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    One Up Seeker

    1. I See Her Again

      by , 05-29-2015 at 02:51 AM (One Up Seeker)
      I was in a really nice mall with my friend Dylan. It was just us two at the moment, and we were just walking around. It was extremely quiet and at the moment there was no on in sight as we just walked in. The floor was made out of a shiny white marble tile, and the walls were painted white with buffed hardwood along the walls in some places. Me and Dylan continued walking forward until we came to this odd elevator. The elevator had no top, it was only a platform that you get on and after you pressed a button it would go up. We got on this elevator and closed ourselves in for safety. The floor of this platform was a solid dark gray. I pressed the button and suddenly the elevator started to go up. However, it was going up extremely slowly. "Wait a minute, it should be going way faster than this" I say out loud.
      I then walk over to where the button is located but by that time the elevator has already reached the second floor and it stops so I just go with it. Me and Dylan look for a place to get out of the elevator and onto the second floor itself, but the elevator for some reason, is placed a few feet away from the actual floor itself. So at the moment, the elevator is hovering about 3 to 5 feet away from the floor itself. There is some type of weird accordion-like pathway, so we go across it to get to the second floor. Dylan goes first, and I follow. Nothing is separating us from falling besides our mere balance. As I cross over, I realize that other people are waiting to get on the elevator platform to go down. The people that are waiting is the girl that I liked since 8th grade all the way to sophomore year, and next to her is an older lady. "Holy crap, why is she here?" I think to myself. I am stunned that she is in this mall because I haven't seen her in forever.
      I ignore her because of some embarrassing past moments that we've had, and I continue on. On this second floor, the interior design is basically the same except for that the floor is now gray carpet. I walk over to a lounge area where Dylan already is and I look around. I see 2 or 3 orange-ish tan chairs along with a table. All around these chairs and table there are small items scattered all over the floor. I spot a golden watch and a knife not far from me, so I walk over to these items and look at them. The watch is really shiny and looks completely new and the knife is extremely sharp. I go to pick up the knife, but something inside of me tells me not to as it belongs to somebody nearby and I don't want them to think that I am stealing. Dylan is looking around as well.
    2. Missiles Flying In

      by , 05-28-2015 at 03:52 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was inside of my house and all of the lights were off, but it wasn't completely dark though. Outside, the sky was overcast but was light enough were you could still see well inside. I walked out of my room and went downstairs. As I walk into the living room I see my dad sitting in his recliner chair watching T.V. The news is on. I watch the broadcast and on the screen it says "BREAKING NEWS" and a female reporter says, "There is an HC-18 missile flying right at Dallas right now, it will touch down at any moment!". Holy crap. I am stunned. I watch the screen carefully as the missile approaches the ground. Suddenly it hits the ground but somehow gets deflected and bounces off of the concrete without exploding. "Holy shit" I think to myself, "That was a close one".
      "This just in, another HC-18 missile is headed for Houston!" the reporter says. I am pretty scared at this point and I walk out my front door to see what is going on. I see the city not far from my house since it is covering at least 1/3 of the skyline. I look up and I spot the missile. It is high up in the sky at the moment, but it is approaching quickly. There is an orange trail behind the missile. I keep my eye on it and suddenly the next thing I know the missile flies over our house and I know that it is going to make landfall soon. My dad is behind me watching. "Dad, I am going to get my most important stuff real quick and then I am taking my car and leaving" I tell him in a frantic voice. "No, we are all going in one vehicle together" he tells me. Damn, I didn't want to lose my car, but oh well.
      I run inside and run upstairs to my room grabbing the most important things to me. I grab my phone and charger, a toothbrush, toothpaste, some books(specifically about astral projection and lucid dreaming) and The Bible. I then sprint downstairs and run outside. I then realize that I forgot my comb. Now my hair is going to look like crap wherever I go. I rush back inside to hurry everyone else up and as I do so I see the T.V. screen and it is following the missile headed for my city. "This is the end" I thought, "God forgive me for my sins" I think to myself. I truly was scared now. I didn't know the blast radius of this missile, but I knew that it was big enough for us to be in it. Just then the missile strikes the ground, and just like the last missile in Dallas, it bounces off of the ground without exploding. I then let out probably the biggest sigh of relief I have ever let out before. I felt so thankful for being alive.
    3. Messing Around

      by , 05-27-2015 at 02:54 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I had just fallen asleep for a nap in my room when suddenly I fell into a dream consciously. I was now in a dream copy of my room. I got up out of my bed fully lucid and floated downstairs although I had no intention of floating. Everything looked like it did in waking life oddly enough as well. As I floated down my staircase and to the front door I realized how real everything felt. I stopped for a second and took everything in. Wow, how real it felt, as always. I then opened my front door and floated outside. I noticed that there were now two big trees in my front yard that used to be there when I was a kid. These two trees shaded the entire front yard, and it looked nice.
      I walked down the path leading to my front door and looked around. The sky was completely overcast and the weather felt nice. On the sidewalk in front of me I see two girls walk past me casually. On the sidewalk across the street a guy was walking in the opposite direction. I immediately got the urge to have sex with one of the girls, so I floated over to them. Just as I started approaching them, they look over at me, start screaming, and start running away. It must have been because I was floating lol. The man walking on the other side of the street also looks at me and starts running the other direction. I take flight and fly after the two girls just to see what they would do. They separate and the older girl of the two starts running towards a house. The other one continues running down the sidewalk. At this point I use my mind to influence the dream as a whole. "You are going to stop and turn around. You will not run into that house" I think to myself while looking at her. I feel my command manifesting and she doesn't run to the house. It worked! I start flying towards her again but my flying ability is really suckish because I don't believe in myself. Right now I am literally flying at ground level and from someone elses point of view I probably look like I'm just sliding around on the concrete really fast.

      2. I was in the bathroom next to my room in my house. As I walked in, I didn't close the door behind me. I got out my phone and started taking selfies in the mirror. I stopped after a few shots and looked around the bathroom. For some weird reason, everything in this dream had a weird filter on it. Suddenly, I see a detached red sink just laying in my bathtub/shower area that I know had not been there before. I now am semi-lucid. "Woah, is this a dream?" I ask myself. I start looking around the restroom and in the hallway checking for signs that it was a dream. "Well I am using the restroom right now and blah blah blah, blah blah blah"(I started to analyze my situation and everything that was going on at the moment).
      However, I was not aware enough while doing this reality check to really notice that this was a dream. I was still halfway in autopilot mode and not fully paying attention.
    4. Spending time with Her and Manly Urges

      by , 05-18-2015 at 03:03 AM (One Up Seeker)
      Note: This first entry felt as if it were actually hours long. My recall isn't perfect at the moment, but I will journal everything that I remember. Whenever I woke up, I wasn't sure how much time had passed. I feel now that my dreams in general and my Lucid Dreams are getting a lot longer and I also feel like I am a part of them now because of my constant self awareness.

      1. I was inside of my house and it was pretty dark. More specifically, I was in my room, and my lights were off. I got up out of my bed(that's odd) and I was already lucid, there was no "becoming lucid" because I already was as the dream started. I walked out of my room and went into my sisters room to see what she was doing. She saw my in her doorway and got up and was really excited. "Kayla, I'm leaving" I tell her just because. I then walk out of her room and walk into the spare bedroom. As I walk down the hallway to get there I look through our large glass window at the front of our house. I see that it is nighttime and the moon is out. Once I get into the spare bedroom I look around and just really take in everything.
      I notice that all of the windows in this room all have a glowing green outline and have no blinds for privacy. I decide that I want to try passing through things, something I haven't done before. I take a few steps back from the wall and run into the wall with the intention of going through it. Instead of passing through this wall, I end up running head first into it and slamming my head with a lot of force. I fall to the ground, but I don't feel any pain. I get back up and I hear my sister running towards the room I am in. "Cory, let me come with you!" she asks. "No, you're not coming with me" I tell her. She continues to beg and tugs at the sleeve of my shirt and also my arm. "Please Cory, please!" she asks continually. "No, I'm going by myself" I tell her again and again. All the time she is begging me and I am practicing trying to pass through the walls and windows.
      I finally go to one window in the room, and it still has a glowing green outline. I face my back towards it and truly realize that I can pass through it with ease. I walk backwards and jump backwards into the window. I pass through it halfway and then get stuck. "What the crap?" I think to myself. I am now at a 45 degree angle hanging halfway out the window. Now my sister is tugging at my legs still begging to come with me. I put my focus on the window and eventually I get free and start flying. I land on the ground nearby to think. I feel extremely aware and focused, and it feels amazing. I start thinking of all of the things I can do. "I could close my eyes and teleport" I start thinking, "Or, I could see her!". I now know what I am going to do. I walk down my driveway from where I was standing at the gate and go onto my street. "Lets go" I tell myself.
      I start running down my street with the intention to run with great speed, like the flash. Slowly, I start building up speed and find that I am going pretty fast. I look at the houses as I zoom past them, and it feels good. I keep running, but I decide that I am going to go somewhere far away. Still running, I jump and take off into the air and start flying in whatever direction I am facing. After a minute or so of flying really fast, I come to a town. In this town there are many buildings, houses, and even a big radar communications thing. It looks like a really nice suburban area. The streets here are wet with rain and it is still drizzling lightly. It is also still nighttime.
      After landing on the ground, I start walking down the street in front of me. There are houses all along the left side of this street, and on the right side there is a basketball court and a park, as well as a parking lot that is full of cars. About halfway down the road, the basketball court, park, and parking lot end and there is an area full of apartments. This road was really long, so halfway down the road was a good walk. Once I do get halfway down the road, I see a green house with its front door open and many of the lights inside on. The lights inside are all pure white so it is really bright to the point where it is a prominent light source even outside. I walk in through the front door with one thought in mind, "I am going to find this girl" I tell myself.
      As I walk in, I look around. The floor of the house is covered in wood flooring of a dark brown color and the walls are green. "[Her name] I'm here, I know you're hiding" I yell in a non-serious playful way. I hear the sound of people eating. I walk into the kitchen area of this house and I see 4 kids, all about 13 or 14 years old, sitting at the dinner table eating their food. They look at me momentarily and then go back to eating, not even caring that a random stranger is in their house. "Come on [Her name] I know you're here". All of a sudden, a man in his mid 30's/early 40's comes up to me. "What are you doing here?" he asks me. "I'm looking for someone" I tell him. I assume that this man is the father of the kids that are eating and also that this is his house. "I think this person might be upstairs" I say. "Ok, well lets check, no problem" he replies.
      With that we turn the corner and walk up a series of very narrow stairs. Once we get upstairs we look in the master bedroom. As we walk inside of it, I see that this guy owns a huge television, and it is placed on his wall. It looks like its about a 70" or so. Just then, a woman walks up from behind us and comes to us. It's his wife. She gives me an angry look like she wants to kill me or something. "What are you doing here?" she asks in an angry tone. "I'm looking for someone" I tell her. Her husband confirms this and she still gives me a nasty look. She looks of Asian decent and her black hair is up in a bun. She is wearing a silk green chinese dress that has designs all over it.
      Not being able to find this girl, I walk out of the house and go back onto the street. As I leave the house, I walk directly across the street into some grass just before the basketball court and parking lot. There is a wire fence that separates the basketball court from the road. I go up to the fence and look through it easily since it is just wire, and I see a guy that looks like he is having trouble with something. He is bending over and looks like he is working on his car. The odd thing is, this guy looks like a ghost kind of. His entire body is gray in color and is about 30 to 40 percent transparent. All of his clothes are also gray and the same percentage transparency. "Hey you need any help man?" I ask loudly since he is across the basketball court. He looks up from whatever he is doing and looks at me. His face is blank, he has no facial features and his entire head basically looks like slenderman but it doesn't look scary, it looks pretty cool. He is also wearing a baseball hat as well.
      Since he doesn't respond I figure that he actually does need help. I figure since I'm not doing anything at the moment, it wouldn't hurt to help somebody out. I go up to the fence and try to jump over it by just jumping high enough to clear it. I jump up but I only jump a normal height's worth. "Wow, really?" I say to myself. I focus and jump up again, this time with the thought in mind, "I'll jump high, but not to the very top probably" and that is exactly what happened as I did so. As I land back on my feet, I look back at the basketball court and now I see at least 20 cloned versions of the guy that I was going to help. They are all walking around and playing basketball and what not. Suddenly they all stop and look at me, or at least it seems to be me. I then look to my right and left and see 20 more clones of this guy all standing and facing the other clones. Suddenly they all get water balloons and start throwing them at each other. I am in the middle of all of this.
      I pick up a few water balloons and throw them over, but after that I leave the scene. I walk down the street even further and this time with the intention to find the girl I have a crush on. "Hey Gabby, where are you?" I yell out. Suddenly I see her walk out to the street from a house that I think she was in. I walk up to her and I realize how beautiful she is once more. Her eyes glimmer in the moonlight. I bring her close to me, and she does not object. Our eyes stay locked on each other this entire time, and it feels so magical. We start to kiss and as we do I hold her. After about 5 minutes or so of that make-out session, we stop and look at each other, still in the moment. "Gabby, your gorgeous, and I feel like we should start something together" I tell her. "I think we should too Cory" she replies. With that we hold hands and walk down the street. While doing so, I see not far ahead of us a line, and for some reason I get a feeling that we need to go to it.
      We walk over to the line and I see that it is all of the people that are in our English class. I realize that everyone is in alphabetical order and that we need to get in line. Me and Gabby would stand right next to each other, but one girl, Julia is in between us. As we walk up to her to get to our spot in line, she notices that me and Gabby are talking somehow and tells me that I can stand in front of her so I will be next to her in line(what a big deal lmao). We stand next to each other and talk for a few minutes. Suddenly, the door to this building opens and everyone starts walking inside. As we walk inside, I slap Gabby's ass, knowing that it is probably too soon for that, but not caring at the same time because she has a nice ass. It turns out that this building is a classroom, at least on the first floor that we are on, and we all get into out seats.
      At this point, I know that Gabby has somewhat caused me to lose some awareness because of the pleasure that I felt kissing her and everything else. I now know that I need to perfect my self awareness even more. The dream continues on from this point for a really long time, and I mean really long.

      Note: The time I was Lucid in this dream felt like hours long. At one point in the dream I even realized that I was going to have a hard time journaling everything because of how long it was. I also remember feeling a wave of various pleasant sensations during the dream that I have not felt before.

      2. I was in my house, but it wasn't fully my house. Half of it was a mix of another house. I had just walked down the stairs to the living room. On my way down I encountered a kid a little younger than me and he was a bit overweight and had some sort of mental disorder. I felt sorry for him and wish that I could fix it. Anyways, once I got into the living room, I suddenly decided that I was going to sleep there tonight. From my kitchen a random girl walks into the living room where I am. She is petite and is wearing a short dress that is tight on her. She walks over to me and starts touching my body. I become lucid. My animal instincts take over and I take off her dress. We start banging right there on the floor and now she is fully naked.
      [explicit] I grab her tits as we bang and she moans in pleasure. I remember thinking just how sexy her body was in general. All the while we are kissing and the entire thing is just really hot. We stop momentarily and she tells me to come outside in a few minutes for a surprise. I wait for a few minutes and once my dad randomly walks in the house, I walk outside. As I do, I see the girl from inside and she has tied herself down in ropes. Her appearance has changed a little bit and she now looks like a girl I know from school. I look her in the eyes in a seductive way and suddenly she turns into my sister. WTF? I am completely grossed out and disturbed and I walk back inside the house.
    5. Two Accidents

      by , 05-10-2015 at 07:01 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was driving down a big freeway in my car, and I was on my way to school. The sun was rising but hadn't fully come up yet and I "knew" that it was really early in the morning. As I sped down the freeway, I took the next exit I saw so I could get to school. Once I got on the exit and got onto the feeder, I continued on and came to an underpass. I took a left and the underpass led me to do a U-turn while going at a downwards angle. As I was doing so, a car in front of me came to a dead stop instantly as there was a stop sign in front of it. I couldn't slow down fast enough and I ended up hitting the back of this car in front of me.
      "Shit, shit, what the fuck! This HAS to be a dream!" I say to myself, so caught up in the situation and driving that I get distracted from my reality check. I can clearly see 3 dents that my car made on the back of the car in front of me. The driver of the car rolls down their window and signals me to follow them so we can talk and exchange information. I see at this point that the driver of the car is a woman in her late 30's or early 40's. I follow her under another underpass and we both pull off to the side. At this underpass, there seems to be some sort of event going on preventing the flow of traffic. There are a ton of people in white shirts walking around and socializing. I park my car and get out to meet the lady.
      She is furious about the entire ordeal and I am extremely stressed out. "Dad is going to kill me once he finds out" I think to myself. I start to tear up a little bit because I know now that my license is going to be affected, this will go on my record, I probably will get my license suspended, and my parents are going to kill me. "Do you have any idea what you've just done!?" the lady yells at me. "I know, I'm sorry, I totally did not mean for this to happen" I tell her. I get a piece of paper and a pen out of my car so we can deal with insurance. As I do so, a few people from the event that is going on come over and they are all pissed at me. I specifically remember one bald skinny man in his late 30's early 40's as well coming over and scrutinizing me. "You shouldn't even be driving- causing accidents like this" he tells me( even though I've had my license since January in waking life and have not got into an accident yet).
      I then wake up to waking life and am extremely relieved that it was all just a dream, and I was just on the verge of lucidity once more. It felt so crazy how vivid it all was. I fall back asleep and the dream continues off just where it ended, except now I am still on my way to the school after the accident. I am now in school and walking through the halls. I look at my phone and it says that the time is 6:40 a.m. I am aware of how early I am, but the accident is still so strong on my mind that I don't care. I even thought about going back home, but decided not too since I was already in school now.

      2. I am driving through my neighborhood and had just turned onto the street that my house is on. As I drive down it, I see a blue car parked on the side of the road. I get too close to it a clip it and scratch the paint severely. It turns out that a man was in this car and sees what just happened. I stop my car and pull over in front of him, and we are now practically in front of my house. I park my car and get out to meet him. "Dear God, now this really is happening! I really did just get into an accident!" I think to myself. I am semi-lucid but do not do a reality check because of how stressful the situation is once again. I tell the man whose car I scratched to hold on for a second while I go inside my house to get my parents.
      I ring my doorbell and my mom answers. I tell her what had just happened and she is mad and comes outside to help me out. We go over to the man and his car and start talking. "Mom, I'm so sorry for getting into this entire mess, this was a total accident" I tell her as we talk to the man. "Good thing this is just a dream then" my mom tells me, "otherwise this would be bad". At this point I become fully lucid and leave the scene without saying goodbye. I jump up into the air and fly down my street. I notice that the sky is dark and filled with thunderclouds, but it is not raining yet. The thought of all the things I could do come to my mind. I realize that I can become Superman, The Flash, or my own hero that I created: Orion Jay. I realize that I can see that one girl that I've been trying to see for a while.
      I close my eyes as I imagine all of those possibilities and suddenly, whatever I think about starts to become real, like I am actually there now. I open my eyes back up and I find myself still flying down my street. I land on the next street around the corner and run with the speed of the flash all the way to the middle of this street. I then jump into the air once more and become superman and fly with incredible speed up thousands of feet. As I am doing so, I look down to see what I am wearing. I am wearing a tan suit with a blue tie and black shoes. I rip open my shirt and see that I am now wearing a superman outfit( lol lame). I don't want to be superman, so I feel myself turn into Orion Jay. Slowly my entire body starts turning into his suit, which is as black as void.
    6. Floating back to Bed

      by , 05-07-2015 at 03:44 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I had just walked into my restroom from my room. I noticed as I walked across the hallway and into the restroom that the house seemed to be empty. I didn't hear any movement, so I thought it was just me. Once I get into the restroom, I turn on the light, close the door, and lock it. After that I (this is where it gets explicit), something in the dream tells me that its time to have some private time with myself. Anyways, After that, and a few unexpected things that I won't go into, I get up off of the floor that I had laid down on and look in the mirror.
      I grab my comb which is on the bathroom counter to my right, and start combing my hair. As I am doing so, I immediately notice that I am half bald(wow thats not good). I try combing my hair back to make it look better(didnt help at all lmao) but it did no good. Just then, I look at myself closer in the mirror. I look just as I would in waking life except for my hair and the fact that there are big wire coils spread all throughout my hair. "What the fuck?" I say aloud in disgust. I then realize, "Wait a second, I don't remember putting coils in my hair"(but it didnt occur to me that I was half bald lmao). With that I become lucid once more, but immediately as I do I feel myself go into a transition into the state between dreaming and awake(im just guessing thats what it was). Everything is all black and I can feel myself moving from my restroom in the dream, into my room in waking life. It's a very weird feeling and feels exactly like I had actually just came from the restroom in waking life. It feels like I floated back over to my bed.
      As I sit up in bed at 2:30 in the morning trying to figure out what happened, I am stunned and also realized that the restroom in the "dream" or whatever I was in, had a completely opposite layout than my restroom in waking life. By that I mean that my mirror and bathroom counter were on the opposite wall and stuff like that.

      2. I am sitting in a court type room with my dad. We are standing up in one of the rows behind the Judge's seat. To my left, there are 4 black men that are dressed in nice suits. The one closest to me is wearing glasses and kind of reminds me of Malcolm X. I look over at my dad and say sarcastically, "I feel less at ease with all of these other guys standing next to me"(i was just kidding). The malcolm x guy looks over at me and says, "Yeah you should feel less at ease".
      At this point I am on the verge of lucidity. I look around the court room and out the main exit. Outside of the court I can see alot of people walking around in what looks to be a mall. The floor is marble white and really shiny.

      3. I am in Physics class with Ms. Curry and the entire classroom is actually here. Ms. Curry goes around the class and starts handing out Celery sticks of some sort with an orangish/brown dipping sauce. After everyone gets one, she tells us that we can eat it. I put the dipping sauce up to my nose and nearly puke. It smells so strong and so bad, and its crazy how vivid this smell was. I dip my celery stick into the sauce and take a bite or two. "What the fuck this is the worst shit I've ever tasted" I think to myself. This dipping sauce was one of the worst things I have ever tasted in my life and I've never even had it in real life before. The taste was tangy and metallic mixed with another unbearable taste that I cannot even describe.
      I felt like I should just throw it all up just to get it over with, but I never throw up so that wasn't an option. I look around and at this point I am on the verge of full lucidity once more. I see everyone else eating their celery and dip with looks of pure disgust on their face. Suddenly Ms. Curry announces to the class as she stands by the doorway, "Now most of you will start to get sick from what I just gave you to eat". I see everyone start to get sick to their stomachs, and you can just tell that they are about to vomit their entire stomach out. "You should start to feel sick and extremely cold". I notice that I am starting to get freezing cold, but I am not feeling sick at all. I had stopped myself from feeling sick, as I always do in waking life. I look around and announce to the class, "Yes, I'm the only one that's not getting sick!". For some reason I felt a great accomplishment because of this.
      The cold started getting to me. I felt like I was freezing literally. I contained myself and got up out of my seat. I look out the doorway that Ms. Curry is blocking and I see students walking through the hallways. I wake up and as I do so, the taste of the celery and the dip is still extremely strong in my mouth as if I had actually eaten it, and I wanted to get up and wash my mouth with water.
    7. An Old Abandoned House and Applying for A Job

      by , 05-05-2015 at 03:39 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was inside of an abandoned house to do an investigation for Law Enforcement. The floors of this house were wooden planks, and the walls were made of wood as well. I walk down a wooden hallway in this house and start my investigation. It is dead silent and I am all alone. I pick up a very creepy vibe, but I'm not sure what's causing it. I continue down the hallway and make a right and walk into a small room that was about 12 x 12 feet. The floor in this room is the same as the rest of the house, as is the walls. There are a few windows in this room and also many pieces of furniture. I walk up to a wooden drawer and open up one of the pull out drawers within it. Upon doing so, I see a wooden sign inside this drawer. I pick it up and look at it carefully. "I can't fail this investigation, not this time" I tell myself.
      Written on the small sign there are several words in a fancy font(I don't remember the words at the moment, but immediately upon waking up from the dream I remembered them clearly). I also notice that there are many small pink accents on this sign. Suddenly a short old lady walks into the room and approaches me. She is wearing a pink dress with white polka dots. She tells me, "Be careful, this house is full of ghosts. Don't let them see you". Just then I see at least 10 ghosts walk past the doorway of the room I'm in. The ghosts look like normal humans but are about 25% transparent. I retreat and leave the room through a side door and this door leads to another hallway. I then see more ghosts and decide to hide behind a wall until they pass or leave completely. Meanwhile, the old lady is just walking right in front of them with no problems at all. The ghosts don't even care about her.

      2. I was walking down a big field with my friends Treon, Andrew, and Dani. A girl I used to like named Naomi was also with us(shes gorgeous). The sky above us was cloudy and dark and it looked like it was about to rain. In fact, it had already rained a little bit because on our way across the field I saw a huge puddle of mud and avoided it. After we made it across the field we went into the Law enforcement portable. We all went inside and I closed the door behind me. The lights were off and it was pretty crowded. Almost all of the seats were taken and everyone was busy.
      I took a look closer and saw that everyone had a small bowl on their desk and inside of these bowls there were alot of leaves or random colors. Everyone was crushing the leaves within their own bowl into powder. Mr. Hoffman called everyone who had just walked in, over to his desk. Once we got over to his desk he gave each of us a bowl full of leaves and told us to crush them into a powder. I took my bowl, which was white and had white leaves in it, over to an empty desk next to the door and started getting to work. The lights were still off, but I liked it that way. I started crushing my leaves, but I noticed that for some reason they weren't dissolving into powder. I picked one of them up and they felt really weird. Their texture reminded me of something mixed with rubber.
      I put the leaf down and tried to crush them again. It worked. Now the leaves were a blue powder. I picked up the bowl and brought it to the front of the class where a big white table was where all of the other bowls were. As I put my bowl on the table, I noticed that the powder had changed colors from blue to orange. I then asked Mr. Hoffman, "Hey Mr. Hoffman, is it okay if my powder is orange? Or does it even matter what color it is at all?". "No it doesn't matter at all Cory, just put it down" he replied.
    8. Creative Clouds and My House

      by , 05-04-2015 at 03:42 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was walking down a street in a neighborhood with my family. This street lead to a huge open field. It was daytime and the sky was partially cloudy. As we approached the open field, I look up into the sky at the clouds. They are all pure white. Instantly I notice one cloud that is shaped perfectly like a Rubix cube. This rubix cube cloud looks exactly like the real thing, but in cloud form and all white. "Holy crap" I think to myself, "No way!". I pull out my phone and go on Snapchat. As I pull my camera view up to the clouds I notice that the rubix cube cloud is gone. "What in the world?" I think to myself.
      Instead, not too far to the right of where the rubix cube cloud was, I see another odd cloud. This cloud is in the shape of the eye of horus, perfectly. It too resembles the actual symbol exactly as one would see it anywhere else and is all white. "No way, what if thats a sign that the illuminati is real?" I ask myself(LOL). I am now in a semi lucid state(as usual) and I look around. The sun is no shining brightly as the cloud that was once covering it is no longer covering it anymore. I put my phone camera up to the eye of horus cloud and am about to take a picture. I take the picture, but as I do, I look at the picture I took and notice that the cloud is not in it. The cloud itself is still in the sky, but it is not present in the picture that I took. "That's odd" I think to myself.
      Just then, the entire sky goes dark and it is now nighttime. Stars are present everywhere in the night sky and the moon is shining brightly. Me and my family now walk along the outer edges of the huge field. As we take our first steps on the outsides of this field, I see a huge sculpture like symbol standing not to far ahead of us. This sculpture is so big, that the moonlight casts its shadow and its shadow is so big that it covers a big section of the field. The shadow looks like a perfect symbol oddly enough. There are multiple sculptures like this, and they are all large in their size.
      As we approach the first sculpture, a truck filled with construction workers comes speeding through the field and they come to a stop right in front of the sculpture. There is a yellow light siren on the top of their truck. I get the feeling that there is something wrong with the sculpture. All of the workers get out of their truck and run to the sculpture itself in a frantic run. As they get to the sculpture they start working on it at a quick pace. Suddenly the sculpture lights up and is now glowing in a bright blue and purple color. The ground surrounding the sculpture turns into a black hole/vortex type of thing and it too is emitting a mix of purple and blue colors. At this point I am at the verge of becoming fully lucid.
      I get out my phone and go to snapchat and start videoing what is going on in front of me. As I do so, all of the workers get sucked into the vortex and after that happens a small explosion occurs right in the middle of the it.

      2. I am inside of my house and there are a ton of people over. It seems that there is a party being held at my house. My grandparents and my aunt are here as well as at least 30 of my friends. I walk through the back door of my house where my dad is grilling burgers and I walk into the kitchen. I am highly aware of my surroundings but only semi-lucid at the moment. I walk around into the foyer and I look up my stairs. I see all of my 30 or so friends walking down the stairs towards me. "There's no way, this is way to many people" I think to myself. I make my way up the stairs to see what is going on up there. As I do so, I decide to do a reality check. "This definitely requires me to see if I'm dreaming" I say to myself as I go up the stairs.
      However, as I continue upwards, I get distracted and lose my train of thought and walk into my room completely forgetting what I was about to do.

      3. I was at the beach with my friend Dylan. The sky was extremely cloudy and it was raining lightly. "Cory, we can do anything we want" he tells me. "I know, isn't it amazing" I reply. I then realize that we are both hovering about 50 feet in the sky. We had been flying around for quite some time, and now we came to a rest. I had the knowledge in this dream, that I could do anything(yet looking back at the dream I am not sure I was lucid). Suddenly, I hear a weird sound that I cannot explain, other than the fact that it sounded somewhat like a really deep horn. This sound echoed across the entire sky. As it did so, me and Dylan both see an orb descend from the clouds. This orb is clear but is glowing red in its center.
      The orb continues to descend and lands on the shore, right where the water meets the sand. Suddenly, Dylan is pulled somehow out of the air and straight to the orb. He is powerless against this creature, and it comes to me that he is somehow infected by this highly intelligent orb creature. Next thing I know I am then pulled with great force to the orb and rendered powerless. I am now laying on the beach sand on my side. I look around while still laying down, everything is blurring, but not the ordinary blurry. My vision was blurry like the type of blurry that one would see on a video camera when it is out of focus. Suddenly, what I think to be the orb, speaks to me. "You think you are all powerful, but you are nothing." it tells me.
      I black out and then wake up in a forest, and I am aware that this is still the same dream. Dylan is next to me. In front of us, there is a big concrete highway elevated at least 100 feet off of the ground. It is huge, and it strikes me odd that there is a freeway in the middle of a forest, which is also next to a beach. I notice a long ship that is docked under the freeway, and this ship is just sitting there. I walk up to it and think of how great an idea it is to hide ones space ship under the freeway. This ship was no ordinary ship. It looked like an extremely high tech alien ship that had just come from outer space.
      Suddenly the ship fires up its engines and is now on. It leaves its place from under the bridge and flies away.

      Updated 05-04-2015 at 03:56 AM by 65076

      Tags: semi-lucid
    9. Culinary Arts

      by , 04-30-2015 at 03:36 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was in Culinary Arts class. Everyone was in the kitchen and some of us were sitting down at tables while others where standing. Unlike usual, the tables that we sit down at were now in the cooking area and they were taking up alot of space. As we all either sat down or stood up in the cooking area, Chef Pellicano sat down in her seat at the front of the kitchen and started talking to us. As she started talking, she told us that we were going to be cooking today, but she didn't say what. Me, Dylan, Mario, Carlos, and Lucas were all sitting down at one of the tables. My other friend Kyle was not sitting with us. In fact, Kyle wasn't even in the kitchen yet, he was still in the classroom.
      While we sat and listened to Chef talk, I ate Takis(hot corn chips) out of a medium sized red plastic carton. Suddenly Kyle walks into the kitchen from the classroom and goes up to Chef and asks her a few questions. Chef Pellicano gets furious and and tells Kyle to sit down and cancels our cooking session. She then gets up and walks into the classroom. Everyone starts talking and doing their own thing. "Dude Kyle, what the heck man. Now we can't cook" I say to him as I laugh over how stupid the situation was. "Dude, all I did was ask a few questions" he says laughing with me. I put my carton of Takis chips on the ground in the middle of the floor and leave them there. I then get up from my seat at the table which was directly next to my groups kitchen and look around.
      I look at everyone elses kitchens and as I do I notice that there are a ton of dirty dishes lying everywhere. There are dishes on every counter besides ours and they cover the entire counter. There's so many that there are even dishes piled on top of dishes. These piles of dishes were at least 2 feet high. "What the fuck?" I say to myself in shock, "Where did all of these dishes come from?". I am now semi-lucid and I continue to look around. Dylan and the rest of the group are still sitting at the table not doing anything, which is odd because our group is always talking and on the move. I look to see who all of the people are in the kitchen and the ones I do look at I now. I see Winter, Breanna, Sophia, and a few others.
      Just then, my alarm clock goes off in waking life and I get up for school.
    10. A Dream Within A Dream

      by , 04-29-2015 at 03:49 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I had just walked out of a really big building that resembled a city-type apartment. Suddenly I become lucid. I look around to see where I am. I see that I am in a huge city that seems quite modern. Everything is super vivid and feels extremely real. The sky is overcast with gray clouds and a cool breeze blows through the streets. Everything is very active as well. In front of me I see a convoy of 3 taxis drive past me. All of these taxis were an orange yellow color and had a perfect paint job. I walk across the street when it is clear and go to the opposite sidewalk.
      I then make my way to the center of this city. As I get to the center, I see my friends Trey, Joseph, and Dylan. I walk over to them as they are all standing in a circle, and I start talking to them while maintaining awareness. As we are talking I constantly check out my environment. I look up to the sky again, but this time I see no sky. Instead, now there is a metal dome covering the entire city. The ceiling of this dome is way high up. Trey asks me a question, "Cory, wake Dani up for me". I then actually remember that the dream before the dream I am in now, was where me Trey, Dani, Dylan, and Joseph were all in a room and talking. In that past dream everyone went to sleep. Everyone except for Dani made it into this dream I am in now. Either that, or we just haven't found Dani in this world yet.
      "Trey dude, I can't do that" I tell him. The fact that I am actually in this dream because I went to sleep in the dream before amazes me. This is inception type stuff. I then get a strong urge to fly, so I crouch down and stick my fist to the ground. I feel power race up through my body from the ground and I take off and start flying to the ceiling of the dome. As I am doing so I remember feeling the distinct feeling of flying and a ton of positive G-forces against my body as I continue upwards. It all feels so real. I am proud of myself that I am now flying without a problem because I know I can do anything and I no longer doubt myself.
      Quickly I make it to the ceiling of this dome. As I get to it I slow down and gently touch the ceiling. All along the inside of the dome ceiling there are steel support beams to support the structure. I grab onto one of these beams and hold on. Now I am merely holding onto on of these beams and hanging by it. I let go and gently float to the ground. As I do I notice that my good friend Patrick has now arrived at the scene. As I land on the ground I look to my left and right and I see many swat vans pull up and swat soldiers get out and start running around the city. I am puzzled but nonetheless interested.
    11. Super Thunderstorm

      by , 04-28-2015 at 03:17 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I had just walked out of the Kroger grocery store and it was pouring. I don't mean just normal pouring either, I'm talking the heaviest I've ever seen in a dream before. The sky is extremely dark and gray and there are huge thunderstorm clouds in the sky. I have two bags of groceries, one in my left, and the other in my right. I walk across the street and walk to my car. As I get in my car, I put the groceries in the passenger seat and turn my car on. Suddenly everything goes almost pitch black. Literally, I have never experience this kind of darkness in a dream before.
      "Holy shit, what is going on?" I think to myself. I turn on my headlights and they provide a minuscule amount of light. I turn my windshield wipers on full speed and the rain is still pouring down way too heavy so I can barely see. It then occurs to me that this doesn't make much sense. "Where is the moon?" I think to myself in shock. I look out my driver side window and up into the sky and all I see is pure darkness. "Holy shit" I say out loud just to reiterate the fact that this is the heaviest storm I have ever experienced. I pull out of my parking spot and turn left and start driving down the road. I then remember that I have to pick up my sister who is waiting next to Compass bank only about 25 yards or so away.
      I make another left and start heading towards compass bank. Right before I can turn into the parking lot, there are two police officers standing, blocking the entrance. After I stop the get out of the way and let me through. I then go into the parking lot and park next to my sister. She is talking to two other young dudes her age and they are just chilling. I get out of the car and walk over to them. I didn't notice it at the moment but as I got out of the car, there was no rain falling on me, but yet I could still clearly hear the sound of heavy rain and a thunderstorm, and it sounded extremely real. I get out my phone and turn on the flashlight app so I can see considering it is still almost pitch black. My flashlight helps out a great deal and now I can clearly see my sister and the two other kids her age.
      I tell her to get in the car so we can leave and she does.

      Note: Other than this dream, I had 3 other dreams in which it was raining really hard. I now know that this is because during all of these dreams, there was an actual heavy thunderstorm passing over my house and through my town as I slept. I awoke after these rain dreams and the thunderstorm was still falling extremely heavy.

      2. I "wake up" in my bed and sit up. I "wake up" because I am extremely hot. The first thing that I notice is that my lights are already on, yet I didn't get up to turn them on. It was as if they had been on all night. On top of that, the door to my room is wide open and this creeps me out even more. There is a very strong creepy vibe that I am getting. I look at my fan and see that it is off. I also notice that my fan looks way wider/bigger than it actually is in waking life. I have been semi-lucid through this entire situation since I noticed that my lights were on.
      I reach over my bed and see that all of my water bottles are still there. Some are lying on their side because they are empty, and the ones that still have water in them are standing. I notice that I have at least 9 water bottles all together, which is alot more than usual. I pick up a water bottle and twist off the cap and drink some water out of it. After that I put the cap back on and place it back on the ground. As I do so, I notice that one of the water bottles that is standing up is missing its cap. I pick it up and look around for the cap, but it is nowhere to be found. I end up placing the water bottle back on the ground carefully and leaving it there hoping that it will not spill.
      After that I realize that my piano is back in the corner of my room, but I had moved it a long time ago. At this point I am extremely semi-lucid. I get up out of my bed and go over to my fan. I switch its modes through all 3 modes that it has, to try to fix it. On every speed that I put it to, the same thing happens: It works for a second and then goes practically dead. Suddenly the creepy vibe comes back again and I get back into my bed and pull the sheets up to my neck( lol wow). I then fall asleep.

      Note: After I woke up from this dream I realized that all the power had gone off because of the thunderstorm and in turn my fan was off and so I was extremely hot. Once again, my own environment/setting made its way into my dreams. I have also noticed that I am now becoming more and more aware in my dreams. My Self Awareness is starting to come into my dreams now.
    12. The Monster

      by , 04-27-2015 at 02:56 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was outside of a huge facility. My dad and my friend John were with me. The entire outside of this facility was constructed of concrete. The sky was covered by huge thunderstorm clouds and rain was falling extremely heavy along with lightning. There is so much rain that the concrete I am standing on looks shiny and shows my reflection. Me, my dad, and John are all just walking around this facility and just chilling. Suddenly we all hear an extremely loud growl that doesn't sound human at all. I walk around a corner and sprinting towards me I see a giant 10 foot tall monster. This monster has gray skin, two bull horns, and red eyes, and its naked. This monsters legs are huge too, like he loved doing leg day. It looked as though he could easily squat at least a ton.
      I immediately turn around because I do not want to be killed by this thing, and I start sprinting towards my dad and John. I turn the corner I came around before and start yelling at them, "He's coming, he's coming!!" in the hope that they realize that I wouldn't be running away from something if it weren't good. We are run the opposite direction of this beast, but he is catching up fast. All the while the thunderstorm above us is still going super strong. We turn another corner of the facility and we find a door to the inside. We open this door and run inside and close the door behind us. In this room, there are machines and all sorts of utilities everywhere. The lights are off and there is no other light in this room except for a red glow coming from two corners of this room.
      We wait silently, but this monster isn't stupid. We can hear his giant footsteps quickly getting nearer. Right as the sound of the monsters footsteps get to the door of the facility, they stop. "Whew, that was a close one" I think to myself. But the monster isn't stupid. Suddenly he rips off the door to the room we are all in from the outside. Somehow we run out the door past the monster without him catching us. It's as though extreme luck was with us at that moment. Now the chase continues and we sprint away from the monster once more, except this time, the monster has someone else by his side: A small yellow hairless alien that runs on all fours like a monkey does.
      Somehow, the monster and the alien catch up fast and they catch me. The monster grabs my body and kills me instantly. I then wake up in waking life.
    13. In A Theater

      by , 04-26-2015 at 06:42 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I had just walked inside of a theater and was looking around to see what movies were playing. The inside of this theater was almost all a deep maroon color. The walls were this color as well as the floors and curtains(which I have no idea why there were curtains here). I was with my family and my dad had told us earlier that certain theaters were already showing the new Avengers movie. Like I said, I was walking around to see if this theater had it.
      This movie theater was split into different sections. One section was the main area with all the food and condiments and seats, and all of the other sections where for the showing of a certain movie. I walked through the main area and into one of these movie showing areas. As I walked into this random area, I see a huge line that wraps around and almost goes out into the main area(I know, there are alot of areas). I walk to the back of the line and as I do so I look at a sign at the front of the line to see what movie is playing. The sign does not have the Avengers on it, so I get out of the line and leave. As I am about to walk out of this showing area, I encounter a tall middle aged man wearing a yellow shirt, blue jeans, a hat, and glasses.
      "You were looking for the Avengers too weren't you?" he asks. "Yeah, but they don't have it" I reply. "Say, aren't you also a lucid dreamer?" he asks. "Yeah I am, I've been looking around and constantly checking to see which reality I'm in for a while now" I tell him. He smiles and there is a brief pause between us. "Wait a second, I'm in a dream right now! Nice!" I say and then I immediately walk away from him and start to do my own thing. Now I am fully lucid. Suddenly though, my vision seems to have diminished and now I am half blind as though I had forgotten to put my glasses on. I don't stop and think how to fix it. Instead I start trying to do other things without fixing it, and this doesn't work very well.
      Once I realize that I'm not going to be able to do much without fixing my vision, I stop and believe that my eyesight will correct itself automatically. "My eyesight will correct itself" I repeat to myself many times. But it does not work because I do not truly believe that it will. My belief is weak and therefore my vision stays the same. I give up(wow, never again will I give up on something so simple) and I start thinking of things to do. The first thing that comes to my mind is to create a portal and walk through it in the hope that where ever it takes me, I will be able to see clearly again. I start willing a portal to appear in front of me. Suddenly a blue portal with a silver rim starts to manifest. I can see it forming, but at the same time I can't. Like with my vision, I give up thinking I can't do it(Never going to give up again). The next thing that comes to my mind is a girl.
      I put my focus on this girl and call out her name. Nothing happens and I knew that nothing would happen because I didn't truly believe in myself once again. Suddenly I get transported into my room and everything becomes super crystal clear that I think that I have awoken into waking life, but I haven't and I am still inside the dream. I look around my room and see that my bed sheets are exactly what they look like in waking life. I start to check everything else in my room
      when suddenly something wakes me up for real.
    14. Catacombs and Vapes

      by , 04-24-2015 at 03:18 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was inside of a series of Catacombs. Many of the walls here were covered with wooden planks oddly enough. I was all by myself, and I seemed to be inside of a game of Call of Duty Zombies; and this was the map I was playing on. I was in first person though so it all felt real. As I walked down the catacombs I was very cautious. Nothing could be heard except for, every few minutes, I would hear the moaning of a zombie. There were many tunnel systems in these catacombs, and in every tunnel system that I looked down, I could see a few hundred feet ahead of me and then everything went black. I walked down one tunnel and tried to be discreet. I was now semi-lucid, and I kind of knew that I was dreaming. I knew that a new "round" of zombies was going to start soon, so I upped my pace down the tunnel to find a mystery box.
      I ended up coming to a flight of wooden stairs. I went up these stairs quickly and found myself on a second floor inside of the catacombs. There were walkways everywhere on this second level and none of them had any railing, so if you slipped, you'd fall straight down to the first floor. I walked across one of these walkways and it led to a small boxed area. In this boxed area I found a mystery box, but it was way smaller than the ones in Call of Duty. This box was a perfect square with a glowing question mark on it. I bought the box and suddenly as I did it started playing really loud music. Immediately after the music started playing I heard alot of zombies approaching from somewhere in the dark. "Come on, hurry, hurry" I think to myself. I look in front of me and running down one of the tunnels is a load of zombies. The box finally opens and out of it floats an empty bottle of liquor. Great. I have no weapon, so I run out of the small box area and run down the same stairs I come up.
      I am pretty frantic now considering there are tons of zombies sprinting behind me. I somehow make it to the center of the catacombs and here I find my dad and a random pantry room that he is looking in. I run next to him to warn him. "Uh dad, zombies are coming" I say. "Have you seen my liquor anywhere?" He asks. "Nope, I just found this bottle in my hands, and its empty" I tell him. Suddenly I can't hear the zombies anymore, and its dead silent.

      Note: Somewhere in the middle of this dream I had to make a huge jump from one wooden walkway to another. It was pretty high up, but I still made it.

      2. I was in school in Arch Design class sitting in my seat and working on my computer. For some reason the lights were off in the classroom, but I could still see perfectly because it was daylight outside. I look around the room and see many people that I don't know. But among all the random students, I see my two friends that are normally in this class with me, Eamon and Brittany. I bring my attention back to my work and on my computer screen I see an architectural wall that is made of a swirl of colors. This wall is taking up my entire screen and is getting in the way. In this swirl of colors I can see every color except for black. I can't figure out a way to solve this on my own, so I call Eamon over to help. "Eamon, come over here I need your help man" I say. He then comes over. "Dude, I can't figure out how to get this wall off of my screen" I tell him. "Oh yeah, this wall. I hate this thing. I was dealing with the same problem on my computer as well. The colors on it suck too and it's way too big.
      Suddenly, as he's working to get the wall off of my screen a picture of just my legs pops up on the screen. Wtf? "Woah, what the fuck?" I say in shock, "Not sure why that's there, that's a little embarrassing". I then look down at my legs in the dream and sure enough I am not. I cover myself in embarrassment because as for anyone, its a little awkward being naked or even half naked in school. Suddenly the dream transitions and now I find myself standing in a large fancy house watching a group of rich girls walk into their room. A voice is now narrating the dream as well. "Nobody knows it, but secretly these 5 girls are holding a meeting inside a room, discussing a plan to destroy the world" the male voice says. All of these girls are wearing white and blue dresses that have glitter and jewels on them. These dresses remind me of the dress that Elsa wore in the movie Frozen.

      3. The entire squad and I are all inside of Patrick's house, the squad leader. Patrick's sister is also chilling with us as well. We are all just chilling and we all have vapes in our hands and are vaping alot. Even I have a vape(even though I don't own one in waking life yet) and I am chugging clouds with it. I look down at the vape in my hands and see that it is a box mod that has a silver body with a black atomizer and a blue flexible case around it. I fire it and blow some more clouds. Everyone then walks into the kitchen because we are hungry and we ask Emily for food, specifically bread. "Hey Emily do you have any bread?" Dylan asks. Immediately Emily gets angry and tells me to just buy donuts even though I didn't ask the question.
      I then turn around and look around the house. I am now semi-lucid. I look outside into Patrick's driveway and I see his dad's red truck there. I look into the sky and see that it is overcast and it looks like it is about to rain. I stop a feel everything for a moment. It feels like it is early in the morning, around 7 or 8 o clock, and I can feel a coolness of the air even though I am inside.
    15. Glowing Blue and Pool Time

      by , 04-23-2015 at 03:32 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was upstairs in my room and I had just "awoken" out of bed to find that I was out of water. I get up out of my bed and put on my glasses, then open my door and walk down the hallway. It is extremely dark and everyone is still asleep. I try not to make too much noise on my way downstairs. Once I get downstairs I make a left and walk through the dining room to get to the kitchen. I then open the doors to the kitchen and walk in. Immediately upon doing so I see that the entire kitchen area and dinner table area is glowing an electric blue. The blue is so vivid that it looks like the blue nightlight I used to have as a kid.
      I go to the fridge and open it up and take out a water bottle. I then close it and leave the kitchen. As I do so though, I turn on the kitchen light to see because I start to feel a spooky vibe. I leave the kitchen light on and start walking back upstairs. Before I even get to the stairs I hear my dad get up out of his bed and open his bedroom doors, "Son, turn off that damn light right now!" he yells. I have no idea how he could see the light with his bedroom doors closed and the kitchen isn't even in the line of sight from his room. Anyways, I turn off the kitchen light. I then walk back through the dining room back to the stairs. Suddenly I hear everyone getting up now and as I take my first step up the stairs, everyone comes out of their rooms and walks downstairs.
      Now I see my mom, dad, and my sister all walking down the stairs towards me. My first thoughts are, "Wow, my dad must be super pissed". He then goes into the living room of our house and sits down in his recliner and turns on the television. My sister ignores me and walks into the kitchen. I look at the carpet I am standing on and see that I have dropped something. I pick up whatever it is and find it to be a blue memory chip. I "remember" that the memory chip is supposed to go into my phone, and my mom tells me this too. I try sticking the chip into a slot in the side of my phone, but it won't fit. "Mom can you help me figure this out real quick?" I ask. "Sure, just put it in right here" she says. I then figure it out and the chip is now in the side of my phone.
      I take a step back to turn around to go back into the kitchen to do something, but as I do I step on something wet a gooey. I look down to see what I have stepped on and find that I had just stepped on wet spaghetti and a few vegetables. "Mom, why is there spaghetti on the ground?" I ask. She doesn't reply. The front door suddenly opens and two soldiers walk in and walk upstairs, taking spaghetti that they had just now gotten stuck onto their foot with them.

      2. I am in a movie perspective, watching this dream happen. I see my friend Andrew walking alongside Mel Gibson as they walk outside next to a pool. Andrew says that he got a whole group of naked women to help cool Mel off this afternoon for his upcoming movie. I now materialize into myself and I am sitting at the poolside. Mel Gibson passes out because of all the naked women, but he doesn't want them at the pool. Andrew gets in the pool with me and we are the only 2 dudes at the moment. There are about 7 or 8 hot naked babes in the pool with us at the moment and everyone is just chilling and having fun. Suddenly a high-tech t.v. pops up out of the ground next to the pool and the t.v. pulls up a website that teaches spanish.
      "Shit Cory, now we have to do our daily spanish lessons again" Andrew tells me. We both look at the t.v. Andrew gives me a remote to navigate around on the tv. I click on the website we are supposed to go to for our spanish lesson and the website is called "Yaka 24". I then get sidetracked and end up going to another website. On this other website there are videos listed all the way down the page. All the videos are just music videos. As I scroll down past all of these videos, I see that MrSuicideSheep, a famous music guy from youtube, has liked one of the videos. I look at the thumbnail image of the video and it is a forest with many trees and a clear sky above them.
      Suddenly my attention is brought to myself because I feel my leg being pulled down from underneath the pool. The feeling feels very vivid and real. Whoever it is is really strong and I am pulled into the pool. I think it is Andrew because I can't see him so I tell him, "Dude Andrew stop man!" but he doesn't listen. I am now underwater. I open my eyes and look around and there is no one near me who could've pulled me down. I look up at the surface and see the naked babes swimming and still having fun. All of a sudden, the pool starts flashing between its regular blue color, and a black void. This flash goes on and it makes me semi-lucid.
      I swim up to the surface and see a naked babe in front of me. She makes eye contact with me and comes over. She bends over and I slap her ass and finger it(Wow, that escalated pretty quickly). My animal instincts come alive now and I want to fuck the shit out of this girl. However, I get that same feeling again, and it feels even more real this time. Someone has their hands wrapped around my leg near the ankle and are pulling me.

      Note: As I wake up, I still feel someone pulling my ankle. I don't see anyone and I'm not sure if this was a hallucination or sleep paralysis or what. I've never had sleep paralysis.
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