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    by , 05-05-2012 at 05:27 PM (403 Views)
    I read a book yesterday called A Touch Mortal, and while it wasn't a particularly great book, the dark atmosphere gave me some pretty cool dreams I just wish I was able to remember them better. First one's in a spoiler tag because I realize it probably gets a bit graphic in the blood and guts department.

    Spoiler for Dream One:
    That dream was partially influenced by the book, as there are people in the book called "Siders" who are immortal... but no vamps or end of the world

    Dream Two (Fragment): There's a man who's an evil angel. He's trying to convince a bunch of people that he's a good guy and they should follow him and worship him. I know he's wrong, and I know he's the evil one, because I know a good angel in the dream. In the dream I point out that he's evil, and he tells me to prove it, so I tell some story about how when he came to earth he needed a favor, and the cost of having that favor granted was being split into two halves. Then I point out how he and the good angel look exactly alike, because they are the same angel, split into his good half and his bad half. At this revelation, they combine, and instead of having a good angel and a bad angel, there is now an angel who knows right from wrong, but has the emotion to do wrong to protect those he loves. I hug the angel, happy he's back to normal, then wake up. The good angel/bad angel thing definitely came from the book I had read, lol

    Dream Three (Fragment):I'm going to Animazement with my best friend. She comes to my house, and rushes me out. Suddenly we're in the car and she's asking me if we're staying in a hotel or a house. I tell her we're staying in a hotel with two rooms, and then we're there! We put our things in our room, and then decide to go to the rave (which is what they call their dance to make it sound cooler, LOL) but I realize that I have forgotten to pack clothes to wear! I've only got extra underwear and two extra shirts.
    Dreamprofesser likes this.

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    non-lucid , dream fragment


    1. Dreamprofesser's Avatar
      Wow! It is so cool to read your dreams when you unleash all this action you have inside of you! :bravo: Look at you, fighting Vampires and whupping some butt! Lol, thats what im talking bout Mydera, let them know who's Bo$$!