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    1. TOTM- advanced ll- milk a cowboy's hat- succeded!

      by , 07-18-2020 at 06:45 PM
      This time I'm on a vast field, seems like a farm, a girl is riding a pony, attached to some wooden wagon. She's going around an aplpe tree, my view zooms into the girls face, and I notice she's a friend from my childhood. I feel transported to the wagon, I hang right behind it, but my friend haven't noticed. I grip and hold on tighter as she picks up the speed, now my feet are flapping in the air, just like a flag! The pressure in my hands are building so much that I feel an uncomftable pain, in the center of the palm, I let go one of my hands, just to see what's causing the pain. (To my surprise Im still holding an amethyst pendulum, that I wrapped around my fingers, before drifting to deep sleep!) I look at my hand, and it looks purple/blue! I'm dreaming! I immediately let go my other hand and get left behind with the wind.

      I have landed in a small western village, to the distance I see I sign, apparently they're giving away some used items. I feel transported towards the sign and it has chaged to some other kind of advertaisment, I decide to take another glance at my hands and a quick rubbing. I go in the shop, and I don't see anybody at first, I look to my right, and two cowboys are aproaching towards me. They're holding two black frames, in both of them I see two naked cowboys, just wearing a brown hat, a big belt with shiny buckles and decorations, around their waste, and the typical cowboy boots. One of them says with an accent: "doh ya' wunt hem?" I say: "sure!" (thinking I could use them to frame my own artworks)
      The other man asks: "are ya' from tha city?". I say: "no, but I live near the woods". He asks again: " do ya' know how to milk a cow?" (The instant click for the TOTM!!). I say: "no, but I bet I can milk one of ya'll hats!, this time I spin around to stabilize the dream, and when I slow down I ask one of the man: " may I have your hat?" he says: " well let's see what ya' can do!", then he hands me the brown hat.
      I grabbed the hat by each end and start twisting it slowly, as it gets tighter and tighter, the hat starts to shrink. (I think I'm screwed, because that's not how someone would usually milk a cow!), so I turned the hat vertically and I started doing a pulling down motion, slowly, from the bottom end.

      The hat is now looking more like a piping pastry bag
      , two silky drops coming down towards the floor! it works!, the man are just staring at it. I kneeled down, and I smell some honey with a hint of onion. (shit it must be the sweat of his forehad, I think) I dip my finger in it, and then tasted it, and as I tought, sweet and salty...I spitted out, and goes right on the man's boot, he reacts by saying: "dem boya' got lot'all boooaaalls!. I feel a punch coming, and I douge it. I try to run as fast as I can but I get tangled in one of the frames, one of the man grabs my shirt and shreds it off.. I drop to the floor and crawl under a counter, covered by some fabric, then I 'm looking at an uneven board, I see is a compartment on the floor, I opened quickly and go in some secret staircase. Now is pitch black, and I can feel my WL body, so I remain ralaxed. Then my body starts shaking..! (it's my youngest son Gabriel, rocking me back and fort, because he needs my company by his bed..so I go with him.
      Spoiler for amethyst pendulum :

      Updated 07-19-2020 at 02:55 AM by 40904

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the month
    2. Fitting through a small vetical gap on a screen, in some metal structure. LD!

      by , 07-17-2020 at 12:32 AM
      I am inside a building, it's really dark inside. A girl is helping a boy to find is hat. I offer my help and start searching in the a dark hallway. I see something brown, couple of feet away. As I get there, I see a brown cowboyhat, I ask them: " is this the one your looking for?". She says: "yes, you found it! I give it to the girl, she reshapes, cleans, and gives it to the boy. I see he's wearing the hat happily.

      Now I'm outside, in front of a metal gate or some mesmerizing structure. My vision focuses on a specific spot, then I zoom into a small, round screen, with vertical lines. I'm absorbed by the screen, and transport myself inside one of the gaps, only a small niddle would fit through.

      I'm foating inside the structure and is dark, but as I look upwards, I see some silhouettes floating. It seems to be animal figures, foating altogether, in a horizontal line. As a wonder in amazement I find my own hands! I Immediately know I'm dreaming, I wonder around, so I feel I need stabilize the dream by doing a quick RC, by checking closely my hands. My right one seems smaller, and my left one has 6 fingers. I look a few objects and back to my hands, then a little rubbing. It's pretty stable the dream, and I look at the wall to see if I can find a clock to track time. To my surprise there's a round clock, it's around 3:30. I see is glowing and has an image. I'm going to keep walking, but I feel the need to see the image. First I see an electric guitar, as I keep staring at it, there's Jesus holding the guitar, facing sideways, and he's carrying a drum around his shoulder.

      I walk outside the building, but feels more like a house now. Outside is kind of foggy, but rainbow colors all around. To my left I see some pine trees and I see some hunters shooting from a distance. I quickly walk towards a garage and I try to close the door but It only closes halfway ; the hunters arrive and pull the door upwards. I'm halfway lucid, so I tell one of them: "just shoot me", while I put my chest out. Then I change mi mind, I'm don't want to get shot! They drop some bullets, and I start juggling them, pretty much struggling. I feel the tension building, until finally get shot in the stomach!
      ( a red light blinks, is nothing but the REM mask! Dang it!

      Updated 07-17-2020 at 12:39 AM by 40904

      memorable , lucid , non-lucid
    3. Wearing just my underwear in church.

      by , 07-16-2020 at 02:39 AM
      In the dream I was back in NJ, at the church I used to go. Some children are playing around in the church's basemant. At one point they needed to read the bible, so I ofered to go and find one. I go upstairs, and in one of the rooms, before the altar, I find Cesar, the deacon. I asked him if he has a bible available, and he says sure, here you go. I take the small bible and head out to the basement, but instead I go the wrong way and I end up on the left side of the altar, 3 benches away from it. I go towards the benches and I dock, not to be seen. Then I realize that I'm just wearing my underwear, now I'm really screwed in here, I think. My perseption shifts toward the midle lane; a blonde lady comes through, preaching outloud, and walking like in a beauty pageant. I think to myself "this lady is so chill, she doesn't even care what the priest or people would say about her". All the atettion focuses on her, but now she's sitting down with her family and she is taking about a testimony of life, some kind of miracle that hapened in her life. I couldn't remember exactly what she said about it.

      Note: This is one of my recurring dreams, since I moved 5 years ago, from NJ. to NC. I did quit going to church around the time I learned about Lucid Dreaming. The priest was actually a good friend of mine, but never got back in touch with him since then. I feel I should call him and say: "hello padre! ARE You DREAMING!!!"
    4. TOMTM- Basic l I - speaking a foreing language to a DC. succeeded!

      by , 07-12-2020 at 03:09 AM
      I'm on a street as usual I don't know where I am. There's tour guide?! who tells me to go and see these two other guys in order to travel in town. So I go to find them aroun the corner. There I am, again looking at a street sign. The letters are white, on a blue background. the letters are starting switching then I try to read the sign but it's almost impossible but then I see a name, it says "Biergärten Örinhnen"..I Think I'm in Germany! I'm in a dream!, I Look up and sure enogh, the architecture looks exactly as it should. Then to make sure I look again to the sign and all I see is: "yäöööä!", I get the giggles and keep on going and rubbing my hands a bit to stabilize lucidity.
      There I see a vehicle, but is more like the cargo of a truck, without a cabin, maybe wheels, and is half way opened. There are two German dudes, standing to the left side of the cargo, resting the arms on some metal hangers. I think to myself, this is my chance to speak a foreign language.! "Hallo mein Namen ist Dorian". One of the men: oh!, isn't your namen Jordian?
      (I think to myself again, the tour guide must have given a different name) nein, (no),I'm Dorian! They laugh and go on with their own talk..
      My perception shifts to the left, and I can see there are a few maps on a screen, and the locations where we would be traveling..Aparently in a very short of time, since the vehicle has a special technology. I look down and there's the cabin, below the ground. Now I'm sitting there, and a lady is next to me, in front of me there are 3 boys; she's tapping on top of their heads with her left leg, she's wearing sandals..
      I notice I'm getting caught in the drama and as I try to rub my hands again the dream vanishes..

      Man I really wanted to try one beer...

      Updated 07-12-2020 at 03:28 AM by 40904

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the month
    5. I watch an actor falling from a bed.

      by , 07-10-2020 at 04:10 AM
      I'm inside of a building, in Jersey City, NJ. I'm on the top floor. Two man pass by and grab red condoms, one each, from a basket near the exit door. They exit the room, and I'm watching from behind. I aproach the door and across the stair I see a man sleeping in a hospital bed. My vision zooms in, and I could see clearly is John Travolta. He is sleeping deeply after a long travel; I notice he is too close to an edge of the small room, sure enough he rolls over the bed rails and falls to a deeper ground level. I see how he rolls in his blanket, like a burrito, until I loose sight of him. I levitate down towards him and try to focus my view, since is darker in this area. I see him getting out of a small door, he seems confused, and I help him getting back to bed, then I exit the room.
    6. Couple of dream fragments- REM Dreamer

      by , 07-05-2020 at 11:17 PM
      Im in some hallway and people start grabbing red chairs, they are passing at a fast pace by my side. I tried to grab one but I think one of my exgirlfriends has it already, and she walks away.

      On this seen my exgirlfriend appears again, we're on a balcony and as I'm looking down, I tell her: "look at the white statues linning up, those are the children of the Virgen Of Fatima"(she was very devoted to saints of the Catholic church, probl. until now). Then the scene changes and I'm really close to her, then I'm on top of her, we're laying down in some stairway. Then she tell me: "now you have to marry me". (I feel really puzzeld since we're already married w/ children).

      Now I'm in some kind of artshow or gallery, there's a big crowd of people, and someone is walking by me. When I enter a room there's a young female artist, doing really simple custom drawings for sale. I see her drawing with colorpencils, some kind of blue unicorn, with it's eyes closed. the costumer says something like: "look, for lucid dreaming" .(since I'm an artist, instead of feeling some envy, I say: "I hope she continues to be very successful in her works".

      Note: More clues from the REM mask highlated on red.
      On first fragment I see how the red chairs disguises as the led lights blinking on the mask.
      Also the white statues linning up disguises as the afterflash and series of clues, of the mask.
      Again there's the importance of doing a RC during the day when bright colors appear, linning up items and so on...Being aware of any surroundings and elements in walking life. Then becoming aware and gain lucidity in the dream.

      Updated 07-05-2020 at 11:19 PM by 40904

    7. At the theatre- (excercising w/ REM-Dreamer mask)

      by , 07-01-2020 at 03:20 PM
      I'm in a theater, there's a man DC sitting to my right. I see a lot of empty seats and I'm hearing some chattering behind, in one corner of the room. (I seemed to be distracted and don't remember seing anything on the screen, or if there was any screen at all. I need to be more aware of my surroundings!).
      Then the chatering gets louder and louder, I started thinking was a group of people that I know.
      My view changes to the entrance of the room, there's a robust lady, light skin and with some make up on..( I could see in the dark?! ). The laddy is waiting for a signal to turn the lights on. I look in the corner again and see a dad watching his kid jumping and making noises, seems to be autistic. I switch back to the lady and lights go on, not quite bright enough to brighten the whole room. Now I see the DC, next to me, wearigh a bright white shirt, stands up and looks at me, I say: have a good one..He turns around and walks towards the exit.
      Now I see a kid carring, or better hugging a cardboard box that's almost braking apart, he's strugling to carry it, as he gets closer and closer I see some leafy, colorful begetables. I want to help him but he doesent let go much. I'm barely holding it in one corner..I think: "probably he need some excersise carring stuff. We exit the room together, and now we're in a big bright hallway. As we put the box down I see he has lost a big amount of weight!, hes abdome is looking a lot slimer. (He looks like one of my special ed. students) I look at the box again, now opened, I see some carrots, a cabage, and other leafy greens.

      I have decided to wear the REM- dreamer again, every other day. I was able to wear the a REM mask almost all night!, usually I would take it off while sleeping; of course as I analize and highlited on red, anything could be a real disguise. From vegetables to the make up on a person.
      Blinking signals of the mask could also disguise as the kid jumping up and down; (not so much the noise since the sound mode was off)... And so on, it's a great tool but still requieres lots of practice and not recomended for people with seisures!
      Cute Flash Animation-20200701_101724.jpg

      Updated 07-01-2020 at 04:21 PM by 40904

      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    8. Lots of shootings

      by , 07-01-2020 at 02:28 AM
      I'm outside in some unknown street, afternoon time and there seems to be a stadium behind me. Then out of the sudden I hear gun shots, and people started running. I dock a little and I'm a bit concerned because I don't see where the shooting is coming from. Then I see a car coming, my perception zooms and goes inside of it, there are about 5 coworkers from the school I use to work in. JO, a teacher is on the wheel, she steps on the gas as she comes near a curbside, near the side walk Im standing by. Apparently a gang, commanded by some french girls are shooting guns all over...
      I manage to go away from the shooting and now I'm calmer, I'm sitting on a bench, trying to read an e-sign with red leters moving from right to left. Then a DC, male, appears on my right and shoots me on the torso. I fell in slow motion while feeling a strong jolt from the shot impact, that transitions to WL. Then I wake up.
    9. Monkeying around...

      by , 06-26-2020 at 01:24 AM
      The monkey kid

      I'm surrounded by people as I watch a Kid wearing a monkey mask made out of paper. Hes going to sing a silly song if we pay him..he starts a demo, sounds like some kinda cumbia-rap and I start laughing.

      A Complex mechanism

      I'm picking up smaller pieces of some machine, on a sail boat's deck, from the 1900s? a man is explaining each of it's functions, and he's also folding biger pieces of the complex machine; it's astrong material that I don't know of.
      I believe I'm still at the boat's deck
      As I'm staring at a couple I say out loud: "every where I go I find some humble people. A voice says everywere? Yes, in every experience, I say as direct to the cople: "yes you two" a man and a woman in their 40s. To my surprise a character vanishes poof!! leaving a black smoky cloud!, (like that one in D. love intro).. Just like if he was waiting for me to say it.. Then in my head.."I know them from somewhere".

      Then I see this other DC, slim and pale, sitting alone..I try to say a complement as I get closer. He turns me away with a unfriendly look, I tell him "oh that's ok..I keep walking by and try to show calm..but didn't expect his reaction at all, I'm feeling a little embarrassed.
      Hes worried or concerned about something.
      Then my perception then shifts to the front of the ship. I see a small silver statue of an elderly man, he seems to be trapped in the rigfront side of the ship. I feel he need to be released from some kind of curse.

      Fragmented ones..
      DC pulling another character that refuses to walk, he escapes and goes over over wall, more like a small room without roof, then drops some items from above.

      Cesar, a friend from my old town, Medellin, Colombia. critices me for having some belly.
      At the same time another friend, female, is offering some beauty products.
      Then I tell Cesar, I need to do more resistance exercises, instead of just cardio..He's looking more muscular than ever. We ride a short distance together, in some scooters.

      Eating dessert at a some event. I offered to some people. I getting very close to a sexy blonde, with green eyes sitting down, on panties, with her legs bent and crossed...
      A stage filled black giant puddles, seems to be a show or contest, as they're lining up, they turn into bizarre human characters.
      The one I remember is a headbold guy, white complexity and is covering a red nipple, with dog's hair..

      Updated 06-26-2020 at 01:27 AM by 40904

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    10. TOMTM- Basic I -feel the wind blowing- succeeded!

      by , 06-24-2020 at 04:04 PM
      I'm venturing on an unknown street, can't remember where I was coming from.., it's night time. I passed a sign on the right side of the street, I take a quick look, it's sort of educational, but wait I saw a middle finger picture on it?!. At this moment I'm looking 360 *, like if I have eyes on the back of my head, about 3 feet away, letters are mixed hallway letters and the rest pictures. I Walk back, to take a closer look. All lettering and pictures keep changing, I say: yes! is a dream!, I look in the dark sky, with a bright moon semi-covered w/clouds.., "thank God" I start rubbing my hands together, (for the first time in a while!) about 3 sec. dream time.
      Now I keep walking in the opposite direction. I say on my head: "Now let's feel the wind!! ". A comforting cool breeze arrives, fresher than normal WL temperature, I could feel it on face and arms..It's pitch black
      ..Did I close my dream eyes??
      Then dream shifts, I Appear inside one of those huge dinosaurs, inflatable suits. My perception shifts outwards, I'm looking at a cropped view of it, the neck, I know I'm inside... now what?? I started waking up around 3. I hear the dream clue from my phone right afterwards...

      Updated 06-24-2020 at 07:36 PM by 40904

      lucid , memorable , task of the month
    11. Amphibian on wheels

      by , 06-22-2020 at 12:54 PM
      ...after some other dream scene, I'm in a dark street, a man is yelling as he's pointing to some bug: "there it is!, it was in our boat before!" The insect keeps moving but I could hardly see it. Then I change the view to a house, couple of feet away, seems more like a building with a big garage. I focus on it and I see some creature, with long extremities crawling on the wall; the man insists on catch it, but I think to myself: "he should leave it alone, he could harm it". I see clearly now! the man grabs a frog, it's all striped black and goldenrod, from head to toe, it changes in size (of course I'm fixing my attention on it). He puts wheels on all extremities, starting with the left hand. He's planning on getting inside the amphibian, which is now bigger than him, so he decides to ride it!
    12. Mom and I driving a van wrecklesly, on a broken bridge.

      by , 06-20-2020 at 04:26 PM
      In the dream, my mom is complaining about how dirty the van is, as she starts wiping down the upholstery and around the dashboard..apparently was left a mess after some previews trip, according to her.
      This van reminds me of the one we used to have in NJ., a 1972 Ford!, a heavy-duty mechanic steering wheel, a real workout!...back to the subject, I sat on the passenger seat, and of course my mom is driving. ( , my mom doesn't drive until this day. IWL). As she starts driving, I see at the distance, a huge bridge, more like the George W. B. This bridge is only 3 wide lanes, and the floor is wooden boards ??! and mom takes the middle.
      I start noticing there are missing boards on the bridge, and the tension starts to build up inside me.
      Then I feel couple of bumps here and there, we're not going too fast, about 30 to 40 mph. The gaps between the wooden boards are getting bigger and bigger, now I'm really tense.. Then my attention gets fixed on how we will be able to make it through an incoming gap, about 1 foot wide; so now I feel we're stuck... I look in front, there aren't any boards on all three lanes, only some type of iron rails dividing them , but I could glance at what it seems the other side of the bridge; one or two-man are standing couple hundred feet apart from us..
      We're hanging in the bridge, so desperate need, my mom goes on reverse (well, my intention goes R..)
      Mom steps on the gas with no hesitation..all the way! I start thinking shit! the incoming traffic, I see cars zooming by, we're recklessly driving on R. to where the bridge started and beyond..
      We finally slow down after about half mile. My vision and perception zooms in and out of the van, video camera like, I see cars fast and slow-motion simultaneously, trafic is coming as close as 12 in. apart..
      Next thing I know, the police arrives with multiple cars, I think cameras on the bridge must have seen that scene
      A female accompanied by other two police officers approach us calmly by the side of the road, and I see no guns out. Then mom says: " I want to report to that officer, I trust that one!" (nothing personal).. I raise my hands up behind my head, submissively
      My sister and my aunt arrive to the scene, as Im signing some card. I noticed my signature blurs out as I write.
    13. Basic II -sneak up on DC and scare -succeded..Im not a spooker

      by , 06-18-2020 at 08:34 PM
      Basic ii -sneak up on DCs - Succeded!
      In the dream, I'm at school, in a classroom that seems to be 3rd grade. but wait! I think to myself, I finished High School and College, why am I here..??
      Then 3 girls come to my desk and I get distracted.. They started putting glue or more like slime on my desk, one of them mixes some brown and black paint on it, and tells me this is a cake for you..! As I intended to do an RC. splaaattt!! goes all over my face! I remained calm and think to myself, "This is just a dream", immediately I remembered the basic II task. I stand up, raising my both hands up, just like a lagune monster emerging from a swamp. Then I see a group of boys and I do a loud gggroooaarrr!!! they all start running away, knocking some desks down..
      Then the teacher starts yelling, "What is this mess?!!" I started wiping my face off like if nothing has happened.
    14. Feeling a little claustrophobic...

      by , 06-17-2020 at 04:00 PM
      It all begins outdoors, on the top of a mountain, semicovered with ice.. I'm observing a veteran is getting ready to go down a steep hill, a couple of hundred feet down. He's not even well covered, just wearing a t-shirt and black shorts, he's also barefoot!. He sits on the floor, starts scooting with hands and feet, and takes off!, he gains speed quickly, then he hits a bumpy curve and bounces up and down, and I think to myself "that must hurt". He's laughing and going all the way down.

      Another DC appears and wants to do it as well...He is about 20 years old, he's well protected with gloves, jacket and padded pants, and has one of those go PRO cameras. He is going down the hill on his stomach?!... I only see when he takes off quickly.

      Now I'm at the bottom of that steep big hill. There is a rectangular wooden box enclosed, where the two DCs ended up! I could see, and feel what is like inside the box. DC 1 and 2 are facing down, one after the other, and can't move much inside. Then I get that claustrophobic feeling! terrifying...!
      the young DC is calling someone's name, but there isn't any answer. I glance outside the box and there seems to be a building... I go back inside the box, and I can't take that feeling anymore... I decide to tear the box apart so they could get out.!
    15. Fireworks in the classroom.lucid dream.WILD.TOTM.

      by , 01-31-2012 at 01:14 AM
      So there I am in my dream classroom, there are some students waiting for some teachers to come with some fireworks. two teachers come into the classroom with some crystal boxes and inside about 8 cylinders to fill them with some colorful firework powder.
      I start to fill the cylinders as the students are patiently waiting. I start thinking that there would be a lot of smoke and the roof may burn, but then I realize that this is just a dream and nothing would harm me or the people around me. I continue putting as many colors as I want, the other teachers are ready to start the fireworks...When I finished all cylinders I look at the teachers and they can't start the fireworks, then I say I could start them with my superpowers, so I tell them to move back; and there they are 3 crystal boxes full of fireworks i concentrate on the boxes and then with a snap of my fingers they all light up at the same time, many colors start to shoot out into the ceiling, and as they touch the ceiling butterflies start to come out from the top of the colorful fire fountains everyone is amazed, until...a big explotion on one of the cylinders, one of my special education students ran away so I have to go after him and the dream starts to fade out.
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