• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Oneirin's Dreamworld

    Lucid: Blue
    Approaching Lucidity: Gold
    Non-Lucid: Black
    *Color Coding hasn't worked in my DJ since mid June 2023, so LDs are simply marked with: (LD) from that point on.

    1. The Sound of Water

      by , 05-21-2016 at 01:40 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I'm walking toward a sectioned off shower as I transition from narration in a previous dream. Someone is talking about how great it is to remember their dreams, and I think to myself, "I travel to other dimensions". I have a quick memory of a higher level lucid. I reach the shower and see S. I knock on the edge of the glass as I enter so I don't startle her. I ask if I can come in, and she says yes. I take a step in and turn towards her I take a look at her face, and my awareness begins to raise to a critical level. Looking at her face with a big satisfied smile, I say: "I'm dreaming". She begins to grin at me as she tucks in her her chin a bit, as if to communicate: 'yeah you figured it out'.I wrap my arms around her to savor and enjoy the moment, and begin tracing my memory for dream goals. I quickly decide to just forget about the goals for the time being and enjoy the moment in the dream. The shower is surrounded by walls of small white tiles with a glass door to our left. As we hug, the dream gets a bit blurry, and I gaze into the corner of the shower to see three racks with various items on them. I revisit the idea of dream goals and decide to multi-task by imagining a dream item popping up from a goal in order to try tasting it. I grab a blurry box, yet it has no taste The dream begins to go into the void. Once in the void, I am distinctly aware of the very realistic sounds of water running. I resolve to hold my awarenesss through to the next dream scene. The sound of the water is very soothing, and for a short period I begin to think it is coming from waking life. I begin to focus on this as I begin to rub my hands as well. This goes on for about a minute, then I wake.

      Updated 05-21-2016 at 02:07 AM by 50425

    2. Room to Four Rooms

      by , 05-20-2016 at 01:40 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I'm in a small room following the void state fromt the previous lucid. My awareness breaks through without RCing, and I find myself lucid in an area closely resembling a section of a high-scale hotel. There is dark marble throughout the counter tops, and mirror against some portion of the wall. A high quality sink is in this area along with some toiletrees. I think back to the goal I've been working on and try to imagine a cacao bar in one of the small boxes. The same situation from the previous lucid repeas, and there's a tasteless piece of papery material inside when I imagine it to be there. I begin turning to see where the room leads to an enter the first door. It is a very small room with a lounge chair of some sort. I quickly turn away, and open a door on the adjacent wall. Another small rooms lays beyond. I turn once again, and the same sitautuoin repeats. I finally open the door on the 4th wall and find another small room with a bath inside of it. However, it's another dead-end. I step inside, and look at the intricate pattern on the dark red tile above the bath. I decide I'm going to phase into another dream through this wall. I begin sliding into the wall, and my vision starts heading to a blackout. I begin imagining a snow scene. Nothing forms, so I begin trying to imagine a mountain peak with a shrine. The visuals don't catch on, so I think back to a podcast, and imagine myself driving a high-end sports car up a mountain path. I begin to get some tactile sense, but the dream fades and I wake up.
    3. Box on the Counter

      by , 05-20-2016 at 01:32 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I'm with S in an area resembling a kitchen following the previous lucid. I am standing in front of a tall counter top with a dark marble surface, and she is standing in front of me to the left of the counter. I'm aware of how 'strange' things feel, and do a noseplug. I breathe and become lucid. I turn away from her slightly, and repeat"I'm lucid! I'm lucid!". Past where S is standing lays a doorway entering into a hall beyond. I get the impression that this leads to the hotel-like setting of the previous dream. At this point I decide to get started on some dream goals. I think back to one goal and my previous lucid and want to try eating a massive cacao bar and feeling the effects. I look around the counter top and determine it would be a good idea to just imagine it's inside of one of the containers on the counter. I peer inside the box, pretend it's what I'm looking for and take a bite. It's fairly tasteless, and tastes pretty much like paper. My mind isn't convinced. I decide to continue on down the hallway and enter to the next section of the dreamscape. At this point, the dream goes void, and I hold my awareness through a minute long segment, awaiting the next to form. I lose lucidity for brief time as the new dream forms.
    4. Last an Hour

      by , 05-20-2016 at 01:22 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I find myself in a void intermission following a dream about progress of one of my students. I feel my dream body in the void and focus on relaxing it completely; part of my mind understands that I will enter into an LD from here. I find myself in a house, and quickly do a noseplug. I breathe and become lucid. I become excited, and focus on my goals and mantra of extending the dream duration. I keep thelling the dream that it will last for an hour. I shout "this will last for an hour" with conviction several times. I continue on down one of the hallways. I feel as though I am in a combination of a house/hotel with many hallways connecting various rooms. I explore for a bit. There is a lot of vividness to this iniitial portion, however *there is a section of the dream around this portion which slipped from memory due to subsquent dreams*. I think back to previous goals once again and think of eating a huge cacao bar and feeling the effects. I'm appreciating the length and stability of the dream and have the thought that it is lasting quite a few minutes. Before I continue on to the goal, the dream fades and I enter a FA.
    5. Cyclone Night Sky

      by , 05-19-2016 at 12:39 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I'm walking by a curved window of a large house. I'm practicing awareness in a walking meditation, and glance to the left. I notice my brother working at a desk with a dim yellow light on. I return to my walking meditation, and go to raise my awareness more. The vividness of the ground starts to come out, and I see the intricate small black stones woven into the brown dirt. I head a few more feet then begin to levitate as I turn around. I catch my brother's attention, then levitate more in order to show him my ability. I ascend a few hundred feet, then get the feeling I may be dreaming. I do a nose-plug and become lucid. I have free flight and begin circling counterclockwise around the house/mansion. I think about staying in this dream as long as possible. As I continue circling, I consider changing the dream scene. I gaze out to the forest surrounding the property, laying far beyond in the darkness. Scattered, wispy, gray clouds are present throughout the sky. Once in the back of the structure I finally stay in one place. I get the sense that a storm of some sort is approaching. I think back to the purple reishi I had during my WBTB and wonder if it is influencing the dream in any way. I am feeling a strong sense of contentment and enjoyment throughout this process, and consider making my way to the roof of the house. I feel a sense of mastery with the freedom of flight and levitation. I look down at the dark gabled roof as I'm now quite a few hudnred feet in the air. I'm unable to approach, however, as I feel a force of wind is preventing me from advancing - almost like an outward moving cyclone. A void quickly appraoches and I resolve to hold my awareness through and into the next dream scene. I remain aware, then begin rubbing my hands, reminding myself that a new scene will form. I begin rubbing my feet of my dream body in the void as well. I hold awareness in the void for a minute or so then lose lucidity during a brief segment of a dream before waking.
    6. Midnight Blue

      by , 05-18-2016 at 01:06 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I find myself standing standing in a yard area resembling my childhood home. I realize I am in a dreamscape, and take in the surreal environenment and the slight glow to all it's contents. There is a dim blue pervading the entire scene, providing that extra "LD" quality to the whole thing. In front of me stands a tree in the shape of an upside-down bowling ball. To my right is a two story structure with a small squar table set in front. To the left is a very dark body of water with a row of dark shrubbery behind. I feel that going to the left may destabilize the dream, and I decide that I want it to last a long time. I turn to the right and head toward the square table, aware that there is a set of white balls on them resembling pool balls. I am aware that they serve some sort of function, and am interested to go over and find out what they are for. As soon as I start to head over, the dream abruptly ends and I wake up.
    7. Dark Mansion Bookshelf

      by , 05-17-2016 at 01:44 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I find myself in a bed in a room that feels normal to me at the time. I have the intent to leave my body and enter a lucid dream so I imagine my limbs moving from my body. I move my legs first, then my arms. I find myself standing up next to the bed, facing the door, lucid. I realize I'm in a different room. Another door stands on the oppositve side of the room, across from the foot of the bed. My brother is in the room, but I don't interact with him. Instead, I make my way through the door, and begin thinking of what I should do. I think to myself: 'I really need to pee' then realize: 'No! Bad idea! lol. At the time I have a strange impression that I had just seen a movie (upon awakening, it seems it was a memory from a dream I had just before the lucid began). I continue on to a narrow corridor with a ceiling ~4 stories tall. Doors lay on either side, but I continue on straight ahead, beginnig to fly upward as I go. My brother follows along as I enter the expanse of the mansion. I continue on to two massive room separated by a massive wall. I continue to the right and enter a massive room. I look toward the far wall and notice a bookshelf with four racks. On the third lays a row of books with spines colored from white, to black, to red mixed in-between. I tell myself that the book I pull out will have an important teaching for me (part of one of my dream goals). I move my gaze down the row of books and select one toward the middle with a red spine and gold lettering on it. I slide it out, but the top line reads something like: S O; the next line reads something like D R G T. I reason that it is gibberish and decide not read the following lines or open the book. I return the book, fly up toward the top of the ceiling while turning around. I look down and notice my brother standing on the bottom. The dream quickly fades and I wake.
    8. Grandparents' Home - Dark and Empty

      by , 05-16-2016 at 12:58 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      After a couple short FAs I find myself at a table that resembles my grandparents' old kitchen table with my brother. He's talking about games, and I'm trying to show interest, but have lucidity on my mind. I then realize this is a dream!I check my hands, comparing them to my last FA, and realize the other dream was far more convincing. THis time it seems my middle finger wasn't appearing. I feel as though I'm standing in a re-cration of my grandparents' kitchen in the dead of night, and it feels ominous and creepy. I make my way out of the room and turn right into the lviing room.I look across the room into the next hallway and it gives an impression as though it's haunted. A door stands partially opned with a dim golden colored handle. I small white object that looks cloth like and about two feet wide sits next to the door. I think to myslef about how creepy some lucids can get and decide to change the scene by heading through the window. I look through the thick white curtains, and can tell that dense dark trees, like a woodland area, lay beyond. I decide this is fine and go to phase through. As I make my way I get slowed down, almost as if the curtains are blocking my movement and vision. Strands move throughout my visual field. I find myself waking up and RC.

      Updated 11-18-2023 at 11:57 PM by 50425

    9. Blue Office Potion Hunt

      by , 05-15-2016 at 02:11 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I'm riding a motorcycle down an escalator, and end up on the 1st floor in the entryway to what appears to be an office area. As I approach,it suddenly occurs to me that I'm in a dream. I begin to think about what to do, and what my current dream goals are. I head to the first DC, a female with short light colored hair who is facing her computer. There is a small section of blue colored cubicles in this area. I put my hands on her shoulders and say to her with determination as if telling the dream: "This dream is going to last for over an hour". I then ask the awareness behind the dream for it to last over an hour, determined to extend the time, and work on my ability to increase dream length. I turn to my right and continue down the passage filled with a row of cubicles facing either side. I think back to dream goals, and remember I wanted to find and drink the most powerful herbal lucid dream potion ever made.I continue to imagine it will be on the desks, but don't see a drink. I continue looking, figuring that I could imagine it being behind the computer monitors. I turn to my right and see a fast-food style soda cup on the desk with a straw coming out. I figure, hey this might be the super potion, imagine it to be and drink it. I think to myself that this is the 'sage's potion'. I go to taste it with a sip and it tastes like flat, stale, diluted, lukewarm Mountain Dew . Probably not the potion, but I could pretend it was! I continue on for a bit down the corridor of cubicles, then decide I want to change the dream scene. I turn right to a computer screen and decide to go to a snowy area. I imagine this is contained in the screen and merge into it. The dream fades into some FAs and non-lucids.
    10. S's Smile

      by , 05-15-2016 at 01:24 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      Coming out of a void state from the previous dream, a begin to have a FA. I start feeling the covers, and hear that S is speaking to someone else in the room - it sounds like a male. I keep feeling the covers, and then realize that something doesn't feel right about this situation, and it doesnt make sense that someone sounding like her brother would be in the room. I become aware I'm in a dream without RCing and raise a bit from the covers. I look down at S and I can tell that the person who was in the room disappeared from the scene leaving the two of us. The covers are pulled back at this point. She turns over, then looks back and gives me a smile. I give her a kiss.I keep worrying at this point that the dream is going to fade as I feel that I may be feeling my physical body. As I move I keep getting distracted by my physical body waking. I wake up after a short period of this.

      Updated 05-15-2016 at 07:03 PM by 50425

    11. Flight to the Massive Oak

      by , 05-14-2016 at 01:11 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I am walking down a driveway and hear a man talking about the benefits of meditation - how it builds the power of 'analytical awareness' to super high levels, through stages. I think that his description sounds a bit like the analytical parts of vipassana. I then think about Zazen and consider this might be better for awareness I make my way to the street and toward a main road and it hits me: I'm dreaming! I instantly fly up above the road and soak in the realism of the dream scene. The trees, street, and cars, are all very vivid and realistic and I feel that I have solid mental presence in the dream.I look backwards toward a black car coming down the road with a female driver - she smiles up at me as she slow, seemingly amused by me flying. I fly backwards and extend my limbs. I then turn around, continue flying and consider some dream goals. I'm super happy and can't believe how vivid and stable this lucid feels. I look way down the road and see the road stretching out for miles into the far distance, massive green trees standing on either side. Cars make their way to what appears to be a coastline with several houses with light red roofs adjacent to the coast. Tree branches a few stories high partially block the view. I think back to one of my dream goals of visiting a 'Heaven Realm' and receiving an important teaching. I decide against it, and reason that this feels enough like a heaven realm. I then decide to shout to the dream for more clarity and focus to see what happens - the dream doesn't alter at all. I consider how stable it is then tell the dream authoritatively that it's going to last for an hour, feeling determined. I make my way down the road continuing toward the coast, and see a massive oak tree several stories tall with branches coming over the road. I head inside of the canopy and am amazed by the network of thick branches and begin to feel the incredibly realistic, gritty texture. I consider making a portal to my goal in one of the branches, but decide to head down the tree, and toward the lake at the base. I fly down bit by bit, feeling each branch then stop a few seconds on one branch. I suddenly think that I shouldn't stop too long or it may become unstable. The dream begins to fade a bit. I enter a void an resolve to stay in it, aware, as long as possible until a new dream forms. I have a short FA before the next dream.

      Updated 05-14-2016 at 01:33 PM by 50425

    12. Midnight Snow

      by , 05-13-2016 at 01:05 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I am in a dark room, and I am thinking about lucidity. I check my hands and become lucid without checking thoroughly. I make my way down the hallway, and look out of a window with an arched top situated on the 2nd floor of a while wall. It is beginning to snow, and appears to be midnight outside. I consider what I should do as I take in the colors, looking over the banister. I wonder how long the dream will last. I glide over the reailing toward the 2nd story window. The moonlight and darkness come through. I phase partially throught the window, and partially through the white wall. The moonlight fills the outdoor area, providing a glow filled with very small snow flakes. A tree without leaves stands in front of me as I levitate in the air, taking in my surroundings. The dream begins to fade. I wake up

      Updated 05-14-2016 at 04:14 PM by 50425

    13. Land of Color

      by , 05-08-2016 at 05:36 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I have a FA following a void state from my previous dream. I head to [S] as she gets ready in the morning. Her face looks very real, but I just got up, and something doesn't feel right, so I hand RC. My hands look fine, but something still feels strange, so I nose plug and become lucid. I turn around and decide to head to a brighter environment. I look through the blinds and think "Marlboro...again". The colors are incredibly bright and vivid. The brilliant green and perfection of the grass fascinates me. I see the stone diving board on the edge of what resembles a body of water/simming pool. This area is right up against the grass. I jump out of the window and slowly glide out into the environment. I decide to shift focus to a dream goal. I try to conjure a 'lucidity orb'. No luck, and I'm on the ground at this point. I then try to conjure a stability orb to see if it could help stabilize the dream. No luck with this either. I decide to hold off on other dream goals as I feel teleporting/phasing may make the dream unstable. I want to see how long I can stay in the environment. I have the thought that it's amazing how natural LDers could experience this on many nights. I then think I can't wait to tell my brother about this one. I make my way back up into the air to get a more aerial view - the yard is very expansive. I make my way around a group of trees to the left. The yellows and pinks are simply amazing and appear as vivid as real life. I see a tall black light on the edge of the grass near the trees which is extremely realistic and similar to the one in WL. As I fly my way around these trees I repeat "You've got to be kidding me" as everything appears so super-real. In the moment I find it hard to believe this state exists. The dream feel very stable. I see a shed structure with two trees off in the distance, and I fly in this general direction. The shed structure is a light brown color. Around this point the dream feels as though it is beginning to fade. I quickly come back to WL and do a quick state check for gravity before adjusting anything. It feels like I'm truly awake so I open my eyes and hand RC. I turn to my dog, laughing, and say "You've got to be kidding me, Maya" .

      Updated 05-10-2016 at 01:48 AM by 50425

    14. Dark Expanse

      by , 05-08-2016 at 05:09 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I have a FA and something feels strange. I can't see my hands well, so I nose plug and I'm lucid. The room is very dark, so I continue on to the next. I see that there is a small riffle in the covers of the bed in the next room, as though someone small may be lying there. I become curious to see who is there and pull the sheets back. I don't see a head, and see small clothing, but cannot tell if there is a body inside. I turn away from the bed and head to the window to change the scene. I jump through and fall into a void/blackness which leads to a period of simply holding awareness before the dream fades. There is a strange void transition period I vaguely remember before another FA occurs.
    15. Rainbow Window

      by , 05-08-2016 at 02:02 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I have a feeling of being bummed that I'm not lucid while looking at statistics from a Dream Views monthly competition . I look at the screen and see line graphs in green corresponding to the time Sensei is lucid within dreams throughout each night.
      I get the thought that I may actually be dreaming. Nose pinch lucid. I immediately leave the room and enter the main area of the structure. It resembles the main entryway at my childhood home. Beautiful rainbow light spills in the main area of the building through the arched window on the second story. I float down to the first floor, turn around and head down the hallway. As I walk down the hall, I look back to my first dream goal, and try to conjure a lucidity orb. My right hand comes out in front, but nothing appears. I then ask it to come to me in future dreams and make me lucid. I then ask for a dream character to appear in order to find me in future dreams and make me lucid. No response. I am in the kitchen area of the house at this point, but turn from this area, head back through the hall to the main area. I phase through the white front door and into the outdoor environment. The colors remain very bright and vivid. I gaze around at all the colorful bushes and trees and down the street, and wonder how long the dream will remain stable for. I move toward the street, and the dream fades a bit. I feel that I might be feeling my physical body. I begin to feel for gravity as my initial state test. I wake up.
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