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    saw cousin and giant wave lakes

    by , 02-06-2024 at 04:20 AM (158 Views)
    My cousin L and I were making our way into a house because my father had made a bonfire. I opened a drawer and grabbed a bag of mini marshmallows. She told me not to use the mini ones, so I found a bag that had regular sized ones mixed in and started picking them out. I noticed she was gone, so I went into the kitchen. She had a bottle of wine so I took it from her, I had a sip and poured into a pot on the stove. I was then in the backseat of the car, I watched pretty green trees go by, 'I wish my place had trees.' L asked me"Doesn't [name of the town I'm moving to] have trees?" I saw a couple trees covered in pink flowers 'Yeah, but not cherry blossoms'. I stared out the window, the strip of land we were on was getting narrower on both sides, the lake around us had giant waves. I told my father to stop the car and he did. I had a bathing suit under my normal clothes so I took them off and grabbed the towel that was next to me. I opened the door, and was about to step onto the ground.
    Lucid-Wannabe likes this.

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    Tags: car, lake, relatives
