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    18.1.11 Non-lucid again.

    by , 01-18-2011 at 01:10 PM (460 Views)
    Well, I remember discussing family oddities with Fonzie while my little sister did something involving dolls in the other room, then I woke up and crashed again.

    Then I dreamed that I was desperate for a place to study, so bad that I broke into the first church I ever went to. Now, this place is a common element in my dreams, but it's always a building with one of those layouts that you can never escape from. Open an exit, it opens to the entrance on the other side of the building, and all that.

    Well, I opened a door to one of the classrooms, hoping for a table and chairs to work with, and found a pastor there. He said he was going to call the police unless I watched a video the church had prepared. It seems that they had been having problems with burglars, and even with all my homework on my back I couldn't convince him that I wasn't interested in theft. I just wanted to study. I had homework due.

    But he made me sit down and watch a cartoon (with anthropomorphic animals, no less!) about how no matter what my friends thought, breaking into buildings was "not cool." Very cliche.

    "Look, Miss. The person breaking into that church is a rat. You don't want to be a rat, do you?"
    "You do realize that I'm 26, right? Not 5?"
    "This isn't funny, Miss. This is very serious. This is your future we're talking about. You're on the road to drugs and prostitution."
    "That's nice. Can I do my homework while I watch this?"

    Finally he let me go, so late that not only had I missed my assignment, but the class it was for. I had flunked my class. He asked me if I ever wanted to break into a church again, and I told him that I was never setting foot in any church again. I think I added a "you bastard" to that. On my way out, I found his a woman by the side of the road with a blown tire, and offered to give her a ride. Turned out she was the pastor's wife, come to pick him up from guard duty. I dropped her off back at the church, and the pastor started cheering that he had saved another lost youth. I flipped him off as I left.

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