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    loud floor, store zombies

    by , 02-04-2024 at 07:23 PM (101 Views)
    I was walking up some dark empty street with beige brick buildings. I'm then in a room with my father. There are two king sized beds, I start walking to claim the one in the corner, and the floor booms like I'm stomping. He scolds me, saying that there are people trying to sleep below us. I try tiptoeing to the bed, and it still sounds like I'm stomping.

    I am telepathically controlling some sort of saw blade. I make it fall down next to a rock pole. I move it so it comes into contact with silver coins, I miss one so it starts falling up, and I get the coin this time. I see a wooden triangle with a large H at the bottom I pass it, and go back down to cut into the H. I miss the H somehow, so I cut through the pole, and cut into another triangle with a G in it, and I manage to get it this time. I am then falling down next to the pole. I land on some ground, I have a rifle, I see a yellow fish swimming above me, so I try to shoot it. I miss, but a voice tells me about the scope. I look down it and get a pinhole view of whatever I'm about to shoot. I aim at some distant corral, I take some time to adjust the scope, but I finally focus on a clown fish and manage to shoot it. I somehow end up in some sort of store, there are people walking around, they look super zoned out. One staggers towards me and I realize they're zombies, I look down the scope which now has a wider view, and I shoot him. I make my way past the cash register while shooting several others, and I'm almost to some storage room. A woman jumps out, and I try to shoot, but I'm out of bullets. There's a stapler on the bottom of my gun, but I don't think it would do much, so I run into a bathroom, it has one door which successfully locks, but the other door right next to it doesn't, so I run into a room labeled cold storage. It's another bathroom of course, and there's no lock, the woman is probably about here now, so I decide to hide. I notice Mario in a stall so I join him, I hear the door, and see the woman, and she starts talking to us, she's actually not a zombie, and she's going to help us fight them. She leads us to a shelf full of stuff, we all grab wooden canes. I notice Mario's not next to me so I look around for him and see him at the urinal. I'm Luigi so I start using the one 2 away from him. He says something I didn't really hear, I realize one of my legs is in the urinal, and it's soaked up to the ankle. He then asks why I'm just standing there, I get annoyed because I'm not just standing there, so I turn to him and aim for the face. I ask "DO YOU SEE ME JUST 'STANDING HERE'?" He calmly says "Yes." like he's in a completely different universe where I'm not some crazy guy peeing in his face. I pack it away, and start walking to the door. [COLOR="#EE82EE"]I'm in a bed, my breathing sounds a little weird, I think that the zombies will see me if I move. I decide to make a run for it, it took a lot of effort, but I pushed the blankets off and sat up. [/COLOR]
    Lucid-Wannabe likes this.

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