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    Basic II -sneak up on DC and scare -succeded..Im not a spooker

    by , 06-18-2020 at 08:34 PM (338 Views)
    Basic ii -sneak up on DCs - Succeded!
    In the dream, I'm at school, in a classroom that seems to be 3rd grade. but wait! I think to myself, I finished High School and College, why am I here..??
    Then 3 girls come to my desk and I get distracted.. They started putting glue or more like slime on my desk, one of them mixes some brown and black paint on it, and tells me this is a cake for you..! As I intended to do an RC. splaaattt!! goes all over my face! I remained calm and think to myself, "This is just a dream", immediately I remembered the basic II task. I stand up, raising my both hands up, just like a lagune monster emerging from a swamp. Then I see a group of boys and I do a loud gggroooaarrr!!! they all start running away, knocking some desks down..
    Then the teacher starts yelling, "What is this mess?!!" I started wiping my face off like if nothing has happened.
    Lang and JakeMcDake like this.

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