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    1. First Lucid

      by , 07-02-2011 at 01:29 AM
      Non-Dream Non-Lucid Lucid

      I was going down Aberdeen Drive and a give way sign beamed down to my left. I instantly knew I was dreaming, and decided to do some RC's. I looked at a window in a van to look at my reflection and it was normal. Then I went like 50m down the road, and asked a man which had 2 watches, one on each arm, one digital and one analogue, for the time. It was 10:15, and I asked him 3 more times, but the time stayed the same. I was confused that my RC's didn't work so my dream faded.

      This was my first Lucid Dream, so I thought RC's work every time etc etc. That's why it faded at the end.
    2. Explosion

      by , 07-02-2011 at 01:23 AM
      Non-Dream Non-Lucid Lucid

      First dream that I recorded in my Real Life DJ

      I walk up to a man and tell him the numberplate 'M21 677' and hand him a blue toolbox, he takes it and walks away. As I'm walking down the street an old lady to my left says to me: "You couldn't have been more subtle?" And asks, "Can I have that?" (For some reason the box is still under my left arm.) "I like the music they play in the shop." Then I'm talking to a woman and I see a man running down the street on my right yelling "BOMB!" and hes carrying a black toolbox. Then theres a great explosion behind him in slow-motion.
    3. Hell

      by , 07-02-2011 at 01:16 AM
      Non-Dream Non-Lucid Lucid

      I woke up at about 4:30 and decided to try WILD with Low Alpha Binaural Beats. Went on for about 30 min, but didnt get SP. So I just decided to take off my headphones and go to sleep.

      I needed to cover for Mr Lee in his room, because he was busy. But then I was somehow running through a bush with Crichton, Scorpius and Ka D'Argo. We started to approach a slightly clearer patch, which, I was sure where we were meant to be, Crichton wasn't following. I turned around and he was there, looking evil, and on a white pony. I turned the other way as D'Argo was the same. Scorpius growled and the pony thing that was 'possessing' them left them both, it tried to fly away to the roof (At this point it looked like an evil ghost woman in a white gown, and I was somehow in a big dark red hall). Scorpius grabbed its soul, and pinned it to the ground by stabbing it. White wax stuff oozed out of it and formed the shape of a cross (Crucifix), and somehow was now on the high back of a chair. Then some woman which I somehow knew was very evil, was sitting in a different chair with a high back, told me that I can't actually have something (Dont remember what it was), and I saw a beautiful girl on the far end of the hall, and the evil woman said something about the Justice of Peace, and I tried to get her to give 'it' to me, but she didn't.

      Woke up and wrote it down. Have a feeling like this dream might be trying to tell me something.
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