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    CN7- kittens and taekwondo class

    by , 01-14-2024 at 07:29 AM (68 Views)
    I white thing rolls down a hill. There is a creature that looks like a brightly colored pangolin with a turtle shell. A white ball or something is about to roll into it, but a transparent green box appears around it. It walks down the hill and up some boulders. It starts climbing on some red vines that are growing on a wall. It climbs into a hole. I am in the hole and there are two bats flying around, so I get ready to punch them if they get too close. I snoop around the room, It appears to be someones home. I pull a shirt or something out of a laundry basket. Inside is a litter of like twelve kittens, they appear to be younger than 2 or 3 weeks.

    I am doing a taekwondo class. I am paired with some girl, she's about the same size as me, but I am on the floor in seconds. My arms and legs are pinned so I start biting her. She gets up because it is time to line up and finish the class. Everyone stands on their floor dot, and then we move up a row. Everyone starts doing some sort of technique dance thing which I'm really bad at even though I'm a black belt. I'm so bad one of the instructors pulls me aside for a second and shows me the basic steps. There is a piece of paper taped to his shirt that says he needs to talk to my mother. I am then in the car with my father. He says something and I tell him they wanted to talk to mom.

    rcs- 2
    comp total- 26.5[/COLOR]

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