task of the year dreams
Rather late but... Relevant Part: I gazed out the window aimlessly in an endeavour to ignore the massive crowd enveloping me... Suddenly it clicked. I became lucid. I attempted to fly through the window, but failed, instead bumping my head. I strived once more after reaffirming my lucid state. I had 10 fingers on one hand! This time I succeeded and after a brief float through the air, I landed myself on a vibrant green lawn. After an unsuccessful attempt at remembering TOTY, an elderly man suddenly appeared beside me. I remember the TOTM and ask "Whose dream is this?" He thought for a while, and then responded "Yours, mine and his in truth" See personal DJ.
Updated 01-26-2018 at 06:33 AM by 91855
I descend to Atlantis with a dolphin' assistance. In the air bubble, I land in a strip shopping center next to a road. The shops are all a hospital or doctor center. Thousands of people dressed on blue are swarming in and out, and I feel terrified. I run to the left and right, only to be confronted by more. I did not feel like a medical check up, so I retreat to a Juice Bar. There is a large queue and I am unsure what to order. There are large posters hanging from the ceiling, but these are constantly changing. A few posters are chocolate flavored ice, and a sweet drink with pink icing in the shape of a classical rose. It is called the 'Pink Hispanian' However, the price tag on it is large. (why am I thinking about finances when I am lucid dreaming?!) I notice on the wall someone has taped some of their composed cello studies. One is labeled 'What I thought they looked like' Another was labeled 'What they do' The main difference is that the latter study had eight lines of music, not one! Eventually, I must choose something to eat or drink. I cannot find the menu, but the lady at the counter hands me one. Included on the list is 'Watermelon Chips'. Everything is overpriced. She asks me who is going to the hospital. I lie and say my 'wife' is taking the dog in. However, this is where everything got more nightmarish. I couldn't find my credit card! I could only find several public transport cards and an Atlantis card, which I didn't know what to do with. It was blue with numbers on some sort of scale. Finally! I find several blue 50 cent coins. They have special patterns and I am reluctant to sell them. They each have written on them in capital letters: Quangle Butterfly Boutique Mozart
Updated 12-14-2020 at 02:00 AM by 91855
WBTB I become lucid. I am in a car with a DC who I do not know. The figure is female, and teaches me a lucid dreaming technique. "Relax your eyes... YES that is right. Now, make everything orange." I succeed. "Good! See, the key is to relax your eyes." Somewhere along the trip, I remember the TOTY and stop the car. I remove the engine and wheels, and it starts moving again.
I was in a choir, singing in an auditorium. It is soon over. I am now in an orchestra I play in. I can't find my music. Suddenly I see that my desk partner is on both sides of me! I do a reality check, and I am dreaming. I announce that I am attempting the Lucid Task of the Day which is, figure out 1% of 5. It shows this on a plaque. I fail. I fly out. and arrive in my house. I try to find Candyland (TOTM) half-fearing I might instead find a girl called Candi. Nothing appears. I give up and try and remember the TOTY. I remember it as : Be a unicorn and destroy a Snellkork (I remember it as a sort of intelligent mountain troll). I give up. I then have a talk to T about life.
Updated 12-07-2016 at 09:12 AM by 91855