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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. 18.1.11 Non-lucid again.

      by , 01-18-2011 at 01:10 PM
      Well, I remember discussing family oddities with Fonzie while my little sister did something involving dolls in the other room, then I woke up and crashed again.

      Then I dreamed that I was desperate for a place to study, so bad that I broke into the first church I ever went to. Now, this place is a common element in my dreams, but it's always a building with one of those layouts that you can never escape from. Open an exit, it opens to the entrance on the other side of the building, and all that.

      Well, I opened a door to one of the classrooms, hoping for a table and chairs to work with, and found a pastor there. He said he was going to call the police unless I watched a video the church had prepared. It seems that they had been having problems with burglars, and even with all my homework on my back I couldn't convince him that I wasn't interested in theft. I just wanted to study. I had homework due.

      But he made me sit down and watch a cartoon (with anthropomorphic animals, no less!) about how no matter what my friends thought, breaking into buildings was "not cool." Very cliche.

      "Look, Miss. The person breaking into that church is a rat. You don't want to be a rat, do you?"
      "You do realize that I'm 26, right? Not 5?"
      "This isn't funny, Miss. This is very serious. This is your future we're talking about. You're on the road to drugs and prostitution."
      "That's nice. Can I do my homework while I watch this?"

      Finally he let me go, so late that not only had I missed my assignment, but the class it was for. I had flunked my class. He asked me if I ever wanted to break into a church again, and I told him that I was never setting foot in any church again. I think I added a "you bastard" to that. On my way out, I found his a woman by the side of the road with a blown tire, and offered to give her a ride. Turned out she was the pastor's wife, come to pick him up from guard duty. I dropped her off back at the church, and the pastor started cheering that he had saved another lost youth. I flipped him off as I left.
    2. 17.1.11 Non-lucid, WTF???

      by , 01-18-2011 at 02:53 AM
      Somehow, I wound up neighbors with Duncan McLeod, and he was teaching me to swordfight. I wasn't an immortal, it was just for fun. There was something involving My Little Ponies, and my old church, and of course a fight. I don't think I want any more details, really. This was quite enough 90's flashback for me.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. 16.1.11- vague, little memory

      by , 01-16-2011 at 10:59 PM
      I know it involved a movie theatre, watching Lord of the Rings. Something was far enough off about it that I even noticed it in the dream. Someone had a gun, or the characters jumped off the screen, or something. I remember a lot of action, and blood, and popcorn. It was the same Mall movie theatre that I've seen a few times, with the geography all skewed, but I didn't notice the odd geography at the time.

      There may have been kids with me. Whose they would have been is a complete mystery, though.
      dream fragment
    4. 18.12.10, have been behind in journalling, bad me.

      by , 12-19-2010 at 12:42 PM
      Hmm. The first one involved visiting a city on an island, but unfortunately the island was raised (and balanced, eek) on a stone pillar a couple of hundred feet in the air. I decided not to visit, as I get vertigo and am scared of heights in my dreams. So I took the giant climbing rope with which people were supposed to visit, and played ultimate rope swing with it. Wheeee! I woke from a delicious sense of freefall.

      Second and third, don't remember. I've been sleeping in 2-3 hour shifts, had several over the last couple of days. I just can't keep track of everything, can I?

      Last sleep, I dreamed that I was attending a CLC church (nightmare fuel, for my mind: no good memories there) lunch before a big service, with my parents, my husband's grandmother, and my granddad. BTW, Granddad's still dead IRL. Grandma-in-law's still alive and awesome. My dad did something I can't remember, but I was so offended that I told him I didn't want to see him in public anymore today and I left.

      Next thing I know, Dad's driving me towards the big house that my husband and I just bought. While I was getting offended at CLC, my husband and our two future-cohabitants were getting all moved in. I was going home, but Dad keeps "missing" the house. He drives past it over and over and over, until in anger I get out of the car in a traffic jam (road is somehow full of RVs) and try to walk there. But now, it's suddenly on a 50 foot high plateau. Somehow I'm not bothered by the heights, and begin to climb with no trouble whatsoever up the cliffs. I get about halfway up, and wake up.

      This is very odd to me. IRL, I'm almost never this angry with my father. Since I started journaling, my mother finally left my mind and now Dad seems to be taking her place of sadism. Why???

      The two high goals remind me of a common theme in my subconscious: staircases. There is often a staircase, a long one, that I can never master. I've had missing stairs that couldn't be passed, endless stairwells, vertigo, and moving stairs throwing me off. A rope ladder is another climbing tool, and this time I simply dropped the goal and enjoyed the ride. Once I became angry and determined enough, I could scrap the stairs completely and make it up without trouble. I've made it to the top once, years ago, and what I found I'm still unready to discuss.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. 14.14.10, non-lucid first level and lucid-ish second level

      by , 12-14-2010 at 09:15 AM
      Has simply trying to do something about my subconscious visitors done the trick? Also, Inception mind-screwed me quite nicely. Loving it.

      The first thing I remember was the second level of the dream. I was dreamscaping, doing a favor for the landlord of an apartment building that was a strange hybrid of the house where I grew up and the apartment building where I live now. I never manage to dream about any building where I actually live, if I do I know it's an OBE. Hasn't happened for some time, though.

      I can't remember what the second level was, but it dealt with my old dollhouse (Haha, Christopher Nolan!) and I was wrapping metallic gold thread around something, like a small spool or something but it felt like a craft of some kind. I think the small something was soft.

      I was lucid on a certain level, that the second level was a dream. A phone call woke me to the first level, which was not lucid. I vaguely remember returning to the second level, because I remember playing out some of the cliches of Inception (How did I get here???). But the phone turned out to be my Dad calling to say "Hello." We chatted about what was going on, I told him about the favor, and I mentioned that I smelled an odd kind of smoke. Dad became Overprotective Dad, getting all skittish that something was wrong. I told him that it was probably just the heater (apparently, this smell was normal?) and that any tenant could fix it so the handyman neighbor would probably be down soon to deal with it.

      I got off the phone and wandered downstairs to find the landlord (who was somehow Willem Dafoe...) talking with the handyman neighbor who doesn't exist IRL. I mentioned quietly that the favor was done, and the neighbor said that something was very wrong with the heater. Dafoe made a crack that he wasn't getting much of his investment back on THIS building and left without doing anything. I made a comment about him being a slumlord, and woke up.

      This time I was so confused at the first level being a dream that IRL I started checking for oddities. Pinch hurts, and I'm in my own apartment, though I always think that I'm in my own home so I COULD be wrong. And Hubby's here, more evidence that I'm awake. I even broke my first rule of surreality by looking into a mirror and a dark window. Freddy Kreuger's not there. I still haven't looked too closely at the TV, though. No nerve.