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    1. [LUCID] Time snapshots

      by , 01-06-2014 at 10:54 PM
      Side-note Lucid

      Time snapshots
      I'm driving in my car to go to my chiropractor. I realize it's still morning, and I don't have my appointment until early afternoon, but for some reason I don't turn around. I realize it's about ten thirty, and I know I have a conference call at eleven, so I just need to be sure not to miss it. I go through a light in the right lane which turns into a right-hand-only turn lane. I somehow end up letting the car coast to a stop. I'm really confused about what's going on. Two large trucks are to my left, also stopped. I remember there's an app on my phone that saves snapshots in time and lets me go back to them. I quickly pull it up and hit the Back button. With a sound like a timebug in World of Goo, I'm back at the last light, going through it. I know this is too late - I'm about to get stuck on the turn lane - so I hit the button again. Now I'm at the previous light, and I have time to switch lanes before I get stuck.

      I'm really excited about this. If I can rewind time yet still remember everything that happened, the possibilities are endless! I can read all the books I want, then rewind time so that the reading took no time at all! I can spend a long time solving a difficult problem, then rewind time and remember the solution. I try to think if there's a way to bring something back with me, a completed piece of work, but I don't know how that could be done. Maybe there's a way to time-proof a USB stick? I start to think about sleep - surely being awake for a long time would take its toll? - but then I reason I can sleep whenever and then rewind time to before I slept.

      I'm still driving. It's almost time for my appointment, so I can't turn around, but I'm still going to be pretty early. I'm on a two-lane road with lots of trees. Someone is trying to come out of a driveway on my left but waits for me to pass first. Now I'm walking into a strange structure. I'm in a short stairwell that's C shaped. The lighting is pretty dim. I start to walk up, then realize I'm still too early. I hear someone coming down and hurry out; I feel like I'd be embarrassed if I met them. Now I'm back outside walking down some steps. I pass a maintenance worker going the other way. I realize I'm wearing only my V-neck undershirt. He comments "nice neck." I'm a little embarrassed but I don't worry about it too much.

      Now I realize that I can undo this whole trip if I have a snapshot from before I left. I go to pull up the time snapshot app, but I find that I have a bunch installed and it takes a moment to figure out which is the one I'd been using earlier. I'm disappointed to see that it only has three snapshots. The main listing only shows the time the snapshot was taken and not the date; I have to click the triple-dot icon to get a details page. One seems to be some kind of default snapshot - the date is 1-1-00 - and I'm not going to touch that. The next has a very strange label that I don't understand. In trying to get details about it I somehow put it into Sharing mode. I have no idea what it means to share a time snapshot, but I wish I hadn't done it.

      Now I'm walking down a hallway in a building similar to the one I work in. Windows are floor to ceiling to my left, though there are occasional pillars and lots of moving boxes piled around. A wall is to my right, occasionally opening out into an office or other open area. I realize I'm now completely naked and don't have the phone any more. Oddly, I'm not embarrassed at all, more annoyed at myself. I have the feeling the phone is on my jeans on one of the piles of boxes further back in the hallway, but I'm not positive. I realize I have to get the phone: if I do, I can undo all of this. I turn around and start heading the other way. A couple of women come out of an office in front of me. I sidestep behind a pillar and use a hand to cover myself, nodding respectfully to them as they pass. Neither one takes any notice of me.

      After the women pass without comment, I realize this is a dream. I do a nose-pinch RC to further convince myself, and I'm not surprised to feel air moving through my closed nostrils. I immediately try to remember my current goals. I know that number one on the list is to look at and count my fingers. I hold up my right hand and look at it. I have five fingers, but when I hold them stretched out, my middle and ring fingers are at a very obtuse angle - a little further and they'd be pointed directly away from each other. I keep looking and my hand kind of blurs; now it looks almost as if my left and right hands are superimposed on top of each other. I can see a thumb and pointer sticking out of each side, and there's a jumble of fingers in the middle. When I bend my pointer, I see it moving on both sides of my hand. I wiggle another finger and see both copies wiggling. I had been hoping I'd get an extra finger that I'd have conscious control over. Oh well, maybe another time.

      I remember the next thing on the list was to try to become extra aware of my environment. To my left is what looks like a small section from a dollar store. Shelving units are filled with all kinds of junk. I decide to reapply the nose pinch (using my left hand) to help keep me focused, then start to look at the items on the shelves. The shelf nearest me has what look like baby bath toys. As I'm trying to slowly move my attention from one to another, I realize that I'm now holding my upper lip instead of my nose, so I readjust my fingers to once again hold my nose. I notice a couple of stacks of items on the shelf, and I realize they're shaking. I identify this as the dream not being as stable as it should be. I try to stare at them, willing them to stop shaking, but it doesn't work (in hindsight, focusing on them gave the vibrations more power; I should have just ignored them). I give up on it and keep walking along the corridor, coming out into a larger room. I get stuck with my eyes closed and I try to focus on breathing through my closed nose. After a few moments, the feeling of breathing through my nose changes subtly - more like my nose is stuffed
      - and I "realize" I've woken up so I can't breath through a pinched nose any more. I wake up for real moments later.

      I'm trying to do something for a group of women. Nothing I do makes them happy, and I'm starting to feel really frustrated.
    2. [LUCID] A strange test / A walk in the park

      by , 01-03-2014 at 07:37 PM
      Side-note Lucid

      A strange test
      I'm flying in a large military plane - an old bomber? - to meet with some of my work team. I'm a passenger. First we fly to Aaron's house. He's on a cul-de-sac, near the end. We fly a circle around his house and try to figure out if we can land on the road. His house has a lot of antennas. The pilot is talking to Aaron's team lead on the phone, figuring out when we can meet. Aaron's currently really busy, but since we're here in a cool plane, he should be able to make time.

      Now I'm in a car with someone driving back. They think I lost one of my shoes, so I'm a security risk; but I still have both my shoes on. Someone got confused. Now I'm back. The final test in some kind of competition is going on, and I've missed one of three hours. I think I still have time to do it all, but I'll need to hurry. I try to calm my nerves. Now I'm in what looks like a living room. Behind me a door leads back into the school. Somehow I accidentally stumbled across a kind of apartment while looking for the school's bathroom. I apologize to the occupants and leave.

      Now I'm taking some kind of math test. Now I'm printing some kind of recommendation form sent by AW. Now I've finished everything and I'm looking over it. I read the recommendation letter and am horrified by all the typos. I decide I have time to pull it up and fix it. Something very strange happens with the text editor; it's not cooperating at all. I think I finally manage to get it working. Now I'm editing stuff by playing some kind of game. Things are going well, but then an internal timer reaches six hours and the game becomes much, much harder. Enemies who were previously easy now become strong enough easily to kill me. I'm having real trouble, and I don't have much time left to fix the document before the contest is over. I try to figure out if I can reset the timer to make things easier again.

      Two contestants before me sing their final thing. They do a lovely duet in harmony with accompaniment. I congratulate them, and they say that others won't be able to do it since you need accompaniment to sing in harmony. I disagree, but I don't say anything. One of them - Mom? - wants to know if I'm interested in her final score. I say I am, but she doesn't hear me and walks off.

      Walking at the park
      I'm walking on a path entering a fairly crowded park. I see my pastor talking to a group. This park allows most activities, but if you're going to run, you have to do barefoot running. I don't know if he knows this or if he knows what that means, so I intend to pull him aside later and demonstrate. On my left is a building with an open door. One woman leads a dog out; shortly after, another leads a dog in. I realize the owner of the house must do dog-sitting. I overhear the new lady say something about keeping the dog for an extra half-day this time, and the owner of the business says how much it'll be. Now I'm still walking on the path, but I've got a dog walking with me. It's a Scottish Terrier, very like my step-aunt's old dog Brandy. We're in a park that allows pretty much any activity, except that if you run, you have to do barefoot running. I'm walking him along a path that runs next to a wide stream that leads into a lake. At one point, I realize I've lost him; looking ahead, I see him up ahead, just sniffing a HUGE black dog (I know he's 500 pounds). Both dogs are acting very friendly to each other. I catch up and apologize, and the lady walking the other dog says it's no trouble. Later, we're trying to cross a narrower part of the sidewalk. A lady is three with her slightly disabled adult daughter. They're letting people coming towards us get off the bridge, trying to empty it of people so the daughter will have an easier time getting across. I don't want to wait behind them so I just go around a different way.

      Now I'm in a bathroom. I go to use the urinal on the far end (on the left) but realize it has no bottom. I quickly shift one over. Now I'm washing my hands. I'm in the same place as before, but the urinals are gone and sinks are in their place (I don't realize this at the time). I look over at the leftmost sink and get a little confused when I see it has a proper bottom. I notice some buttons along the side - three, with the middle button already pushed in. I press the bottom button and a kind of waterfall out the front of the sink starts, running right onto the floor. I notice a label by the button asking not to use that for too long or it'll flood the bathroom. I press the top button and get a blast of hot air - a hand dryer. An "awooga" alarm also starts up to remind the user to turn it off. I wonder why they didn't have that with the waterfall feature, since that seems much more dangerous. JG is there; we say something brief.

      Now I'm leaving the bathroom. As I turn the corner, I realize I lost the dog again. I see some straps and I decide the easiest way to get him back is to hold one of the straps and really believe that it's a leash and he's on the other end (at this point I know I'm dreaming but there's no real awareness). Before I try it, I remember that I wanted to try lots of RCs next time I'm dreaming. Now I'm in an area with some giant windows to my right; the bathroom is to my left. I realize I'm getting that slightly "tipsy" feeling that indicates the dream isn't as stable as I'd like, but I remember that RCs help stabilize, so I start off with the traditional nose-pinch. The feeling of air passing through a pinched nose is one of the most amazing feelings! Next, I remember someone (Sivason?) talking about the importance of remembering the reality of the dreaming body without dwelling on any of its senses. I take a moment to think about that, to remember that this body isn't real, that I've got a real body back in my bed. I move onto the RCs I haven't done before. First, I try to push my left pointer through my right palm. I have a great sense of expectation; I know it'll work and I want to see what happens. There's some resistance, but I can see the back of my right hand bulge some, then my finger pops through. The hole my finger goes through isn't smooth; it's uneven, looking like it really did punch through.

      Now I'm trying to remember other RC techs, but I'm having trouble. Finally, I remember the jump test. I jump, expecting to float down; instead, I find myself hanging in mid-air as if caught by the waist, head towards the floor, legs out behind me. I decide I should easily be able to transition to flying. so I stretch out horizontally and fly towards the window. Somehow I get it open. Beyond the window I see a fly screen, but I figure I can punch straight through it, so I fly at it, expecting to go through. Instead, it catches me and starts to stretch and stretch. Somehow I end up going down. I was many stories up, and now I'm going down towards the ground caught in the ever stretching net of the fly screen. Finally, a couple of stories up, the fly screen won't stretch any more and I'm just stuck hanging there. I try to think if I can get back up to the window to knock the flyscreen frame off. I get stuck with my eyes closed and start to panic a bit, but I calm down and start pinching my nose to keep myself grounded. After a few seconds I'm able to open my eyes again. The flyscreen is gone.

      Now I'm on something floating, some kind of one-person soft raft. Hundreds of people around me are on similar things, and we're all floating along. I still know this is a dream, but all awareness is gone. I manage to do something impossible to jump up onto a wall running next to the water. Now I'm downstream. I jump from the wall onto people's rafts and use them to cross to the other side, onto some kind of small pier.

      Vertical slits have been cut in the side of the microwave cabinet and knives are stuck through them like a strange knife block. The largest knife is just touching the side of the microwave.
    3. [LUCID] Grocery store / New directions / Lost ties / Parking deck excitement

      by , 12-16-2013 at 06:22 PM
      Side-note | Lucid

      [LUCID] Grocery store task
      Before bed, I was running over my known dreamsigns, telling myself that "If I see X, I'll know I'm dreaming" I don't remember how this one started, but I think there's a good chance it was the "huge room" dreamsign. After waking up, I couldn't remember anything for a few moments. Just as I thought all was lost, I got a flash of this one. I'm sure I forgot parts (like how I got lucid in the first place).

      I'm in a grocery store. Some kind of event is going on at one end. I'm at the other end, getting snacks. Lots of junk food is hanging in front of me; nothing is too my back. A friend is with me, but I knew that as a DC he can't be as fast as me, because he's bound by the rules of the dream. I'm still waiting for him at the snacks, and I know that once he arrives and gets his own snacks it'll still take him a while to get back to the event. I start thinking about how I can help him. I decide that adding moving walkways to the store would be a good start, but I don't actually try it.

      Now, I'm looking at the store's safe. I pick up something that would let me open it (maybe the key? I don't know), but then I decide, that I'm in a dream, so I should use my mind! I stare at the door, trying to picture the gears inside it spinning, unlocking, and opening the door. Nothing happens.

      Now I'm with my family in a kind of hallway next to the windows. It's wide enough for a line of cafe tables and enough room to walk. We're sitting on the floor, looking out the window. A couple of bulky men are standing outside the window. Beyond them is the parking lot and road, and beyond the road is a steep embankment going up. My wife and I are sitting right next to each other, my right arm pressed against her left. I remember the task to close my eyes for ten seconds. I get an odd feeling of excitement, that I'll be doing something I know I shouldn't be doing, but I KNOW it'll go well. I close my eyes and start counting. I focus on the feeling of my wife against my side and on the memory of what I saw. I almost see a kind of "after image". The men's shirts particularly stand out as blobs of color. I reach 10 and open my eyes. As far as I can tell, nothing has changed. I consider trying it again, except visualizing a different scene with my eyes closed; but I don't do it.

      Now I'm looking at the embankment. People are climbing up ladders to the top, but something is going wrong. They're complaining loudly about it, even though it's their own fault. (I don't know how I know they're complaining; they're across the street where I can't hear them). Eventually, some other activity has to stop because their complaining is just too much of a pain.

      Now I'm walking with my third daughter on the road, just like everyone else. We're still following the rules of the road and get into the left turn lane behind a line of people.

      New directions
      I'm walking through a grassy field (some kind of park, I think) sending a text message to Jakkarth, telling him that I've moved to a new place. I try to give a thumbnail sketch of where it is, but I'm still not familiar with the area and I can't provide real directions. I tell him that I'll send proper directions once I get back to the house. Now I've just come down from being on a play fort. I realize that my phone isn't in my pocket and look around for it. I see it on the ground under the fort, and I realize that it fell out of my pocket somehow as I was coming down.

      Lost ties
      I'm walking around outside church Side-note(which looks nothing like the real one)[/COLOR] when I see JB, one of our deacons, holding a wad of ties in one hand and his cell phone in the other. He's using the cell phone to talk through the PA system, announcing that he's found some ties and that they'll be going in the trash unless they're claimed soon. He shows them to me and asks if they're mine; I take a quick look and tell him they aren't. He gives one final warning over the PA, then starts to throw them away, but I stop him. I tell him that it always annoys me that the policy is always "Claim your stuff or it goes to Good Will." I wish there were a short period during which the stuff stayed on display but where anyone who wanted it could take it. He thinks about it, then agrees with me and hands me the ties to look through again, to see if I want to keep any of them. He warns me that there's trash in the middle of the wad of ties. I see that he's been going around the property, picking up trash and wadding it all together. On closer inspection, I really don't like any of the ties and start looking for a place to throw them away.

      Parking deck excitement
      I'm in the passenger seat of a van driven by people I'm staying with. I don't know them very well. The father Side-note(who looks like Iron Man 3's Killian - something had reminded me of Extremis the night before)[/COLOR] is driving, and his kids are in the back. We're in a parking deck, trying to get out. The main exit is backed up, so he decides to take a "short cut". He drives over a curb, knocking over some glass jars that had been placed along it. Following this path around the deck, we reach what should have been an exit, except that it's been mostly walled off. There are still gaps around and under it where we can catch glimpses of the outside. I see tires under it and hope it's not a police car, and that if it is they won't realize what we've done. He backs up back over the curb. I see that the unblocked exit is right next to this one, and that it's currently clear. I don't think he should take it yet - if it really was a police car out side, we don't want to tip its occupants off that we were the ones who jumped the curb - but he just takes the exit. Sure enough, it was a police car, and they start following us, though their lights aren't yet on. The father starts slowly accelerating. I ask incredulously if he's planning on getting into a chase with the police, but he denies it. By this time, he's going recklessly fast around the parking lot, trying to lose the police before they actually turn their lights on. I consider bailing out of the car, but decide that would be just as dangerous as staying in.

      It's night. I see something about a ghostly apparition - some kind of advanced technology - that jumped on / through a helicopter and brought it down. An investigation is ongoing into what it was. I see a pool of some kind in front of me. An artificial animal - a cow? - is helping fill it. Suddenly, I realize that the plot to bring down the helicopter was from the artificial animals, and that it lets them fill these pools over and over, becoming rich and taking all the power as they do so.

      Something in a house.

      Updated 12-16-2013 at 06:31 PM by 28190

      dream fragment , side notes , lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the month
    4. [LUCID] Talking about lucid dreaming / Gift of a hymnal / Fragments

      by , 12-08-2013 at 06:15 PM
      Side-note Lucid

      Talking about lucid dreams
      I'm standing on my driveway talking with my pastor and MB. The kids are sitting in camping chairs on my side of the garage; my car is nowhere to be seen. All of us are talking about lucid dreaming. I say something about WILDing and I'm surprised when my pastor knows what it is, saying that he'd once done it himself many years ago. I mention that one of my long-term goals is to learn to have WILDs quickly, on demand. My pastor asks how long it usually takes to get into a WILD. I explain that a skilled WILDer can do it in under twenty minutes, but that newbies can often take more than an hour. I confess that I haven't managed it at all, yet, but that I'm determined to succeed. The conversation continues for a little while longer.

      Now I'm in one of the kids' bedrooms doing something. Now I'm downstairs. Bethany is unhappy with the kids - she'd told them they could be outside barefooted or in shoes but not just in socks, since the socks would get dirty. All of the kids wore just socks while outside, so now they're covered in leaves (from the driveway) and oil (from the garage floor). Even though I was wearing both socks and shoes, I check my socks anyway. They're damp from being sweaty but are otherwise fine. I take my socks off and put them in a nearby cabinet which seems to be a make-shift clothes hamper, as it has a small (but growing) pile of colored laundry. My wife tells me that if my socks are dirty like the kids are then I need to put them in the separate "dirty sock pile," but I tell her they're just sweaty.

      Gift of a hymnal
      After a failed WILD, I'm trying to sleep. I'm laying in bed and remember that I just had a conversation with friends (JB and BJ) in my kitchen. I realize that that can't have happened, that I must have dreamed it. Something feels off, and I do a nose pinch RC. I can easily breath through my pinched nose, so I know I'm dreaming, experiencing a false awakening (my first!). It's pitch black. I decide to try voice commands and try to command LIGHT, but my voice is hoarse and I can barely hear myself. I try again with STABILITY, but again, it barely comes out. I realize that, even though I'm convinced this is a dream, I'm still hesitant to shout in case I'm wrong and I woke up my wife. I decide that this really is a dream, so it doesn't matter, and even if it's not a dream we'll just laugh about it and go back to sleep. I really don't want to lose the dream, so I keep my nose pinched and keep focused on the strange feeling of breathing through it. I keep trying my voice commands, and eventually the light in the room (especially near the door) "dims" up. It's dim, but it's enough to see by. I shout STABILITY and LIGHTS again for good measure, and I find that I can actually shout now.

      I'd just been listening to the podcast where they were talking about extending the dream, and CanisLucidus talked about just looking at all the detail the mind comes up with. I look around my bedroom, trying to take it all in. I notice that it's larger than life, but it's decorated pretty much how my real room is. The doors, windows, bed, and dresser are all in the right place, and I think the walls and floor looked right, though I'm not positive. I notice a small shelf on one wall that's not there IWL, with some very small framed pictures of people. I walk over, pick one up, and look at it. It shows couple of people, including a woman in a purple dress. I don't recognize them, and I realize the danger of putting too much attention into the picture, so I put it down. For some reason, it ends up on face down on the shelf. I kneel down and run my hands through the carpet - it looks and feels exactly like my real carpet. I think about what to do and realize that one of my simple goals was to try the "internal nose pinch" and see if it was reliable. I tried it, and alas, I couldn't breathe while doing it. So much for that RC. I consider phasing through the wall and flying off, but I decide that that's a little too advanced for right now: I want something I know I can accomplish so that I can boost my confidence.

      I remember I want to do the basic TOTM be given a gift by a DC, so I walk towards the hallway. The stairs are in the right place, though the hallway layout is odd. I remember that, to get something to appear, I need to not just casually think "It'll be there" but to really strongly picture it, almost as if I can already see it. I start trying to imagine in detail that my wife is around the corner in the hallway; but as I'm doing it, she comes up the stairs. She says something and goes back down; I follow her.

      Now I'm near the bottom of the stairs. I feel like I'm in a mansion. Downstairs is a huge area, well furnished, with a very high ceiling. I'm on a grand staircase, at least 10 feet wide, flaring at the bottom, going straight up behind me to the second story. My wife is a couple of steps below me. I ask my wife if she has anything for me. She says she does, but she wants a quick kiss first. I kiss her, and she walks off towards the kitchen to get whatever it is. I realize that I shouldn't let her out of my sight, since she might disappear if I do. I go after her, following her into the kitchen (which is outfitted with lots of shiny black appliances). I don't see her in the kitchen, and I get worried. I shout a dream command WIFE, but nothing happens. I walk through the kitchen, though the dining room, and back into the living area. I pass an older, well-dressed man carrying a Psalter; I completely ignored him, but I think he was the butler. As I'm walking into the living area, my wife comes out of the kitchen carrying one of our old hymnals. She gives it to me, saying it'll go well with the hamburger.

      Often, when I wake out of a dream, I'm aware of it fading first. Not this time. Poof I was awake. I tried to DEILD, but nothing happened; I was probably hampered by a strong desire not to lose the dream memory.

      I'm looking at pictures of different people. I have a program(?) that lets me alter reality by altering pictures of the reality. I'm trying to copy an aspect of a person from one picture and paste it onto a different person in a different picture, but it's not going well. The perspectives of the pictures are different, and the pasted image isn't lining up right.

      I'm outside, in a park-like setting, watching people. There are nine people who have successfully done ... something ... but they need ten to fully win. They're pleased at having come in first again, yet disappointed that, once again, they failed to get the full ten.

      I'm looking at Gunnerkrigg Court. Annie is watching two forest dwellers talking to / examining a boy from the Court. He's strong and somewhat puffed up, and the forest dwellers (a youth and an old man) are pondering over him. His muscles should only be about half the size they are, and they want to know how he made himself strong, if he used some kind of magic or trickery or what. The old man especially is throwing out more and more strange theories about the boy's strength. I (or Annie?) starts to wonder if there's something to it, and if this is how Eglamore gets some of his abilities.

      I'm driving on a 4 lane road in the right lane. A tan van is to my left and starts to come into my lane. I stand my ground, but she keeps coming, eventually scraping against me. Now I'm in the left lane and she's in the right, ahead of me. I can see a silver line running along her driver's side where she scraped me. Somehow I see the driver's side of my car, and I see a long scuff mark but no scraped paint. I'd been trying to decide if I should chase her down and get her insurance information, but since my car isn't actually damaged I decide just to let her go.

      Updated 12-09-2013 at 06:31 PM by 28190

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment , side notes , task of the month