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    Awareness and A Reaper

    by , 03-19-2015 at 10:27 PM (562 Views)
    1. I was in my house and it was the early morning. It was so early in fact, that the sky was still dark outside. I got out of my bed and looked around. My room was almost pitch black, but something felt very odd. I then noticed a grim reaper standing in the corner of my room. I leave my room quickly and go into my sister's room to tell her. "Kayla, there's someone in my room! We need to leave now!". She gets out of her bed instantly and we run into my dad's room and tell him. For some reason my mom is gone.
    "Dad, there's some kind of ghost in our house. we need to leave now!". He looks at me in shock (In waking life, my dad isn't scared of ghosts at all). He gets up and goes downstairs quickly. I look back at my room and notice that this reaper dressed in an all black robe is walking slowly towards us. It seems that he can't go any faster than he is now. I somehow know in my mind that if he touches us we will die. Then I say something out of the usual, "I've had way worse nightmares than this. I've had demons chasing me before" I tell my dad. At this point I can feel that I am semi-lucid, but I don't complete the connection and enter full on lucidity.
    We all go downstairs hastily. Once I get downstairs I get my Vans and put them on my feet. My shoe laces are messed up, so I untie them completely and retie them. I then tuck my laces into my shoe so they can't get untied easily. My sister tells me that she forgot something upstairs, so she runs upstairs to get it. I look up into the hallway and I can see that the reaper is halfway down the hallway now, slowly making his way to us. My sister bypasses him without him touching her and goes into her room to get her shoes. While waiting on her, I run into the living room to see what my dad is doing. He's not in the house anymore so I figure that he is outside starting up the truck to get ready to leave.
    I hear someone coming down the stairs quickly so I run to see who it is. Once I get into the foyer where the stairs are, I look up and see the grim reaper halfway down the stairs. My sister is trying to get around him, but is having trouble. I distract the reaper for a moment and my sister walks around him without him noticing. Now everyone is downstairs and me and my sister run outside. I lock and close the backdoor behind us to buy us some time. As we both get outside I see my dad pulling up into the driveway with his truck. He's in such a hurry that he drives into my mom's car which has a white paint job and red headlights for some reason. This strikes me for a moment but I am quickly distracted.
    Me and my sister get in my dad's truck and buckle up. My dad then puts the truck in reverse and floors it. We go flying backwards and it feels like I am experiencing alot of negative G forces. It feels very odd, like I was on a roller coaster or something. Eventually my dad stops the truck and puts it in drive. We start driving away from our house. I think to myself, "Thank God I am away from there. I'm not coming back". I now feel safe in the truck. I take a look through the truck window and I see that it is now fully daytime. As we turn the corner I see a gray SUV starting to race us. Here, my awareness seems to surface for a moment. "Wait a second, why is this car racing us on a small neighborhood street?". I look to see who's driving the SUV and I see two Hispanic males up front. One is driving, and the other is in the passenger seat.
    They look at me and speed up. They then get in front of us and keep on driving. We both make a left turn at the end of the street we are on and stop at a stop sign. As we leave the neighborhood, the exit seems to be alot smaller than usual. There is large brown/autumn colored gate stopping the flow of the two way street. The SUV in front of us turns onto the feeder and leaves our sight. A truck with a trailer then tries turning into the neighborhood through this exit of the neighborhood, but there isn't enough room because we are still at the stop sign.
    Once the feeder is clear, we cross the road and drive onto an open dirt field. I blackout for a moment and suddenly find myself standing in front of my dad and sister and they are both lying down on a stretcher and have cords attached to them. To the left of them I see my grandpa who is dead at the moment. I somehow also know that he has died 3 times already and my dad is trying to save him by some sort of blood transfusion or something. We are still on the dirt field and there are ambulances all around us. A medic comes up to my dad and uses defibrillators on my dad's chest. Suddenly my dad twitches and my grandpa wakes up. He is now alive again and this is the 4 time he has come back to life. My dad wakes up as well, but he is in pain.
    "Dad what's wrong?" I ask. "Nothing, I'm fine" he tells me. "No really dad, what's wrong? Are you really okay?" I ask again. "No, I have a strong pain in my chest" he tells me. Caring for my dad and not wanting him to die, I unbutton his shirt and see what's wrong with his chest. As I do so I see a bulging blood vessel in the center of his chest and it looks really swollen. He chest starts bleeding out of this area. Realizing the seriousness of this, tears start pouring from my eyes. I realize that there are doctors all around us, so I yell out loud, "Medic!! I need a medic!!!". At the same time my vision starts blurring. I look to my left and I see a blad white guy in a speedo running towards me. "I'm a medic" he yells. He has the physique of a body builder. I doubt his credibility as a medic. I then wake up.

    2. I am at a park and it is nighttime. I walk over to where the park slides are and look around. It is quiet for the most part and the park seems dead. Suddenly I see a black man(not being racist, I have plenty of black friends) running towards me. He is holding the end of a leash in his left hand and at the other end of this leash there is a dog that looks to be a German Shepard. The man is breathing heavily and him and his dog run past me as though they are after something, or something is after them. I turn around to watch where they are going. In the direction they are running, I see a party going on. Close to this party there is what looks to be a small storage building only as big as a single bedroom of a house.
    I run over to this storage room and go inside. It is almost completely dark in here, but I can still see fairly well. All around this small storage room I see shelves and small fridges. I open up one of the small-mini fridges and look inside. The power to these fridges is off and there are no light in them. However, I see small black capsules about half the size of a coca-cola bottle all inside. I take one of these capsules and look at it. It reads, "Gatorade Pills". This interests me and I look at the nutrients in it. As I turn it around and look at the nutrient facts, I see that in each pill, there are 3 vitamins in it. However, these 3 vitamins vary depending on the color of the pill. There were 3 colors of pills: Green, Purple, and Orange. I read that the purple pills have Vitamins B6, B12, and B7 in it.
    I do not read what nutrients the other pills have in them. I open up a capsule filled with only purple pills and take one out. I then open a capsule filled with only green pills and take one. I then open a capsule filled with only orange pills and take one. I now have 3 pills in my hand. Somehow, I get a bottle of water. I throw the pills in my mouth and swallow them with some water. "I just stole Gatorade pills, that's wrong" I think to myself. I don't think much of it since they have so many pills left. I stand up and look around. There are more mini fridges and each one of them are stocked with these capsules of Gatorade pills.
    I look at the shelves all in this room and each shelve is stacked with Gatorade bottle of many kinds. I remember seeing orange, red, and green Gatorade bottles. I don't really care for Gatorade so I do not take one. I then walk out of the storage room and I set my eyes on the party that is going on to my left. I decide to go to it to see what is going on. I walk on the sidewalk next to the storage room and make my way over to it. As I get over there, I notice alot of friends from school. I see my friends Ryan, Lucas, Richard, Alex, and a few others. They are all standing in a group talking. The party is filled with way more people, and there are alot of babes, but I ignore them for now and see what my friends are up to.
    As I get over to them I realize that they aren't doing much and are being rather boring. For some reason, I decide to spark up some drama. As we are all standing there talking, I get an idea. "Ryan is really annoying me at the moment, I'm going to push him over real quick" I think to myself. Moments later, Ryan turns his back towards me and I push him hard. I make it look like somebody pushed me so he wouldn't think it was me( lol ). Ryan makes impact with my friend Richard and they both fall to the ground. "Who pushed me?" Ryan said in an agitated voice. "I don't know, someone pushed me dude" I told him.
    He gets up off of the ground, but my friend Richard stays on the ground. He sits up and lays against the wall behind him. "I think I'm going to throw up dude" he tells me. The evil part of me is laughing so hard inside of me. A girl comes over and asks Richard if he wants a napkin. As she does this, he throws up all over himself. "Yeah thanks" he says as he wipes the throw up on his mouth onto his shirt. He throws up again after he takes the napkin and this time he throws up into the napkin itself. Out of no where Alex then tells me that he has the shits and is going to the restroom(wtf, why is all this gross shit happening?). I acknowledge him and he then leaves to do his thing. After a few minutes he finishes in the restroom and leaves it. I decide to go to the restroom and as I walk into the same restroom Alex was in, I am overcome with an intense odor of feces. I then wake up.

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    1. PercyLucid's Avatar
      Pretty cool read Thanks a lot for sharing!
      OneUp likes this.
    2. OneUp's Avatar
      Pretty cool read Thanks a lot for sharing!
      Haha, I think that 2nd dream was one of my weirder dreams lol.
    3. yungdeity's Avatar
      pretty weird dream !