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    Well I’m back (again)…my third reincarnation.

    by , 03-01-2015 at 10:09 AM (719 Views)
    …and that’s very appropriate as it turns out. Despite some reservations about this site it’s never out of my mind and I always feel drawn back to it.

    This is not a good time for me and lucidity. We’re due to move some time this year, I’m working at getting our property to its best state for maximum equity and I’ve still got health problems.

    It’s difficult to become LD with breathing problems, headaches and the other distractions so I’m merely ticking over at present. I do hardly any preparation, no long walks and precious little awareness. I’ve only had 2 LDs since I left but that’s OK because I’m still ticking over with dream recall…I’m not going forward but I’m in a holding pattern.

    …and that should change this year. Hopefully a new coastal home, an operation due shortly and no more work, work, work. But I have ambitions beyond lucidity now…my dream interest led to melatonin and that led to the pineal gland, DMT, Rick Strassman and reincarnation.

    It all chimes so much with me. I’ve always been looking for answers…the main dream signs for me are looking, seeking, where am I ? what am I doing? Religions aren’t for me…I find them too tribal, too caught up in dogma and ceremony. But Buddhism has always intrigued me.

    Most of Strassman’s theories are still unproven but there’s enough in it to draw me in that direction. My own dream experiences tell me that, beyond the “adventure” side of dreaming, awareness is everything. Without that (unless you’re one of the few lucky SOBs with natural chemical advantages) we aren’t really going that far.

    Without awareness, we could be riding an elephant down a High Street full of pixies and aliens and be blissfully unaware of the insanity of all that until we wake up.

    We live in a mad World and it’s getting madder by the minute…and it might also be a dream anyway…better structured of course, tighter plot, more sophisticated CGI…but perhaps a dream nonetheless.

    I have pressing reasons to up my awareness big-time because, if the Buddhists are right and we do reincarnate…and their offer of a way out is valid, then I want out…and, at 70, time isn’t on my side.

    Big changes afoot now …then nose to the grindstone later this year…back on the dream track, bags of meditation, long coastal walks…maybe even join a local Buddhist group. No shaven head or robes for me though…orange doesn’t go with my eyes.

    Till then I’ll log a batch of dreams occasionally and I’ll see what develops. Ever onward.

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    1. FryingMan's Avatar
      Welcome back, again (again!)!

      The most awesome thing about raised awareness is that it doesn't take much really to get started. Just take a moment now and then to slow down, look around, take a deep breath, and realize that *you* are *here*, *now*.

      A lot of the Buddhist teachings/practices resonate with me too, but I'm not Buddhist, you don't have to be.

      I've had a big surge in vividness and presence in dreams over the last half year, I credit this to the combination of continued (non-stop) work on dream recall, and daytime awareness (basically, just *paying attention*, it's not really any more involved than that!).
    2. LukeSid's Avatar
      Hi Frying Man...glad to hear you're doing well. I'll pop in now and again over the next few months then hopefully, with nose unblocked and horizons stretched I'll get back fully onto the dream machine again.

      What I'll really be reaching for is the ability to recognize the "ground luminosity" at the point of death and that will only happen if I can develop my awareness/mindfulness to the best of my ability.

      Also, have you seen this? (Not sure whether I mentioned this before) This really turns me on

      I'd take DMT like a shot (although, at my age it might kill me) I'd certainly take it if I knew I was near to death. Maybe getting it will be easier by then.
