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    Oneirin's Dreamworld

    Lucid: Blue
    Approaching Lucidity: Gold
    Non-Lucid: Black
    *Color Coding hasn't worked in my DJ since mid June 2023, so LDs are simply marked with: (LD) from that point on.

    1. Blindness & Nightmare Figure

      by , 06-12-2016 at 06:52 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      1. I find myself in bed in the dark. I automatically go for a nose plug.. 'could I really be dreaming?'. I check twice to make sure and I'm lucid. I think of how awesome it is that it came so easily. I stand up from the bed, but everything is just a void; it's as though I'm wandering in darkness. I have a spatial sense, but no other senses are present. I have an easy time maintaining awareness here, and I decide to wait for the next dream to start. I stay for a few minutes and remain patient. I fell as though I'm standing, and see a small light colored rectangle begin to form then fade. I figure I must be at the end of a REM cycle, and riding it out, so I try to go to sleep in the dream while telling myself 'I'm in a lucid dream'. I close my eyes, lay down, and begin the mantra

      2. I appear in a bedroom area and begin to explore. I notice a dresser standing close by my side.I quickly decide to fly through a wall and explore a bit outside the structure I'm in. I find myself in an outdoor area with an interesting green hue to the entire scene. There is a large screen encompassing the entire backyard. I begin flying toward the screen and bust through the first one. I then consider heading upward and make my way through the ceiling screen. I then get the sense that there is some ominous entity inside the structure. At first, I consider going even quicker through the screen. I then think to myself 'this is just my dream, I'm going to confront this nightmare and find out what it is. I lower myself back down, turn toward the house, and torpedo my body quickly back into the structure's first room. I make a quick right while doing this torpedo flight and enter the second interior room. I see a creepy dark figure standing in the center of the rectangular dim room. The figure is just over five feet tall with long black hair, at is slightly stooped over. This zombie-looking figure appears to be a female, and is facing away from me. I quickly torpedo at the figure, yet I do feel a bit creeped out by its presence. As I approach, I grab its shoulders, spin it around, and demand "Who are you? What do you represent". I see the figure's face: it is the distorted face of one of my co-workers, which quickly changes to a distorted blonde 50's looking female, then to another female. The character says to me "I'm your fear of silliness". I feel at the moment that I have a clear understanding of exactly what this character is trying to relay (although after a few hours of waking I thought of another possible interpretation). I turn back to where I came from, and return to my flight toward getting out of the backyard area. The dream begins to become a bit blurry and fuzzy as I enter the green-hue area. I start expanding my vision to try to stabilize, but the dream begins to fade. I get teleported back inside, yet the dream begins going to void. I recall my lucid dream count, and decide that I want to have another this night. I set my intention to have another one. I lay down to go to sleep and begin my mantra: "I'm in a lucid dream". My eyes open slightly, yet my awareness wavers, and lucidity drops a bit... Some co-workers are asking me to help out with some students. I'm aware at some level that I'm trying to begin at the start of the next REM cycle, and continue sleeping. They seem to find me sleeping unhelpful, and laugh a bit. I ignore it, return to my intention and wake up shortly after.

      3. The dream yoga master leaves the room after having spoken negatively of the older lady's practice. She is a bit upset, but I kneel down by her side and try to comfort her. I put my hand on her back, and tell her not to worry about it. We both stand up, and begin to walk in silence to the next room. Once we enter, the room goes completely black. I'm here for a short moment, then it hits me I'm dreaming this. I'm in complete darkness, yet I stick out my hands and feel that the older female is still in this 'dream blindness' with me. I stay in this void-like state for a minute or two, anticipating a dream to begin. I simply hold awareness in this void. I then decide to go to sleep and try to begin a new dream. I begin feeling a physical body, yet it may have been a convincing FA which I missed.
    2. Battle Levitation

      by , 06-10-2016 at 12:47 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I'm staninding in front of a group of people, outside of a large building we just exited. The group appears to be dressed lightly for some kind of battle, ready to encounter a group of some sort. My awareness quickly raises as I turn to face the group. I begin levitating as I become aware that I'm dreaming, and take in the sight of the group prepared for a battle. I tell them not to worry and that we're in a dream. I explain that I'm a dreamwalker with a smirk, and explain that I can control everything. They don't seem to comprehend how one could control it; they seem a bit reluctant to hear my explanation.I'm amused by the situation, and decide to turn to head down the black pavement. I turn and make my way between a set of one-story buildings, The group continues follow me. I don't feel the need to stabilize as everything remains clear, and I'm happy with the length of the dream as I continue walking. I don't think back to dream goals at this point, but simply explore the environment. I make my way around the corner of a building, look left, and see a large group with white jackets and robes in front of a building off in the distance. It is apparent this is the group they're about to have a skirmish with. I approach quickly and decide to try to telekenesis the entire group. I move my hand up to send out the ability, and have the thought that maybe I should stabilize. I stick out my right hand to begin the telekenesis, but but don't get to see to see the effects as the dream rapidly goes to void. I lose awareness and end up in a FA.
    3. Woodland Crossroads

      by , 06-08-2016 at 01:05 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I'm on a yellow school bus heading down a road through dense woodlands. I stick my head out the window as we're coming to an intersection, and read the green street sign. It reads something similar to 'Frankilin'. I have the thought that it would look different if I was in a dream.My awareness begins to raise as I begin floating out through the window, and I finally realize I'm dreaming. The vividness of the scene comes full force as I take in the natural environment. The environment is very peaceful and I feel a sense of freedom. Dense woodland is spread out in all directions, with narrow roads continuing in three directions. The trees have sparse yellow, orange, and red leaves as though the end of fall is approaching. My access to memory is great and I quickly realize my couple day period without lucids is ending. i begin flying down the road taking in more scenery, appreciating the vividness, and enjoying the great flying control. I begin to think about the goal I set before bed and remember right away. I begin asking the awareness behind the dream "what is my gift" as I continue to fly down one of the roads. The road begins to bend back and forth down the woodland road as I fly and ask the dream, awaiting an answer. After flying down the road for a short while, and looking into the distant woods, I see a car approaching from far away with head lights turned on. I'm appreciating the length and continue rubbing my hands. I wonder what would happen to stability if I darted eyes around as I've tried in previous dreams. As soon as I try, the dream become very unstable, and I'm on the verge of waking. I consider doing a LDEILD as I heard from a podcast. I continue to tell myself I'm in a lucid dream as I stabilize my vision and allow myself to wake. I'm unable to return to a dream at the time.

      Updated 06-08-2016 at 01:10 AM by 50425

    4. Terrace Free-Fall

      by , 06-07-2016 at 11:15 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I'm on the top level a stone structure with several levels. I'm trying to figure out a way down as I'm standing in the arched entryway at the top. I begin floating down, and it hits me: I'm inside of a dream The structure has many levels, progressing downward with out-cropped terraces. The entire thing is built out of sand colored stone, and many people are sitting on these ledges. I continue to descend in a spread eagle to the ground level of the structure, and continue looking around, taking in the environment. I reach to the very bottom, but stop my dream body before I hit the ground. I decide to levitate myself back up while getting everyone's attention by calling out. I'm interested in their reaction to my realization of the dream, and my ability to control it. I start letting myself fall again and fake a scream as though I'm actually falling uncontrolled, ready to catch myself. I notice immediately that this stimulated my physical body's vocal cords, and that it's waking me a bit. I hang in the air for a second or two before I wake up.
    5. The Windshield & The Brick Pillars

      by , 06-04-2016 at 05:39 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      1. I'm in the road behind an apartment complex entering into the parking area. I spot my car, but something feels strange. I have the thought that my car is a dream sign, and I continue to consider my surroundings a bit strange. As I approach, I naturally do a nose plug, breath and I'm lucid. I transition right to my car and am driving down the road in the parking area behind the building. I head around the side and look up toward a massive tree to my right, and well as the corner of the outisde of a building to the left. I decide to fly through the windshield and get an aerial view of the entire area. I easily ascend through, and up above the large tree to my right. I look down at the roof of the large apartment building as I consider what to do next with my dream. Dream goals don't come to me at this point, but I decide to anchor myself through senses, and focus on expanding/concentrating on my vision. I continue to fly over and above the roof.

      I soon enter a void and resolve to hold my awarness until the next dream, and not lose focus. I hold for a while and...

      2.I begin to notice two brick pillars on either side of me begin to form. They have a very slight red coloring to them, and I'm standing on a cream colored concrete walkway. The scene is becoming slightly more vivid, and as I look down the walkway, I notice a co-worker make her way around the walkway with a few of her students. I decide to follow and begin a conversation out of interest. I turn the corner but don't see them. I consider flying at this point, but decide I'll stay on the ground and focus on stability while I explore. I look down the concrete walkway, and see that it enters a fairly large building by passing into it, almost like a small tunnel.I walk down while constantly moving my vision around, trying a technique from a podcast I heard the previous day. This help stabilize a bit, and things become more vivid. I walk into the building and look left and right. The corridor extends pretty far in each direction, and rooms connect to either side; it looks almost like a huge storage area mixed with an office. I think about how long the LD is lasting, and am pretty happy with it. I then realize 'wow, anything can come around those corners right now' and am fascinated by this. Begin feeling as though I have sensations from my physical body and wake up.
    6. Energy Wave

      by , 06-04-2016 at 01:03 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I find myself in a dark room of what feels to be the 2nd story of a building. I walk toward a door, but something feels very strange. This feeling stays with me for a few seconds, and I begin to recognize 'the dream feel'. I put my right hand out in front of me, and it hits me: I'm dreaming. I walk into the next room and turn right to see a second story railing overlooking the first, in what appears to be my childhood home. The area is very dark, and the vividness is a bit weak at this point. I ramp up my awareness at this point, and the clarity/stability becomes a bit stronger. I look down and notice the front door as well as the large window above. Instead of heading down through the wall as I've done in other dreams, I decide to go down into the first floor, walk around, and stabilize for a bit.I make my way forward, yet the visuals quickly collapse into black. I tell myself to hold focus and to wait for images to start up. I hold in this area for a bit, then clasp my hands and begin imagining energy moving between them while making a waving motion in order to replicate friction and stay anchored. I hold for a while as images begin to appear into my awareness, as though the next dream is ready to load. I see a snowy town with lined up houses and a few cars parked outside. It reminds me of my uncle's neighborhood in the winter time. Shortly after, I wake up rapidly.
    7. The Blue Pine

      by , 06-04-2016 at 01:52 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I take my hand off of the silver car as the engine starts up, and turn away from the car as well as my brother. I begin to fly upward in the direction of a large pine tree. As I ascend and head toward the brancehs, my awareness begins to raise. I finally land high up on the branches, and turn back down to look at where I had flown from. Something feels a bit strange...surreal. I do a quick glance at my hand, but it's not very necessary; it hits me: I'm dreaming! I repeat to myself with the realization: "I'm in a lucid". I look at the pine branches and notice how vivid and blue they are. I glance up at the sky as well and take in the blue hue. I look downward and get a glimpse of the house I had flown from. The visuals quickly collapse, yet I hold awareness, and become determine to hold my awareness all the way through. I tell myself "Eric stay in this" then tell the dream "last an hour...last an hour". I continue to hold awareness in this void state, and remind myself mentally that it's just a 'loading area for another dream'. I rub my hands constantly to anchor. After some time I begin to imagine myself paddling a surfboard, and a wave finally reaching me and catching me. The feeling is interesting, but visuals don't kick in. I then decide to pretend I'm riding a skateboard. Again, no visuals. I suddenly realize I'm in a white tunnel/massive empty area and see a dark figure of a person begin to appear a distance away. I lose lucidity as the dream forms, and see myself walking toward my point of awareness with athletic clothing, and a slight limp as if I had hurt my left side. A tunnel area is fully formed at this point. The dream quickly jumps to an interesting fragment in which I'm explaining the lucid dream I just had to a middle aged man. He's wondering if it's a shared dream I experienced, and I explain how real it felt.
    8. Mirror Wormhole

      by , 06-03-2016 at 12:33 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I am stranding in front of a mirror looking at a reflection of my whole upper body. I feel that something is not right; something feels strange. I keep staring, then decide to check my hands. They look fairly normal, even in the reflection, yet I still feel that something is strange and that I may be dreaming. I do a nose plug and I'm lucid. I instantly decide to jump through the circular mirror in order to change the scene. I dive through and I'm sucked into a tunnel which propels me a short distance. I soon end up in a void state, yet maintain strong awarenes and resolve to make it through until the next dream forms. I begin engaging my tactile sense my rubbing my dream hands. I demand myself to focus, consistently repeating word 'focus' verbally. I begin rubbing my dream body as well, and am interested by the mild electrical vibrations I feel when touching the dream body with my dream hands. I gain a mental representation of the energy field of my dream body by doing so. I continue going back and forth between these two activities in the void for about two minutes until I feel that I am transitioned back into my waking body. Upon awakening, I don't recall if it was a micro-awakening or a false awakening, although the sensation of a physical body felt very real.

      Updated 06-03-2016 at 12:35 AM by 50425

    9. The Woods

      by , 05-29-2016 at 12:22 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I'm walking down a driveway in front of a two story structure as a narrator finishes speaking. I begin thinking about my awareness practice and wonder how good I'll be at lucid dreaming/dream yoga in three years if I keep working hard at it. I wonder if it'll all be worth it. My awareness raises as I reach farther down the driveway, and it feels as though visuals from my pre-bed meditation kick in. I become lucid as my hands come in front of me, and I'm good to go; no need to do a formal RC at this point. There is a slight shock at how clear/rational my mind feels at this point. I fly a bit upward and notice a street running in front of the property, dense woodland laying beyond. I continue flying, and make my way across the property and across the road. As I enter the woodland I make a point to use all of my senses, anchoring myself into the dream. I feel this area may be due to my first dream goal of heading to an astral forest. My stabilization feels pretty solid as I enter my way into the trees, gliding smoothly. I begin rubbing my dream body to practice this technique a bit. I feel all my limbs and torse get stimulated by hands as if a slight staitic is running through them. I consider using visualization to try a dream goal, but decide to explore and practice stabilzation instead. I continue my way through the trees, alternating between rubbing my dream body and using my senses. The branches are thick with pine needles. The dream gets a bit blurry but I hang in for a while. I enter a void soon then go into a short period of non-lucidity before waking. I attempt a DEILD, and get very close to my separation point, but I don't quite 'sink' into the next. I stay up for the day.

      Updated 05-30-2016 at 10:35 PM by 50425

    10. The Lodge Trio

      by , 05-27-2016 at 01:52 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      1. I hold my awareness through the 'sinking' feeling and stand up with my dream body once I feel I am ready. I find myself in a very dim room resembling my bedroom, yet with a longer extension to the left. I consider where to go, then decide to head through the window to the right and explore outside a bit. I find my way onto the wooden porch attached with a small set of stairs descending to the left. A small yard area with vivid green grass lays beyond. I walk a bit farther and notice that the area I'm in resembles a lodge of sorts. The building is mostly a darker red color, constructed of wood, with many rooms on various levels. I head toward the lawn then look to my left and see a large white square door. I continue on thinking about what I should do in this dream as I make a bit of progress toward the door. I feel the heavy feeling -similar to the last dream - holding me back; it feels like a strong resistance is hindering my movement. I remind myself that it's just a dream, and that everything is taking place in my mind in dream space - I can just will myself forward. I look to the left and notice a turning staircase connecting the various entrance ways to the bi-level lodge. I engage the five senses once again at this point. I continue my way floating up the staircase and head to go into one of the upper level rooms to explore. White light is spilling from under the doorway. I phase through the door and enter the room which is very dark. I quickly enter a void, but am determined to hold awareness through. I engage as many senses as I can, and maintain strong sense of hearing on many birds chirping. The scene begins to appear,and I make my way through a wall.

      2. I wake up, hold completely still, recall the last dream, and feel I can enter another LD by relaxing my body once again. I relax and 'sink' until I feel that I have control of a dream body then stand up and walk to the foot of the bed. I do a jumping jack spontaneously to engage my sense of kinesthetics. I begin to head through the nearest wall, and try to imagine myself heading into a natural setting at this point. The dream is not taking me anywhere, and I reason that I don't have a dream incubated within my mind - I think back to Sageous's posts about having a dream 'on tap'. I continue to fall in this void state.

      3. I wake up (yet am not fully sure if it was a real or false awakening). I continue the same sinking process from the previous dream, and once again stand up and begin to move around a room closely resembling the previous one. The dream quickly fades and I wake up.

      Updated 05-31-2016 at 05:25 PM by 50425

    11. The Five Senses

      by , 05-27-2016 at 01:26 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I continue the 'sinking' of my body into the bed, feeling that I can transition to a lucid from this point. I soon find myself standing in a slightly lit bedroom resembling my parents' bedroom in my childhood home. I'm staring at the master bed with dark golden sheets - dim sunlight is coming through the window to the right. I see somebody sleeping, then see a DC which appears to be a younger version of my mom sit up in the bed slowly, eyes fixed on me. I decide not to approach, and instead back out of the room, thinking to myself 'well, that's creepy..'. I head out to the hallway and peer over the banister. The dream space feels very 'thick', almost as thoguh I am moving through glue. I think back to my dream goal and a convo with OneUp the night before, and immediately begin engaging my 5 senses. The dream begins to stabilize a great deal, and I feel I have some control over the length at this point. I stare ahead at the arched window on the 2nd floor wall as well as the door. It's light outside, but I decide not to take this route. Instead I decide to fall back through the wall, and imagine a forest scene as I fall. I continue in a void state for a bit waiting for a scene to emerge, yet nothing comes for a bit. I simply allow the dream to re-form instead of forcing a scene. I reappear in the hallway and decide to float through the wall with the door and window. I fly through and begin engaging my 5 senses again, and am happy with the time extension as I begin to make my way through the front yard, walking and flying low to the ground. I try to feel my breaths, pay attention to the tastes in my mouth, see the colors, and listen to the birds all at the same time. After doing this for a couple minutes, the dream quickly goes void and transition to a FA which only lasts 1-2 seconds before I regain lucidity.

      Updated 05-27-2016 at 01:30 AM by 50425

    12. Trail to the White Fountain

      by , 05-26-2016 at 02:01 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I continue to walk down the outdoor trail in the dream after hearing a boom of thunder and hearing the narrator discuss practice of awareness by a mystic. I'm walking through an outdoor trail in a farmland area and continue my awareness practice. A DC continues to follow me, and I eventually feel as though it's my brother. I enter an area with an intersection in the trail and look left. I see a small white fountain with trapezoidal shape formed intot the front. It's located in a small green field with a structure to the right. I begin to voice how this looks like a scene from a dream I had a while back and begin running my memory. My awareness raises, and I say "this is a dream!" back to the dream character. The vividness of the fountain raises and I take in all thee shapes as well as the layout of the area, thinking back to the previoius dreamscape. The colors brighten, and everything seems to come alive. I levitate up into the air and tell my brother that I'm getting lucid off of the word "dream" a lot now these days. I think back to sensei's podcast and how the word dream popping up in conversation should spark a reality check. The DC continues to trail about 50 feet behind me remaining silent as usual. I turn around back to where the trail is leading, but the dream collapses rapidly and I wake.

      Updated 05-27-2016 at 02:08 AM by 50425

    13. European Town Night Drive

      by , 05-25-2016 at 01:30 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I'm in the back of a cab with S heading down a very steep hill. We have a cab driver, and the man is wearing a rimmed cap. We're having a conversation about different relatives who live in Europe. I look at her as my awareness breaks through, and in a very collected, nonchalant manner I tell her how awesome it is that this is all a dream. I look around the cab and take in the vivid colors of dark red of the seats that have a slight glow in the dark of the night. I then follow up by saying that it is a DILD we are in actually, and explain to her that it is because I became aware of the dream as it was occurring. I say this with an interested smile of satisfaction. I look to either side of the very narrow road we are traveling down in the dead of night. Closely packed building, roughly 3 stories high, stand crammed next to eachother. The architecture resembles that of 19th century Europe in a city area. Archways over windows and doors are intricately formed into the cement foundation of the structures. The row of buildings - which appear to be living quarters are dark goldden yellow. A couple groups of two to three people begin makin their way up the narrow sidewalk as we make our descent; they are dressed in very old clothing resembling 17th-18th century western Europe. The dresses are gray, and the hats are black. S's face is different as I look back, and it appears to be a different DC altogether. The DC gives an expression as though it is cognitively impaired - not processing any information I'm saying. I still ask the DC to help me stabilize, and follow up by stating I want to see how a DC would do. I then decide to fly up and out of the car to the bottom of the hill, where the street meets another street at an intersection. I turn left and see a group of three people. I fly forward rapidly to see their faces, yet they all vanish into wisps of smoke as I get near. I raise up into the air turning left and gaze town to the two story building which has a small ledge outside the second floor. I decide to stay in this area as I feel this will keep the dream stable for now. I fly toward this white colored second level, and begin thinking about dream flying dynamics, and how the dream space is all just existing in my mind. I make a bit of progress, then quickly enter a void and simultaneously ramp up my awareness in order to maintain the dream. I tell myself that I'm goign to hold awareness no matter what. I hold for about 15 seconds, then feel the interesting transiton back into my physical body. I hold perfectly still for a couple minutes attempting a DEILD.

      Updated 05-28-2016 at 01:50 AM by 50425

    14. Red Shrine in the Sky

      by , 05-24-2016 at 01:50 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I find myself aware that I'm in a dream as I'm standing in a dark hallway with rows of doors are lined up on either side. It is the dead of night, and I get the impression that I am in a house. My hands come out in front of me, and I know I need to stabilize as things feel a bit unstable. I keep getting the impression that I'm beginning to feel my physical body and then I'm going to wake. I find myself in a FA for a period of time in which I am trying to re-enter the last dream lucidly (I didn't realize it was a FA until several minutes upon waking for the day). My arm is around S as I begin on focusing and incubating a dream scene and entering lucidly. I close my eyes and notice hypnagogic imagery develop into the dream scene. I am looking consciously aware as I begin entering into a scene with a tall red Japanese shrine. The shrine is situated on a small island floating high in the sky with grass scattered across the ground on the bottom of the floating mini island. Behind the floating shrine sits a massive brown cliff with jagged edges. The cliff rises to the left, far above the shrine. My awareness begins merging with a dream body that I imagine, and I continue to recreate the feeling of the body moving through the entryway to the scene with waving motions of my limbs. I begin this transition into the sky and suddenly wake.
    15. Ethereal Arms

      by , 05-24-2016 at 01:39 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I find myself standing next to my bed facing the wall lucidly aware. My arms come in front of my face, and I say outloud "I'm lucid" with excitement. I am facing a wall at this point, and the room is very dark. My arms have an ethereal transparency to them.I gaze to the right a bit a notice a large doorwary with a thin white frame. The door leads into a square room beyond. The dream feels a bit unstable, and my awareness still needs to be increased. In an effort to stabilize, I decide to try entering a new dream scene. I kneel down, take my right arm and imagine myself carving a cirucular portal into the ground. I trace the circle with my arm and visualize a blue border. The dream becomes fuzzy and I wake shortly after.
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