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    Comp Night 11 - Little Time, Lotta Dreams

    by , 06-13-2023 at 11:00 PM (139 Views)
    Kinda rushing this entry because I have a lot of work to do Slept at around 11:30.

    Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
    A circus troupe was holding their own lucid dreaming comp. Woke at 4:20, DJ and WILD attempt.

    Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
    There was a "discord pancake" I wanted to eat. It was thick, had its own custom pan, and required nine minutes to cook. I put it in the pan with some broth and waited for it to finish boiling as the clock counted down.

    I tried to set a timer on Alexa, but it wasn't working, which stressed me out more than it should have. I went to the bathroom, still holding the pan, and the pancake finished cooking. I didn't care anymore because at that point, I was going a little cuckoo with frustration. I looked in the mirror and laughed maniacally, ignoring the fact that I was freaking myself out. I did a jittery dance, sliding down the wall and cackling into the dark.

    The dance ended up rousing me, and when I opened my eyes at 4:50 I was literally vibrating. I'm glad I woke though, because that dream sucked. DJ and WBTB.

    Dream #3 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
    A teacher was explaining lucid dreaming to a class of elementary schoolers. Woke at 5:14, and might have had another dream in between this and the next one, but I'm not sure.

    Dream #4 (Non-Lucid):
    My dog Nile was being cute, sticking out his tongue and yawning and spinning in little circles. I took out my phone to record him. It took a while to load up and I worried he would stop before it did, but in the end I got some good frames.

    He picked up a mound of socks and I pointed disapprovingly at him, shouting, "Hey! Drop it!" He did. "Good boy!"

    I got a treat from the kitchen and singsonged, "I'll give you a treat so tasty, you'll never forget it again!~"

    Woke at 5:55. Jotted it down and attempted WILD, though I didn't have much time left.

    Dream #5 (Fragments, Non-Lucid):
    I had small, crimson hives on my thumb. I went to the bathroom and put ointment on it—the sensation was quite vivid. I was stressed out because I had an important assignment to turn in that day.

    (This is in my notes but I have no idea what it means: "Wolves… besee we poor... Felt loyer.")

    Later I was in a bunk bed, in a cabin-like building. An elderly dragon lady passed by, wearing bath robes and everything. I apologized for existing and said goodnight. She haughtily said it back and I wondered if she hated me, but thought it unlikely.

    Electronic Japanese music started playing and
    my alarm woke me up at 6:15. Interestingly, my thumb was actually itchy IWL.


    WBTB - 2 points
    Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment (x2): 1 point
    Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x3): 3 points
    Dragons Theme - 5 points
    (3 comments - 1 point)
    Tonight's sum: 12 points
    Previous sum: 125 points

    Comp total: 137 points
    Iluzjusz and Harlequin like this.

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    Updated 06-13-2023 at 11:09 PM by 99938 (added comment points)

    Tags: competition
    non-lucid , dream fragment
