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    Yet another bathroom dream / Counseling center / Helping a coworker / Snack time / Martian building

    by , 02-03-2018 at 09:30 PM (428 Views)
    Yet another bathroom dream
    I'm in a huge, fairly crowded bathroom. Dual sinks are in front of me, a wall is to my right, and a door is behind me. A long hallway extends to my left, and it Tees back to the right just past the sinks. Beyond the T is another door. Everything is very white.

    There's a thin layer of water on the counters and floor. I need to wash my hands, but I'm holding an armful of clothes and there's nowhere I can put them that they won't get wet. As I'm trying to figure out what to do, a janitor calls through the door that's further away from me asking if anyone's in here. She quickly realizes that there are lots of people in here, but she calls out that she'll wait for me - calling me by name! I don't understand why she'd pick on me specifically, or how she even knew that I was in here. Now I realize it's someone I know*, which explains how she knows me but not how she knew I was here. Now I'm talking to someone about her father, though it takes me forever to remember that his name is LH* (which, IRL, it isn't.). He died while she was engaged and never got to see her married (not IRL).

    Counseling center
    I'm driving around outside the building with the bathroom. I pass more than one entrance, each with its own large sign above the doors, and I realize the whole structure is broken up into multiple counceling centers, each with its own focus (e.g. one for moms, one for dads), but all run by the same people. After rounding the building, I find myself slightly lower down and at a dead-end. I'm not sure how that geography worked, but I know I'll have to turn around to get out.

    Helping a coworker
    I'm in my cube working with a coworker who has a terrible hunchback. I've talked to him online for years, but this is the first time I'm meeting him in person. He's having build problems, and I suggest using Git's bisect to track them down. He's familiar with the idea but has never used bisect before, so I walk him through it. Eventually, he thanks me and leaves. I check the time and see it's past time to head home, so I immediately shut down both computers and head out.

    Snack time
    I'm in some combination of pantry and kitchenette. I grab some chocolate chips, then some little candy bars, and put them in the front pocket of my church shirt. The pocket bulges, and I hope no-one notices.

    Martian building
    I'm looking at a building on Mars. For a building on another planet, it's really pretty boring, just a rounded cube shape, kind of an off-white in color. I know that something needs to be cut away from the outside. Now I'm looking at it again. The modifications have been made, and there's a bluish force-field running down the middle of the structure along with sensors which can tell when someone's about to reach it and turn it on and off.

    Something about Chef (configuration management) recipes and a young woman

    Something about the white van

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