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    Journeys through Spacetime

    TOTM Fail TOTD Fail TOTY Fail

    by , 11-16-2016 at 09:50 PM (782 Views)
    I was in a choir, singing in an auditorium. It is soon over. I am now in an orchestra I play in. I can't find my music. Suddenly I see that my desk partner is on both sides of me! I do a reality check, and I am dreaming.

    I announce that I am attempting the Lucid Task of the Day which is, figure out 1% of 5. It shows this on a plaque. I fail. I fly out. and arrive in my house. I try to find Candyland (TOTM) half-fearing I might instead find a girl called Candi. Nothing appears. I give up and try and remember the TOTY.
    I remember it as : Be a unicorn and destroy a Snellkork (I remember it as a sort of intelligent mountain troll). I give up. I then have a talk to T about life.

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    Updated 12-07-2016 at 09:12 AM by 91855

    lucid , memorable , task of the month , task of the year
