelight a little too much. Then my bedside alarm (which I'd set for a WBTB) goes off...dream gone and yay!...I did a RC in case of false awakening. Maybe, if the dream had gone on, I might have turned around and found everybody else had stopped and were perhaps staring coldly at me... Downhill from then on, with the snuffles dragging out my back-to-sleep time by at least an hour. 6.15 A fragment. In a phone box I find a set of headphones and a watch and I like to think that I left them there because of my basic honesty...although I somehow seemed to wonder if they had been left there as some kind of trap??? Little Darlin' - The Original Diamonds (2004) - YouTube
Last night I moved my sleep time back to 10PM because the traffic outside my room get's busier from 7AM onwards. (although I doubt that I'll do that every night) I spent the next 2+ hours merely dozing. I'd set my alarm for 3.AM (that usually means I get no awakenings before the alarm but that's OK) I did a short WBTB 4.15 Fragment. In a dark place. Two men who were part of "my team"? were there and I warmly greeting one of them. He then dashed off somewhere and I turned to the other one and started talking to him...but he seemed non-committal. 5.30 In another darkish place with a load of people and their baggage (airport?) I sense that one of my bags has been stolen and I start to grub around, searched the vast piles of other people's baggage, trying to find it...everyone seemed unfazed by me rooting through their bags. I shouted that my bag had been stolen and a woman said "are you saying that a dirty gypsy took it?" I protested that I'd hadn't said anything like that. (this is my major dream sign...looking for something) 8.00 (This one's outrageous) I'm in a large factory workshop (DS) A large crowd of engineers sit around at their tea break (good old traditional British dream). They have strange kettles...large, with a bulbous middle. I hear someone mention about "dreams" and my ears prick up (really?) I cross over and start talking to him about dreams and I say something like "dream characters are supposed to make pretty meaningless conversation but you're making perfect sense." and he agrees (well he would wouldn't he?) His face is seriously distorted. (I trained myself to look for hands, not faces) I would be crushed by this dream but I had one last time where the word "dream" was mentioned. I know from reading here and from past experience that DS's are useful, but by no means guarantee lucidity ...awareness does (which is why I'm working on it) Then you usually know when you're lucid. The incident about my missing shirt on 15/9/14 that triggered my "flash" lucidity isn't one of my dream signs...merely something from one of my previous dreams. I've avoided making it a DS and I'm wondering if DS's for me are a bit of a waste of time...they generally just slap me in the face like a wet fish.
Updated 09-17-2014 at 09:33 AM by 63430
Age brings its problems and it's not easy at the moment. I've solved night leg-pains by changing to a memory-foam mattress. (I must be getting like the Princess and the pea.) But I have increasing problems with my known dust allergy...probably made worse at the moment by my redecorating and off-gassing from the new mattress;- Off Gassing and Memory Foam Of course, waking, staying still with eyes closed and grabbing dreams can do without distractions like this so it's going to take me a while to get there (particularly as I decided to slightly apply the brakes this time around) So far, I haven't woken with the deathly "ill" feeling I occasionally had last time around so that's probably a good strategy. One dream last night, plus one lost because I was coughing and spluttering. 9.00 I'm an athlete (DS = ridiculous) and racing someone up a sharp incline. I'm well ahead and I show off by slowing down and looking around. My nearest competitor nearly catches up and a large man is blocking my way and slows me down even more. I finally only win by the merest touch...and no, I've not being reading the "tortoise and the hare" recently. I've tried analyzing this dream but with no obvious result yet. During the day I'm on track...doing ADA etc. I'm also trying visualizing...trying like hell to "see" shapes. If I can only visualize WILD and DEILD may be my way in. I really cannot see "anything" at the moment so I really want to change that.
Full moon in the Northern hemisphere people. Some researchers say it's a good dream time but the Moon doesn't seem to affect me....not even hairy hands... 4.45 Weird, frankly unpleasant dream. It followed my WBTB after 1 choline and very small coffee. (so far, that experiment always results in "yukky" dreams) Seems to bring out my dark side? With a mixed group at a gathering or party and there's a row of toilets in the centre of the room. Men with their (girlfriends?) piggy-backing decide to sit on the toilets and do their business...still with the women on their backs! Sometimes, when the men finish the women drop off their backs and do their gets worse. One guy stands up and he's still got his woman on his back and she does her business from a height...he notices and says "Ugh!" and lets her drop. Ugh indeed! I'll carry on trying the choline/coffee mix just to see if it always results in an unpleasant or uncomfortable dream...I can't, for the life of me, see why it should but we'll see. 7.30 Fragment Working someplace (DS) and preparing to go off shift. Wandering around, carrying my work clothes and watching the clock as if time was fast running out and not seeming to know what to do or where to put the work clothes (worth turning into a major film do you think?) Slight variation on my major dream sign. The earlier dream, though unpleasant, set me thinking...complete lack of any odour. If you're going to throw dreams like that at me Ed, maybe I'll make lack of odour a DS...then one hint of lavender and it's a dream buddy!
Last night the wife went off to babysit our grand-daughter so the night was mine. Whether to really go for LD or maybe get a woman in? I chose the marginally less difficult option and retired slightly earlier, read some LD stuff and went to sleep at midnight as per usual. 1.20 Somewhere in the Middle East and there was a palpable air of impending seemed to be labour organizations v Government. A local well respected and moderate man had disappeared. "Why him?" someone said. OK short, sad but early...a good fish in the net...then it slowly fell apart. I decided to set my alarm for 5.30 am in time to WBTB and catch the REM happy hours. It took me at least 2½ hours to get to sleep...I lay there and heard the woman next door idle her engine for at least 5 mins before setting off for her boot fair. Her daughter's friend rolled up then waited as the daughter thundered back down the alleyway to get something she'd forgotten...amazing how one slightly-built girl can sound like a rampaging water-buffalo. Bang! door shut...Voom! off they went. Then the wife got home and I decided to WBTB again. 9.15 Walking in a large town for quite a while (although I don't remember much about it) I passed one guy who I thought was laughing at my age and I boldly challenged him. He said he was merely sweating because he'd just come from the gym??? Then he started DC speak about some girl and I reversed direction. When I felt I'd gone far enough I ran really hard (DS = impossible to run hard) back to the town centre. On the way I passed a really amazing landscaped hill, with beautiful plants, statues and waterfalls. I couldn't resist climbing the hill then somehow decided it was somebody's front garden and I stopped climbing. By standing on tiptoe I could just see a large mansion at the top of the hill occurs to me that if I had pushed the lorry over the cliff edge on my dream of 4/9 I would have seen a really amazing vista and if I had climbed the hill last night....why so inhibited? 11.00 I'm a space (trooper?) with an automatic rifle and I'm pursuing aliens (who looked a lot like the Mangalores, from the film "The Fifth Element") on a planet that looked suspiciously like 20th century suburban London. They moved unfairly quickly and I never managed to hit one...I also threw grenades but never actually saw explosions. Then they disappeared and I spent what seemed like ages looking for them (the mega mega mega dream sign) Then I'm closely followed by a young male (noooo...not again!) But he merely wanted to know what I was doing. I went all show-offy and I explained that the aliens were "Karjons" (good name...wonder if it's been used before?) and I was hunting them. Then he launched into DC babble and I woke up. I wish I could condition myself to RC before I get up as well as I seem to be primed to wake at the sound of DC chatter. All that was left to do was explain to my incredulous wife that I hadn't slept for 11 hours "if you take off the time I was up + the time I was sleepless I doubt if I slept for more than 8 hours" (well...I'm convinced)
Another night of frustrated plans, cock-ups and little else...but I've got a idea. I'll switch from bed to living-room recliner throughout the night...a sort of mix-and-match to combat the pain. I may even slip out of the house at aprox 5.00 am every morning for a quick 15 minute walk. When we move to the coast next year I'll put a single recliner in my bedroom to leave the living room clear for the wife when she gets up. Finally, right at the last gasp of the morning I had a dream fragment. "My house" is right on the very edge of a very high escarpment (assumed rather than seen, because a very large van was parked on the edge and blocking the view.) I touched the side of the van but it was so close to the edge I feared I might push it over. But, to the left, there was a gap between the van and the house and I peered round. I saw a vast river valley. The view was so vivid and so breathtaking. Moving through the valley and up towards me was a huge circular spaceship...mind blowing. I'll take that as a visual word of encouragement... my age? No, it's not what you think... The past few days have been desolate. My worst enemy is the pain I experience if I lay down more than about three hours. It forces me to move when I wake and it completely buggers up dream recall (although the dreams have been very faded anyway). Really I've gone backwards this week. So, I've changed tactics. Although I wake up spontaneously after a dream, I've gone back to using an alarm. That way I can wake up after 2-3 hours and move around for a bit and that should help (multiple WBTB's I suppose) Also, although I'm working well on ADA etc... maybe it's too well (my brains even more wrinkled than most of yours and it might be feeling overwhelmed) So it's back to basics. Some ADA and definitely some recall and more pre-bed preparation first thing at night and during WBTB's (read a bit of Deberge maybe and run through a plan (keeping it simple and straight to the point) We'll see. Nothing from the first quarter so I did a WBTB at 6.00 7.00 I'm in a zoo somewhere and it's dark (can't see an animal anywhere so why did I assume it was a zoo?) Some youths are running around and I sense that they're up to no good so I keep out of the way. Then I'm suddenly on a boat. It's apparently a Nile cruise boat? We're passing large vessels and moving quite fast...dangerously even. the captain executes a reckless turning manoeuvre and we seem to be heading back. I heard someone say "Look at those huge ships" and suddenly we're moving down a busy main road in a city centre with not a drop of water in sight.. ...and the seduction? It's that strumpet Fiona WILD...I can't resist her. It's getting now that I only have to lay awake for more than 10 minutes and I start to get SP in my hands and arms. I know by now that it's a false ride but I actually started getting flashes of blue colour (rather than the usual forest-green). I swear that, if I ever get a dream scenario pop up it will be in the middle of Sherwood Forest. So I fell for it...45 minutes later my REM finished and it was "slam thump thank you chump" for me again I'm afraid. Will I ever learn? No I won't...she's such a sexy momma and I'll take what I can get...
Updated 09-03-2014 at 10:22 AM by 63430
On the 24/8 I posted this: " I started from scratch again 19 days ago. I've logged 22 dreams of varying quality...9 of those in the last 4 days (41%)" On 25/8 the various sections of my brain held an inter-departmental meeting to vote on a proposal by Ed that I "really need to be taught a lesson" Consequently, after 2 dreams on 25/8 I had no dream record for the next two days...bringing my percentage down. (I tried to calculate the % and my brain hurt so I gave up) Damn you brain departments! Although it might be moon phases. I've read about the new moon disrupting dreams and I did a short survey last time but couldn't back up the claim. On the "dreamless days in question (26/8 & 27/8) it was the last day of a new moon and the beginning of a waxing crescent. But I had reasonable dreams on 24/8 and 25/8 (beginning of new moon) so, if it does affect dreams there have to be other factors as well, which either increase or decrease the affect. Of course any truth would mean happy times during a full moon (next one is 9/9) Anyway. 2 choline - blueberries - strawberries 28/8 Two weedy little dreams 6.15 A benefit office (DS) I'm sitting in an armchair, bored to tears, as the manager (who I knew but worked in an entirely different environment years before) withered on about benefits...not an exciting subject at the best of times. My wife (who was there...well it's a dream isn't it?) said did I know I still had my pyjamas on? I trundled off to rectify the situation. 8.30 In a caravan (again..why?) with some workmates (DS) I vaguely recognized and we were playing with toys (again...why?) to pass the time We were also sleeping sometimes (DS) Still working at ADA and the other disciplines. Once more into the breach.
An interesting night. 2 choline, blueberries, purple grape juice. 5.30 Fragment. Admiring my thick bronze-coloured hair in a mirror? At my age, even a comb-over is a plus. Got up for a short while, had a small coffee then BTB. It took me a while to go off (it sometimes take a longish time with or without a coffee.) There followed a long period where I got really strong sensations like I used to have when trying to WILD (I wasn't trying to this time...I just wanted to go to sleep.) I got SP - which I now always ignore and a sensation in my head that I was really going somewhere this time. It went on-and-on building and the tinnitus in my ears really ramped-up. But as before so many times no colours (except for a touch of green), no dream forming...nothing. I tried visualizing one to no effect...I just really wanted to go to sleep...and eventually I did 7,45 A disturbing dream (I had one like this last year) I was in a classroom and my teacher had popped out somewhere. Some of his gear (coat scarf etc) was on a trolley and it seemed to be possessed and it was rising into the air. Eventually the whole trolley moved across the room and I said to another person "You saw that didn't you?" He seemed to be in denial and that made me angry. He clearly was trying to expunge it from his mind and i decided to exercise my supernatural powers and flew around the room, then swooped down on him trying to terrify him. The teacher returned and wanted to know what was going on. He clearly didn't believe my explanation either and he seemed to be very patronising with me. So I turned on him and got really violent and I started hitting him very hard. I've had other dreams about me turning nasty...I think I have a streak of violence locked deep within me ..."monsters from the id" as Morbius said in the film "Forbidden Planet" I don't think it relates to the fact that other people think we're daft with this LD thing...I'm really not that bothered Maybe the coffee contributed but there's frustration with something...or maybe everything. If I was American I'd be running round with an AK47...because I'm a Brit I'll probably just put a stroppy tweet in my local rag.
Updated 08-26-2014 at 10:12 AM by 63430