1. It was nighttime and me, Patrick, and Trey, were all walking through a parking lot. The parking lot lights lit up the area pretty well. We walked to the edge of the parking lot and then walked into the grassy field beyond it. Not far ahead of us was a big hill, and right beyond that big hill was a ditch. We all made our way up the hill. At this point I was semi-lucid. Once we got to the top of the hill we stopped for a moment and looked down at the ditch. Suddenly Trey kicks the grass and as he does so his shoe flies off and into the ditch. "Well shittt" Trey says,"Looks like I'm gonna have to go down there and get it boys". The steepness of the hill we were on was at about a 75 to 80 degree angle. That being said, it would be very difficult for someone to just walk down the side of the hill and into the ditch. However, Trey saw no challenge in this and walked right down into the ditch. On his way down his slid a little bit but kept his footing. "Fuck that dude. I'm going around" Pat says. "For sure" I tell him. Pat and I make our way around the ditch to a section where it isn't as steep going down. 2. I was riding the bus home, but my sister wasn't with me(I usually drive to and from school, but at the moment I'm grounded). The air inside of the bus felt really cool and comfortable. I watched through the window as the bus moved. We were inside of some neighborhood and it was really nice. At the first stop, people got off at usual, but for some reason the bus driver told me that I had to get off of the bus. It wasn't my normal bus driver either. I told this lady that she couldn't just kick me off of the bus for no reason at all and that that was discrimination and unfair treatment(There was alot more to the situation than that, but I can't remember it). I basically went off on her by telling her that she was violating my rights and some laws and stuff, which she was. However, this bus driver continued to get more and more heated. I decided I was just going to get off and stop wasting my time and get Pat to come pick me up. With that, I got up and got off the bus. Immediately as I did the bus driver closed the bus doors and drove off. I walked onto the sidewalk and texted Pat to come pick me up. While I was waiting I noticed a big boulder in the grass on the side of the sidewalk. On this boulder was a holographic projection of a red and blue monkey. The monkey was wearing a hat. Suddenly my sister shows up behind me. I tell her to look at the holographic monkey and she looked at in surprise. "This isn't something you see everyday" I told her(lmao, almost got Lucid). Next thing I know, Pat pulls up in his red truck. I get in the shotgun seat and close the door. "We're going to my mom's house" he tells me. With that he drives off and we make our way to his mom's house, completely leaving my sister behind(lmfao). On the way there Pat gets the AUX cord and we jam out to some trap music. Once we get to his mom's house he parks in the driveway and we both get out and go inside. His mom's house is 2 stories and looks very nice(in waking life it's only 1 story and alot smaller). We go straight upstairs and into Pat's room. I notice that his bed is in the top left corner of the room when you walk in. His walls are painted an off-white color and his carpet is the same color(In waking life he doesn't even have his own room at his mom's house). I look around the room. I see a two door closet and go and open it up. Inside is a whole pile of little kid toys, specifically for girls. I see some pink toys, some purple toys, and all of them looked very girly in general. In my head I was thinking "Why the fuck does Pat have all these toys, he's 17", but I wasn't aware at the moment so I didn't become lucid. I turn around and see Pat playing video games on his T.V. It seems as though the game is Halo 5, but I'm not to sure. I sit down on his bed and grab a controller and join in the game. After playing Halo for about a good 2 or 3 minutes, our friends Casey and Victor walk in. "What's up guys" Victor says. "Yooo, were just chilling man" I tell him. Casey then grabs Pat's 3rd and last controller and starts playing with us. 3. I was in the cafeteria in school. It was lunchtime. I wasn't sitting with my good friends, but they were friends nonetheless. Joseph and Dylan were my only close friends there. "Yo lets chuck some huge ass clouds guys" Joseph says. I'm already thinking that that isn't a very good idea, but I still get out my box mod. Dylan gets out his mod and so do some of my other friends. We all turn on our mods and juice them. We all start blowing huge clouds into the air straight above us. Alot of people in the cafeteria look over at us in surprise. I look around for any Assistant Principles in the area, and sure enough, behind our table there is an assistant principle as well as a police officer. "Shit" I think to myself, "They can definitely see us. I turn around and tell everyone that we should probably stop if we didn't want to get arrested. Having any tobacco related products or nicotine products would get us arrested for sure. "No big deal" Joseph says as he chucks another cloud. I see the Assistant Principle and the cop look over at us and start making their way over. Immediately I turn back around and press on the firing button to my mod 5 times in order to turn it off, but it wasn't working though. My mod wouldn't turn off and for some reason it was still firing and producing vapor. I knew I was in for it lol. 4. I was inside of some random building, and it had a Japanese style interior to it. I was walking down the main hall of this building with my girlfriend. Once we got to the end of the hall we opened a pair of doors to our left. Right as we opened these doors we were immediately confronted by a Japanese guy dressed in some sort of fighting clothes. "Who are you?" I asked him in an irritated tone. He then teleported right up to my girl and took her and teleported down the hall. "Holy shit this is not good" I thought to myself. I tried teleporting to him, and surprisingly it worked. I grabbed my girlfriend and started on my way out of the building. The Japanese dude then teleported in front of us. I kept on running and stiff armed him which put him on the floor. Almost immediately he got up and teleported behind us. I decided I wasn't gonna stop again, so I kinda just looked back at my girlfriend and gave her the "Don't worry I'll come back for you later" look. She returned the look of death to me as though she couldn't get any more pissed than she was at the present moment. I then continued my way out of the building. Once I got outside I looked for my car to drive away from there as fast as possible, but my car was gone. It was no where in sight. Suddenly my sister appears next to me(totally random). I see a futuristic Lamborghini with a chrome paint job not far in front of me. I go up to it with all intentions of stealing it. "Cory, the car is locked" my sister tells me. "This is a dream Kayla don't worry" I tell her as I open the driver door of the Lamborghini. I am now Lucid. My sister gets in the passenger seat just in time as I see the Japanese dude sprinting at full speed to stop me from stealing his car(even though he can teleport). I laugh and floor the accelerator and take off with the speed of a bullet. I am now going far above 65 miles per hour down a street in the middle of a heavily populated area. "This is fun" I say out loud. I then realize, "Why am I running away? That Japenese dude can't hurt me lmao". I drift and do a U-turn right in the middle of the road and start racing back to where I came from in order to show off this sick car to the huge crowd that was in the area. On the way there, the Japanese guy, who is now in another supercar somehow, tries crashing into me, but I just ram him off the road with ease. (Next dream is a little explicit) 5. I was inside of some huge grocery store just walking around. Suddenly I encounter a girl in a dress. She just stares at me. Suddenly the silence breaks, "Are you gonna fuck me or what?" she asks. I become lucid. I put her against one of the glass doors on the frozen food aisle and rip her clothes off. I then fuck her from the back with an insane amount of force and not long into the session I cum and it makes a mess everywhere.
Updated 12-24-2015 at 09:18 AM by 65076
1. I was walking through a town at night, and I seemed to be walking through the main market street of it. The ground below me was covered in red bricks for the most part, and the rest of the area in regular paved concrete. Very few people out and the majority of the town seemed to be asleep. I walked past a dunking booth with an old man standing next to it, as if he were waiting for someone to come up and dunk him. Past this dunking booth I came upon the residential area of the town. All of the houses looked to be around 3 stories tall and were made completely of wood, but they looked really nice. As I passed the first house I noticed a naked girl crouching down. She wasn't normal though; she had a glowing green aurora around her entire body. "I think I know her from somewhere" I thought to myself. I walked up to her. Once I got right up to her she looked up at me and gave me a very sexual look. "Damn this girl has a perfect body" I continued thinking. I don't know how, but I felt this very open energy about her. I could just feel that she wanted to have sex. That being said, I brought her up to her feet, put her against the wall of the house, and fucked her. The sexual energy during all of this was insane, it was amazing to say the least lmao. After I finished fucking her, I continued my way across the town, and she followed me, walking beside me the entire time. The next thing I know, it's daytime and I'm still in the same town, but I'm now in a swimming pool with the same girl. I've already bonded with her really well, and she seems to be very open to me now. We swim around and play in the water. Suddenly I become lucid. I tell her my idea of going underwater and eating her out. She loves the idea. With that, we both swim all the way down to the bottom of the swimming pool. At it's deepest, the pool is 10 feet deep. I realized this by looking at the depth sign on the side of the pool, and as I swam all the way to the bottom it was a very reasonable measurement. When we both got to the bottom I put her against the pool wall and slid off her bikini. I then started eating her out. I don't know how it worked, but this underwater oral sex was going well. I could just taste her pussy perfectly as if we were still out of the water. For some reason though, even though I was lucid, I seemed to be running out of breath. I told her I'd be right back. When I told her that, my mouth wasn't flooded with water, nor was it muffled to the point where she could barely hear it. My voice sounded only a little muffled, but at the same time very ambient. I quickly swam to the surface to get some air. I remember thinking of how far deep I was into the water as I swam up. After I caught my breath I decided to chill out on the side of the pool for a bit and just observe. The girl did the same and sat right next to me. Suddenly a bunch of kids our age started showing up. It was like a random pool party had started. One of the girl's friends that I was chilling with came and sat with us. She was very flirty and had a naughty vibe about her. Me, the girl, and the new flirty girl, all went to the corner of the pool and I fucked both of them(3rd time having sex in the same dream lmao). After that fun threesome, we all got back in the pool and chilled. It was at this point that I lost lucidity. The last thing I remember was that the flirty girl I fucked, was flirting with other guys already lol. But the girl I had been chilling with since the beginning of the dream wasn't talking to any other guys. Instead it seemed she was constantly focused on me as even while I was chilling in the pool for the rest of the time, I would look over at her from time to time and she was always looking at me. 2. I was a small deserted town with my friends Dylan, Joseph, Andrew, and Trey. We were all just roaming around the town and chilling. I looked up at the sky and saw that it was a glowing orange overcast and a thick layer of smog seemed to be covering part of the sky. There was trash and debris everywhere along the ground. "What's that noise?" Trey asked. We all stopped and listened. All I could hear was men shouting and dogs barking in the distance. The sounds were coming from behind us. We all turned around and saw that a group of soldiers in desert camo outfits and a pack of dogs were running straight at us. Immediately we start sprinting away. We run out of the town and into the woods right next to it. Almost all of the trees in this forest are dead though, and the forest floor, to no surprise, was covered in dead brown leaves. Once we get deep enough into the woods, we each hind behind a tree. Somehow, I got a sniper rifle. We all stayed quiet. Seconds later we see the soldiers and their dogs come running into the forest straight at us once more. "Shit they found us" I tell my bros. I peek out from behind the tree I'm crouched at and aim my sniper rifle at one of the soldiers. As I do, I find that my sniper rifle has now turned into a wooden stick that, for some reason, is painted blue. I knew there was no way I was going to survive this if I just stood here. I left my squad and ran back to the town, but still going the opposite direction of the soldiers and their dogs. Halfway to the town I look back and see that the soldiers have turned into zombies, and their dogs are now hell dogs. I don't see my friends anywhere in sight. As I get to the town I notice that it is now filled with zombies, and I have no way of defending myself. Not far ahead of me I also see a giant zombie. It looks to be around 20 feet tall. I jump up onto the roof of a building with ease. I then stop momentarily and look around trying to figure out what to do. I focus my sight on the giant zombie once more. Strangely enough, he is now attacking and eating all of the other zombies. I start jumping from roof to roof to get closer to him. I am now on the roof of the building right next to him. I wathc him as he kills and eats all of the zombies. "Thanks!" I yell at him. He looks over to me, "No problem". I get down off the roof of the building I was on and walk inside. "A new round is fixing to start, and I need to buy a perk" I think to myself. The inside of this building resembles that of a mexican cafe. I walk into a small room in the corner of the cafe. In this room there is a perk machine for PHD Flopper(an actual perk from Black Ops Zombies lmao). I walk up to the machine and look at it. It's yellow and looks really old and dirty. I grab a silver coin out of my pocket and put it in. Suddenly I hear a really loud ambient laugh. The next round of zombies just started. The perk machine jams up. I can hear zombies approaching the cafe im in in the distance; they're not far away at all. "Fuck! Come on come on hurry up!" I yell at the perk machine. I give it a hit and it un-jams and my perk drink comes out. "Hell yeah, let's go" I say out loud. I pop the cap off of the cold yellow drink and drink it all down. It all feels so real and vivid. Suddenly the doors to the small room that I'm in close. Everything is now silent. About 10 seconds later the doors open back up, but not to the cafe. The cafe has now turned into an elegant living room with a nice red carpet with golden accents. It looks to be some kind of personal library. I walk in. In the room there is a fine lady eating ice-cream out of a mint green colored ice-cream bucket. She's wearing a matching tight dress as well and black heels. She looks at me as she gets another scoop of ice-cream with her fancy spoon. She then puts the spoon in her mouth and licks all of the ice-cream off. As she is doing so she looks at me directly in my eyes. The way she licks the ice-cream off her spoon is very seductive. I am now lucid. I walk up to her. She gives me a naughty look and unzips my pants and then proceeds to pull down my boxers. At this point I'm fully hard(lmfao) and she starts sucking my dick. Holy shit she sucked my dick so good that I was lost in pleasure at that moment. After a few minutes of that I zip up and walk out of the library and out into the town.
1. I was inside of a huge commercial building with my friends Patrick and Trey. The exterior was brown as well as much of the interior. The floor was mostly brown carpet, but in some areas it was white tile. The 3 of us were inside of what seemed to be a conference room.I become semi-lucid. I was aware, but not fully. Suddenly all of the alarms in this 30 plus story building go off. My ears are ringing with the sound of these continuous blasting sirens. "They're coming!" a man yells as he storms into the conference room we are in to warn us. There are obviously 4 walls in the room we are in, but one of these walls is made out of mostly glass. I look through the glass, but I don't see anyone or anything coming; just the sirens flaring bright red and still going off at full volume. Suddenly I knew who was coming after us; soldiers. I don't know how I knew, I just felt it. I could sense them getting closer and closer to finding us a killing us, so a sense of urgency came about me. I went to open the door to leave the room I was in, but it was locked. Instead of just unlocking the door, my drunken semi-lucid self decided to try and walk through walls. I tried walking through all walls in the room, and the same thing happened with each one. I would be able to get one fourth of my body through, but no more than that. I felt stuck each time. After all of these attempts I grew a greater sense of urgency about me. I knew the soldiers were only 1 floor below us. I tried using the force to break the glass wall. As I did so, the entire glass wall started glowing a soft purple, but nothing was happening. Suddenly I see a door bust open at the other end of the floor Me, Trey, and Patrick are all on. Soldiers in all black uniforms pour through it and come straight after us. With nothing else coming to mind, being only semi-lucid, I go invisible and wait for the soldiers to come break down the door of the room we are in so I can walk right past them and out without them even noticing. As expected, the break down the door and I weave past them with ease. I then realize that I completely just ditched two of my good friends and left them for dead, and I feel a little ashamed for doing so, but yet, part of me still knows this is a dream. As I exit out of the conference room I walk around the corner and see my friend Sergio sitting down in a black chair. There are many other people sitting down as well. The table in front of them is a glossy brown- what a surprise for this building lol. As I pass Sergio I decide to freak him out cause I know I'm invisible and he can't see me. I go up to him and whisper "Aye live dab". As I do so, he looks right at me for a second, and then looks around as though he never really saw me. 2. I was in computer science class in school. The atmosphere in the classroom felt very relaxed. "Alright now class, get to work and finish your coding" the teacher told us. I didn't know who she was though, and this made clear to me that I was dreaming and I became semi-lucid. I say semi-lucid because, if I was fully lucid I wouldn't still be in the classroom. However, sitting in my chair, I scanned the room and became aware. I knew I could leave whenever I wanted to. I turned around and looked at the computer in front of me. The screen was so clear and organized and didn't change at all. Eventually I got up and slung my backpack on me and walked out of the class.
1. I was in a futuristic four wheel drive ATV, smack in the middle of a battlefield. The battlefield was on a huge plateau covered in green grass. I drove across it. I was highly aware of the fact that there was an entire army of aliens behind me. I floored the accelerator and got out of there. As I did so, I quickly realized that I was approaching the cliff of the plateau, but I knew I couldn't stop. An entire group of giant aliens were quickly trailing behind me, and they were catching up. I had no choice, so I drove over the cliff. As I was falling I noticed that there were giant humans in front of me. Then it came to me, I was super small. Once I landed on the brick ground far below me I got out of the ATV. I suddenly became a normal sized human, or so to say, the same size as everyone else. I looked around, semi-lucid at this point. To my left I realized that there was a beautiful lake. It was a calm lake, barely any motion was in it. In the lake, close to the edge, was a small fisherman's boat. Inside was an old man, and he seemed to be looking for something. He threw his fishing reel out and immediately caught something, something big. "I'm losing it!" he said as he struggled. Suddenly my friend Trey showed up out of no where and jumped in the lake. He grabbed the fish by its throat with ease and handed it to a random guy reaching out to him that was standing on the concrete path not far from where I was. The guy went to grab for the fish, but as he did it slipped out of his hands and the fish fell into the water. Trey once again, with ease, grabbed the fish out of the water and handed to the random guy with caution. This time the guy grabbed hold of the fish securely and it didn't fall. I walked over to the random guy simply observing with interest. At this point I was on the verge of doing a reality check. I had the drive to do one as I knew that I hadn't done one in a while. However, I kept on walking. As I did though, I analyzed everything that had just happened, but my mind wasn't focused solely on doing so; I was partly distracted. I walked to the school I was next to and realized that today I had my last final before Christmas break started. I was very content that I was fixing to be out of school for 2 weeks to say the least. As I walked along the edge of the school I saw two girls. They were beautiful. I was now semi-lucid and asked my self "Am I in a dream?". I don't know what happened after that. 2. I was inside of my own house. I ran inside through the front door after I saw some old guy run into our backyard. Immediately I thought that he was an intruder. On top of that it was raining hard. Really hard. I could hear the rain hitting the roof from inside. For some reason I had a wife in this dream. She was beautiful. She had black hair and blue eyes and I could tell she was of spanish descent. I didn't even know her name lol. She walked into our backyard and into the granite area behind our garage. She told me she was going to get something. I waited for her. While she was back behind the garage I kept thinking about how beautiful she was. There was alot of thunder and lightening, and the rain was still heavy. Soon enough she came back. As she walked inside I told her "You are so beautiful holy shit". She rolled her eyes and told me to stop. I read her emotions. She thought I was joking for some reason lol. I pulled her close to me and kissed her on the lips. The feeling of our lips touching was amazing to say the least. I was totally drunk in love at that moment lol. By the way, for anyone reading this, I was drunk while typing this up, so this isn't how I normally type my dreams up. Thanks for reading. I was still aware enough to spell everything correctly though lol.
1. I was inside of a class. It was a Japanese class, but I'm not sure what about. I took my seat and as I did, noticed that Patrick and Brittany had this class with me too. They both came and sat next to me. I looked around and realized that I didn't know anybody else in the room. The majority of the class was of some Asian decent. I was one of the only caucasian males in there. Class went on for a while, but the teacher never really talked. I walk out of the class room to go to the restroom. As I do I see that I am not in any average school. This place is huge; it's a university. The floor was covered in carpet with a unique blue, yellow, and black pattern. Right as I walked back in the classroom I saw that there was now a huge table in the front of it. It was a regular fold-able brown wooden table. On it was a vast selection of all kinds of frozen vegetables and juices. I went to go grab one, but as I did a girl grabbed it at the same time as me. "Oh no I really wanted that one!" she whined. "Hey you can have it. I don't even know what these things really are anyways." Then she told me plainly how they were juices and frozen vegetables, but kinds that I had never seen on planet Earth ever before. I looked around some more and saw a red bag of frozen green beans. I picked it up. It was cold and wet to say the least. Suddenly the bell rang and class ended. Everyone started to pack up and leave. The teacher finally spoke, "Everyone put your project in the class folder for now". Everyone did except for me; I had no idea what project he was talking about. I didn't even work on anything the entire class. "Also, put a few of your names on the class folder as well so I know what class they are from." I walked over to my desk and to my surprise, saw that I had "my project" on it. I picked it up and walked over to the class folder. I looked at the names on the folder and saw Patricks, Brittanys, and mine on there even though I never signed it. The rest of the names was everyone else that I didn't know. I got my stuff after that and on my way out I noticed a japanese girl with red hair. She looked pretty. She had on a red track jacket and light blue skinny jeans that were partially bleached. Her eyes were blue as well as all of her eye makeup. I continued on my way out and some other Japanese girl walked out at the same time as me. We started talking and upon leaving the classroom I was once again amazed by the whole architecture of the university. "So is this the only japanese class you have?" she asked me. "Yeah, and honestly I don't even know why I'm in it or what it's for" I told her. She laughed and we talked some more until suddenly some jealous big Asian guy came up and started walking between us and cutted me out. I knew immediately that this guy had a thing for this girl, but I wasn't gonna take that. "Excuse me, what the fuck was that? Have some respect" I told him before pushing him back in his place and resuming talking to the girl. I guess this really mad him mad. He put his hands up, but they weren't in fists but more like a karate chop form. He started trying to chop my nose, but I blocked him. He did this multiple times and I blocked it every time, but I still felt the force of his karate chop hand move through my wrist as he hit me. In the middle of all this I realized that I was wearing a fully black jacket, but it was not of my style and looked horrible.
1. I had just walked into a house. It had a nice hardwood flooring with white walls and it was two stories. Immediately upon walking in I heard two women screaming. I walk toward their screaming and find that they are in the living room of this house next to the staircase, but they are not alone. Strangling each one is a guy in a ski mask. "What in the hell did I just walk in on?" I'm thinking to myself. I am now highly aware and continue watching the guys as I analyze the scene. "Please somebody help me" yells the brunette woman closest to the staircase. Suddenly one of the guys in the ski masks pulls out a chainsaw from who knows where and cuts the womans head off(quite unfortunate). I now am lucid. "Holy shit, I'm outta here" I say to myself. It occurs to me that I shouldn't be afraid because this is of course a dream, but as usual this felt insanely real and I had things to do. I run out the backdoor of the house and find myself now on the back patio. Not far ahead from the patio there is a huge pool that is about the size of a lake. The water is a crystal clear blue and looks like the water one would see in Hawaii. I sense the murderers behind me and sure enough I look back to see them chasing me. With a slight bit of hesitation I jump above the water in the hopes that I would fly(Nothing ever works if I doubt myself) and of course instead of doing so I end up falling straight into the water. "Oh shit" I think to myself. I start swimming trying to get away from the murderers, and I hide in a section of the pool where it is covered by bushes. I grab the ledge of the pool and push myself under with a little struggle. "Where is he at?!?" yells one of the murderers. All the while there are normal people all around not even questioning why these guys are bloody and wearing ski masks. Great. They spot me within seconds after that and come for me. At this point my level of awareness has dropped alot. "Wait wait, don't kill me!" I tell them, "I surrender". They pull me out of the pool and one of them grabs my arm to make sure I don't run off. I have now lost lucidity. Somehow I find myself back in the pool, but watching the ski masks guys and "myself" who just got captured. However, it didn't make sense because I'm now in the pool. I look at the guy who they captured and he looks nothing like me at all. He's wearing a Lakers jersey and has short natty black hair. He looks half black. I get up out of the pool and walk through an alley. Suddenly I am now outside of a bar in a city. In front of me I see a woman in her 20's with three huge clear kegs of beer. She throws one on the ground in front of her, "Oops" she says. Then she throws the other two and now the ground is all covered in beer. "Why tf would she do that?" I think to myself. 2. I was inside of my house and I somehow already knew that there was going to be a party here. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen and there are already a few girls here. Each of them have a red solo cup in their hands, filled with who knows what. I walk out the backdoor and see that there are alot of people, guys and girls. They're all just socializing at the moment. I look to my driveway and see that it is completely filled with cars of all kinds. I open the gate and walk down my driveway into my front yard. There is a red swing set with 4 swings and 3 girls are on it and a few are talking around it. I walk up to the empty swing and start swinging. "You know, I used to have fun on these all the time, then I grew up" I tell the girl on the swing to the left of me jokingly. She laughs, "Hey it's still fun though". A group of girls standing to the right of the swing set laugh. "Are you guys checking me out? It's okay if you are" I tell them jokingly as well. "Maybe we are" they giggle. Good thing I know I'm taken though, so I friendzone them lmfao. I look to my left and see that, two swings down, Alexandria, a girl from school, is swinging. "Bet none of you can do tricks like me tho" I say to all the girls on the swings. I swing back and swing forward and go super high and somehow do a 360. How is that even possible on a swing, I have no idea. On my way back down I softly bump into the girl on the swing to the left of me. "Oops" she says as though it was her fault. "How about you get out of the way next time" I tell her in a jokingly as well. She laughs. Suddenly I hear the fire alarm go off from inside my house. I look at my front door and notice that there are cars parked right in front of it and all over the rest of the lawn. "Holy shit is my house on fire?" I think to myself. I can see smoke in it through the front door.
1. I had just walked into my room. I looked around out of boredom and noticed that something didn't feel quite right. "Yooo, no way. I'm Lucid bro!". I walk over to the window on the left side of my bed and look out of it. I can see my backyard and the patio and it all looks the same as it would in waking life. "So if this really is a dream, I can bust out this window" I said out loud to myself jokingly. I knew for sure I was dreaming though. I run at the window, jump, and smash into it with my back. I somehow get halfway through the window, get stuck, and then get flung back inside of my room as though my window was made of some sort of jelly substance. "What the hell" I say out loud. "Yeah that's right boy, I hope you learned your lesson!" I hear an old guy outside yell. "How nice of my neighbor" I think to myself. I then walk around my room again, just looking at how similar to waking life everything seems. Suddenly I hear my mom yell, "Cory, come downstairs!". I immediately get distracted and lose my lucidity. 2. I was inside some sort of hallway. Everything was made of wood. The walls were made of wooden planks, as well as the floor. Everything is dead silent and this makes me highly aware. I walk to the end of this wooden hallway and make a left through a doorway. As I do so, I immediately become lucid. I look around and realize that I am inside of a huge ship by recognizing the interior. The floor was now white, but I'm not sure of its material. I saw dark green doors everywhere along the walls, each one placed a few feet apart from the other. It came to me that these doors must lead to the sailors rooms aboard this ship. Suddenly my girlfriend appears from around the corner. "Babe what are you doing here?" I ask her. "I came to surprise you hehe" she giggles. I draw her close to me and kiss her on the lips. I hear music start to play all around the ship, but its at a low volume to the point where it sounds like elevator music. "Wow, this is so chill" I think to myself. I take my girls hand and walk around another corner of the ship and I encounter my friend David. "Dude no way, whats up?" he asks me. "Not much David, just Lucid Dreaming you know" I reply. "Nice man, I'm still working on getting my first lucid, and by the way I'm actually 100% gay now" he tells me(In waking life he's not). At this point I'm wondering why he'd tell me that he's now 100% gay, but no big deal. Me and Kourtney continue walking down the ships hallway until we come to a special bigger door. I open it and we both walk outside and are now on the deck of the ship. Right as we make it out onto the deck I see a plane take off from our ship, into the sky. In front of me I see a group of what look to be special ops soldiers. I walk over to them. "How's it going guys" I say. "Things are getting serious" one of them tells me, "Look at the city". I look over to my left and across the huge ocean that separates the ship from land, I see the city. It is enormous and looks extremely futuristic. The bad thing is though, is that its on fire. I look at the ocean water all around us the ocean is roaring with huge waves. It seems as though we have been caught in the middle of a thunderstorm. I see lightening in the sky, and it is raining pretty hard to say the lease.
I had 2 lucid dreams today, but I barely remember anything from the 2nd one. Anyways: 1. I'm inside of a warehouse type store, and its designed similar to Sam's or Home Depot. The floor is just buffed, there's no tile covering it or anything. I am sitting in a chair at a table in the cafe area of this giant store simply looking around. I see huge 40 foot tall shelves filled with items that anyone can buy. I look back to where I'm at and see a group of people my age sitting and talking. A girl walks over to their table and take their order, and I can tell that she is a waitress. As she has her back towards me I check her out and as I do I notice that the dress she is wearing is halfway undone. The zipper part that goes all the way down her back and to her ass is halfway unzipped and I can see her ass partly. "Hey miss, you're dress is a little unzipped!" I yell from a couple tables away. She looks back at me and says, "Shut it" with an angry tone. "Not my fault that you're a thot!" I yell back. She gives me a mean look and walks over to a counter which is up against a curtain wall in the cafe area. At this point I become Lucid and I get up and walk over to this waitress girl. I have a strong desire to have sex with her keep in mind. "Hey, I think we started off on the wrong note" I say touching her shoulder trying to make her not mad anymore. She looks at me with mixed feelings and I once more am looking at her ass. I notice that she doesn't really have nice ass, but I'd smash her anyways. I leave the girl out of a desire to explore. As I walk around the corner I see a giant pool before me. This pool is so huge and deep that it could be classified as some type of aquarium. I jump in and quickly realize how deep it really is. I start sinking down to the bottom just for fun. While doing so, I look at what's around me. I see all types of underwater plant life and huge rocks. Then suddenly I see a few huge sharks swimming towards me and also a dolphin type creature. "Oh shit" I say to myself. Even knowing this is a dream I still feel a bit of fear considering of how real this all feels. I swim over to hide between two rocks, and I'm only halfway down the "pool" at this point. Halfway down the pool seems to be about 30 feet deep. The sharks are still swimming over to me. One in particular seems like it is going to kill me once it reaches me. It looks like a cross between a hammerhead shark and a dolphin and has big pure black eyes. It tries reaching between the two rocks I'm hiding between, but its body is too wide. I decide not to wait to see if it can eventually get through, so I jet pass the shark looking creature and start swimming to the top. "Holy shit I'm going so slow" I think to myself, "I don't have time for this". I give my feet a rocket boot type of ability and launch myself towards the surface with great speed. However, as I'm doing so I notice that it's taking me a while to reach the surface. It feels like the pool got a hell of a lot deeper than when I entered it. I finally reach the surface after some deep confusion and changing into another dream layer unintentionally. I climb out of the pool and look around. I am soaking wet now, but I "need" to find a girl to bang. I look around and suddenly I see a girl I used to be good friends with, Brittany. She is with her mom and they are now both walking towards me. "Hey Cory!" Brittany says excitedly. "Hey Brittany" I reply, "You know, me and Dylan broke up" she tells me. "No way? Oh yeah that's right. I remember seeing your Instagram post about that a few nights ago. It's okay Brittany, you deserve a better man anyway" I say. "Thanks Cory" she says. She then gets closer to me and gives me a kiss on the lips. I suddenly really want to bang brittany, but I control myself like a man. I feel that my awareness has dropped, so to put it back at 100% I do a reality check by counting my fingers, even though I know that I am lucid. "Wow my hand looks really similar to the way it does in waking life this time" I say to myself. I take a closer look and count my fingers and realize that I actually have 6 fingers, so not quite the same as waking life lol. I look around me to see what everyone is doing, and as I do I see that all of the store workers are staring at me, and they all have a sign in their hand. I get the intention that they don't have the best for me in mind. Suddenly they all start charging me and I start running. One worker gets close behind me and swings the sign he is holding at me. "What the hell did I do" I say out loud, still running. I see my sister and tell her to create a distraction for me. Now half of the workers are going for my sister. -I don't remember the rest of the dream 1. I'm at the dream version of my grandma's house, so it looks way different than it does in waking life. The interior looks beautiful and it is still two stories. The floor is covered in an pure white carpet and the walls are painted a nice clean white. I'm sitting in a room by myself when suddenly the door bell rings. My grandma answers it and a lady that looks to be in her early 20's walks in the door. She is wearing a red blouse and a tight black skirt. She looks fine as hell. "I'm here to watch over Cory while you're away" she says. My beastly instincts immediately kick in. "I am going to fuck her so hard" I think to myself. "Okay thanks" my grandma says. My grandma then walks out the door leaving just me and this girl by ourselves. This fine babe then walks upstairs and into the same room I'm in. "I'm guessing you're Cory?" she asks. "Yeah, that's me" I say while giving her a seductive look(lmao). "I have the feeling we're going to have a lot of fun" she says in the sexiest way possible. She then walks over to me while I'm still sitting down and bends down while arching her back. She then gets really close to me and kisses me. I become lucid. I put my hand on her thigh, but it's basically her ass because of how short her skirt is. We make out. -I don't remember the rest of the dream 3. I'm in some sort of training academy. In front of me there is a shooting range and there are girls and guys my age practicing their shots. I look to my left and see a fine girl. I go over to talk to her. -I don't remember the rest
My sleep schedule has been extremely poor for the last few days as on thursday and friday night I only got 3 hours of sleep. Today I made up for that and got insane REM rebound to the point where I lost track of how many dreams I had during my NAP. Here's the dreams I remembered: 1. I am inside of a huge house and seem to be on the second floor of it. The floor is covered in white carpet that is really soft and the walls are painted white. I walk through the rooms on this floor all by myself. No one else seems to be in the house with me. Suddenly I become Lucid. "Haha nice, I'm back" I think to myself. I look around more and enjoy the solitude that I am experiencing being all alone. It is so peaceful. "Hey Cory" I hear from behind me. All I'm thinking at the moment is, "What the hell, I thought I was by myself". I turn around and see my mom, dad, and sister all just standing still and staring at me. "Uhh hey" I say back. I decide to mess around with the dream version of my family. "No way, you guys are lucid too?!? That's crazy, the whole family is lucid!" I tell them. "Yep, we sure are all lucid" my mom replies(Lmao). "Aright, I have a challenge for you guys, lets see who can stay in the dream the longest" I say. They all show signs of agreement. "Ok go" I then tell them. Immediately the dream version of my mom starts fading and becoming invisible as though she is leaving the dream. "Wow that was fast" I think to myself. In seconds my mom's body is completely gone, and as soon as it is, the dream version of my sister starts doing the same thing. Haha what a challenge. "This is too easy" I think. Suddenly my vision starts going bad and I can tell it is fading. "Oh no, I'm destabilizing" I realize. I start looking around inventively and I jump around and touch whatever is near me. Everything goes back to normal and I have now re-stabilized. I look around again and see that my dad has disappeared. I walk around the corner of the hallway I'm now in and the house opens up into a huge mall. The ground is covered in white tile and the walls are painted white still. I walk into this mall area and start walking around to explore. I see a mattress store and a girl whose party I went to a while back. I walk into the store and go up to her. "I haven't seen you in a while" I say with a smirk on my face. "Yeah, I know" she says in the most seductive way I have ever heard somebody say those words. The beast version of myself starts coming alive and now I want to bang her so hard. "Why don't we take this somewhere private" she tells me once again, even more seductively than before. Why is it that even when I try avoiding sex it always seems to come to me. "No, right here is fine" I tell her. She takes off her skinny jeans and panties and bends over with her hands against the wall. I'm not going to tell you what happens next because really, it's no mystery- we bang. After that I tell her "I'll be back for round 2 tonight" and then I leave her. I walk through the mall some more and come by a place that looks like some sort of classroom. I walk into this classroom and it is full of girls. My dreaming mind knows me well. I walk over to a desk that's next to a really fine girl and sit down. "So what are we learning today?" I ask her. "We're taking a quiz over sexy texting" She tells me. "No way, I happen to be a master in that area" I say. "Okay, then why don't you show us your skills" she giggles. She calls the teacher over and tells her to give me a quiz. Suddenly the projector in the room turns on and the quiz is on the screen. I guess I'm taking my quiz in front of all of these girls. For the quiz, each question has 3 text replies that you would send to a girl in an attempt to turn her on. I have to pick the best one and the girls decide if its good. The first question pops up. I read the text that the girl has "sent me" and look at all of the replies that I could send her. "That one looks good" I think to myself. I pick answer B. All of the girls in the room see my answer clearly and look over to me with a naughty look on their faces. The fine girl sitting next to me gets really close to me and whispers in my ear, "Wow, you're good" except the way she says it sounds extremely sexy. The vibe in this classroom with all these girls is now starting to feel really hot and sexy and I'm not sure if I'm about to have a huge classroom orgy or not. -I don't remember the rest of the dream beyond here. 2. Once again I had just walked down the staircase in my house. As I walked into the foyer I immediately became lucid and looked around out of curiosity. Suddenly my mom walks into the foyer as well. "Cory what are you doing?" she asks. "Who knows mom" I answer back. I then jump off of the ground and start levitating. My mom just stands where she is and looks at me in total awe. I lean forward on my stomach and start flying around the foyer, but it's quite tricky considering it is a small area even though it has a ceiling height of around 40 feet. I start to practice my flying skills by stopping on a dime and making sharp turns and other things such as stalling for a few seconds and stopping myself before I hit the ground. Once I get back to the area where my mom is, I turn my back to the front door window and then smash through it while still flying. I am now outside in my neighborhood and everything looks pretty much the same. I fly really low to the ground on my stomach and for some reason my legs are lifted up and to someone watching me I look like I'm skydiving except for I'm not falling from 30,000 feet or falling at all- I'm flying. After a minute or so of that I land on the ground and decide that I want to run like the flash. I run down my street with extreme speed. About 10 seconds into doing so though, my body starts leaning back and I can't stop myself from doing it. I continue running down the street, but while doing so I see glimpses of myself in 3rd person and I can see that I am indeed running super fast, but it also looks like I'm trying to play limbo while doing it because of how far I'm leaning back. -I don't remember the rest of the dream.
1. I had just walked down stairs. As I get to the foyer area I stop because I hear a loud noise outside. It sounds like something really big is burning. I look out the window and see that the entire sky is red. I am immediately alarmed and this heightens my awareness to 90%. I open the front door and walk onto the front porch. Seconds after I do so I see a massive meteor that is glowing orange and on fire, pass through the sky. It is descending quickly and I can tell that it is going to make impact extremely close to where my house is. I look at the red sky and all around the neighborhood from where Im standing. Even though the sky is red it seems to be glowing green as well. "I have to do a reality check" I tell myself out loud, "I will as soon as I tell mom and dad". I am terrified and am almost positive that me and my family are all going to die. I run back inside and close the door. "Mom, Dad, there is a meteor that is about to make impact really close to us, we need to get out of here now!!" I yell. "Alright son we'll leave in a second." my dad replies. They barely care at all. My parents continue to sit where they are and watch the T.V. in the mean time. Thoughts start racing through my mind. What if we don't have enough water? What if we don't have enough food? What if we die? "Dad, I'll take my car and follow you guys wherever you go" I tell him. "No you're coming with us and leaving your car" he replies. Shit, no more car. I realize that if I die I might go to hell because I'm not that good of a Christian. I start praying for God to forgive me for everything, and I am still extremely scared. 2. I walk up my staircase and then walk down the main hallway on the second floor. I immediately notice that the door to my bathroom has changed. "What the crap, my bathroom door has been replaced with the front door of the house?!" I think to myself. I look to my left and see that the same thing has been done to the spare bedroom door. "There's no way" I think to myself, "Dad, why is the front door to the house in place of my bathroom door!?" I yell to him across the hallway. I am now 99% aware. I turn around to go to my dad and as I enter his room Darth Vader stops me. He is about 6 foot 5 inches and looks down at me and says, "Don't worry about is son". At this point I am pretty scared because I don't want to get killed so I turn around a haul my butt out of there in fear for my life. In both of these dreams I was only seconds away from becoming lucid. However, my point is that I am starting to become lucid in multiple dreams a night now and my recall is really starting to go up. In all of my dreams I am aware to a degree as well now.
1. I had just woken up and I found myself lying on a bed. I turn over and sleeping the opposite way there is a naked old man. "What the hell?" I say. I look at him and his face is bloody and I realize that he is dead. I get out of the bed and walk to the door of the room. I open it to leave only to see that this door leads to another room, not a hallway. I walk into this other room and it has a dreamy like feeling to it that I can't even describe other than using the word dreamy. There are small pixie dust particles floating in the air of the colors blue and yellow, but many shades of each color. The room is empty for the most part with the exception of a bookshelf and a TV and the TV set. The floor is covered in a dark grayish-blue carpet. I walk over to the bookshelf and see that there are alot of xbox 360 games on it. I pick one game up and stick it in the xbox 360 that is under the TV. The game launches but stops shortly after telling me, "Disk Unreadable". "Not this shit again, come on" I say out loud. I take the disc out and look at it closely in my hands. I suddenly "realize" what I have to do to fix the disc itself. It comes to my mind that I have to make spiral like motions with my index finger to get it working again. I start to do so and when I do, a cloud like spiral with sparking dust inside of it forms. "Woah" I say out loud. I start trying to do the spiral motions with effort, and actually trying, but as I do, the spiral cloud messes up and I don't perform as well. I go back to barely putting in any effort to make the spiral like motions with my finger, and the spiral cloud comes back perfectly. Right after that, the thought came to my mind out of no where, "The more you let things go naturally, the better the results. The more you try with some things, the more you mess up". I was amazed. A voice starts speaking to me out of thin air, I'm guessing it was the dream itself. It was the voice of a woman in her 20's, and she had a beautiful voice. "You can do whatever you want to do if you have confidence" the voice tells me. "I knew it" I think to myself. All along, thats how it should be with dreaming. Of course you should still put in work and effort, but it shouldn't be to the level to where it stresses you out.
1. I am in Mrs. Pair's classroom, my history teacher from last year. We had all just finished completing our final exams. Class is about to end and it is the last day of school. Everyone gets out of their seats and migrates towards the door waiting for the bell to ring. Me and Dylan do the same and talk as usual. "Dude, so glad those exams are over" I tell him. "I know bro, its fucking summer!" he replies with excitement. "Hell yeah" I say. Suddenly the bell rings and all of the students rush out of the door. As soon as I walk out of the class I make a right and it occurs to me that the school looks way bigger than usual. The hallways are extremely wide and covered with off-white tiles instead of carpet. "Huh" I think to myself, "That's odd". Dylan walks the other way to get to his car and get out of school as fast as he can, I can tell that he is ready for summer. I continue walking in the opposite direction and as I do so I walk out to an opening where the second floor is exposed to the cafeteria, like a balcony. A huge group of students are walking from this area towards the parking lot( the same direction as Dylan). I notice that there are a ton of students in the cafeteria still eating, but most of them are getting up and leaving. About a minute later everyone is gone from the cafeteria but the huge group of students on the second floor balcony are still standing around or walking slowly towards the parking lot. I walk past them and see Justin Watchell, or as he is commonly referred to, Swole Arms. "Hey I know that guy" I think to myself. I turn around and start making my way to the parking lot but as I do so I see that the hallways towards it are blocked off by a metal pull down gate that comes down from the ceiling. "Shit, how am I going to get out?" I think to myself. A sense of urgency comes to me as I realize that the staff is already closing up the entire school. I start jogging away from the huge group of students to find an alternate route out of the school. I turn a corner and see that all of the hallways are blocked off by a metal gate. I hear the group of students behind me talking, and they are talking about me. "He's the one" I hear a girl say. I then "realize" that there is a girl student who is a secret agent from some unknown company and she has been sent to follow me. "I can't go back to that group" I think to myself, "that girl knows I'm here now plus it's a little embarrassing just walking around in circles not even knowing the way out" (lmao, I never get embarrassed in waking life). I find that I am holding a bag of Doritos in my hand, so I open it up and start eating out of it.
1. I was in a classroom with my friend Dylan. The class was huge and had alot more space than most do. The floor was grayish-blue carpet and the walls were white as usual. There seemed to be at least 100 desks in this room, way more than the usual 30 or so. I was in the corner of the room standing and talking to Dylan. Most of the other students are sitting down just chatting and a few others are standing around like me and Dylan. Just then, Dylan points out [Her]. She is sitting in the middle of the classroom. Her hair is in a ponytail and she is wearing a denim jacket and skinny jeans. "Wow, stunning as always" I say to Dylan. "Go talk to her man, finally tell her how you feel about everything" he tells me. "Alright" I reply. I then walk away from Dylan and just as I do, she gets up out of her desk and starts walking to the front of the class. The teacher is nowhere in sight by the way. "Hey [her name], it's been a while" I say. "Hey, I haven't seen you in forever, what's up?" she says. "Listen, I have to tell you something. I'm really sorry about the past and how everything got screwed up, I didn't mean for any of that to happen. I really wanted something more between us, and I know things didn't turn out that way. I'm sorry for all of that" I tell her. She gives me a weird look like she doesn't understand. Suddenly I snap out of it. Now I'm back next to Dylan and I realize it was all a daydream, or was it? I look over and she is still sitting in her chair. I get the feeling that I just daydreamed that entire scenario and it felt weird. I was dreaming while I was already dreaming? Woah. Just then the bell rings and class ends. That was the last class of the day. Me and Dylan leave class and start walking down the hallway to get to the parking lot. As we do so I realize that the school looks different from usual and there are huge columns on each side of the hallway. We keep walking and as we get closer to leaving the school I see that it is raining outside and it is fairly dark.
1. I was inside of this huge building with my family. As we walked in I noticed how huge the interior was. The ceiling of this building was at least a hundred feet above us. The entire color scheme of the interior was many shades of green. The floor was a mix of green and gray and the walls were a forest green. Looking around I saw a ton of stores as far as I could see. Me and my family walk over to what looks to be like the food court area. My mom and dad keep on walking but my sister and I take a seat at a small table in the food court. As we sit down I start thinking to myself. "Wow this place is huge" I thought. It was the biggest interior of a building that I have ever seen. Just then I notice that there is music playing and it is echoing throughout the entire building. I notice that the music sounds very familiar, and it sounds very ambient which makes it sound even more beautiful than it was before. I get up out of my seat at the table and walk away from my sister to wander around this huge place. I walk down a hallway that is split off from the food court area. In this hallway there are many people sitting down laying against the hallway walls. They look poor and their clothes are pretty dirty. I pull out my phone and go on this app called "Hot or Not" and start rating people. I see a picture of a girl wearing a white shirt with black stripes and blue jeans. I rate her hot and almost instantly the girl that I rated hot messages me and tells me to meet her around the corner. I continue down the hallway as it starts curving to the right. Just then, I see the exact girl that I rated hot and she is bending down not far ahead of me. Once I get up to her she starts seducing me. I can tell that she is ready to bang, so I bend her over and pull down her tight jeans and we start doing anal right there in public. She starts moaning and we start making out and it gets pretty feisty. Suddenly she pulls out a pack of 6 hot dogs along with some barbecue sauce and she sticks the hot dogs in her vagina along with me already in her and then pours the brown barbecue sauce all over her body. At this point I realize that this girl is crazy and it comes to my mind that my good friend Dylan once told me, "Never stick your dick in crazy". I picture him in my head saying exactly that and I feel like I should stop with this girl. I decide not too because of my manly urges and continue on banging her. I should've dropped her considering how weird it all was.
1. I was outside of some school. The sky was almost pitch black and was pouring down heavy rain. The school was at least 5 stories and had huge glass curtain walls on the front side. I was walking towards the school and in front of me there were what seemed to be a group of students going the same way. I looked to see who was in the group as I continued walking. I noticed one girl that I knew from school, Faith. She is a little shorter than me and considerably slim. As I follow the other students I remember thinking to myself, "I'm so glad that school is over. Honestly wouldn't mind banging a chick right now". Suddenly Faith stops following the group that she is in and stays back. I am still walking and I am walking up to her now. Out of no where Faith bends over and pulls down the tight skinny jeans that she was wearing, along with her panties. I can now see her entire ass. She looks back at me with an extremely seductive look. I immediately become lucid and realize what's going on. "Damn am I going to give it to her" I think to myself. I walk over to her and we start banging. As we were banging I realized how loose Faith felt. She felt so loose that I was barely creating any friction inside of her. "Follow me, we're going somewhere more private" I tell her. I bring her inside of a building next to the school and it is empty inside. All of the lights are off but the moon outside it still providing enough light. We start banging again. "You know what, after this I'll go see [certain DC's name]. I won't forget" I think to myself. I continue smashing Faith and I look around while doing so, just to take in all of my surroundings as usual. I realize that my vision is starting to fade, but its a steady fade, as though my vision faded a little bit and then stopped. I realized that the dream was fading because of the fact that I wasn't putting all of my awareness in the dream. I start to focus on what I am doing and my vision improves a little bit but then goes back. I remember feeling so glad that I finally broke my dry spell, and I still had in mind that I was going to see that certain DC that I've been looking for. The heavy rain continued coming down along with lightening. After I finished smashing Faith, my vision fixed on its own(probably because of my expectation) and I walk back outside. I walk across the bridge that leads to the school and go into the school courtyard. Suddenly it stops raining. I see a big white fridge in the middle of the courtyard, but it is floating about 15 in the air. I go over to it and jump up to try to open it. I jump pretty high and it seems as though there is almost zero gravity all of a sudden. I float up slowly and open the fridge. Inside I see a bunch of holographic symbols and holographic food. I close the fridge door and float back down. A couple of guys walk out the front door of the school and start a scene by being hostile to me. Here I become too involved and because I didn't maintain awareness I lost lucidity. We continue arguing.