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    Overlapping Dreams

    by , 04-02-2015 at 03:44 AM (383 Views)
    1. I was walking down a dark corridor with some type of assault rifle in my hand. It felt like I was literally in a game of Call of Duty. Everything was dead silent and there was no noises to be heard except for the noises I made from walking and breathing and such. The walls in this place that I was in were a deep indigo in color. I turn a corner and suddenly I see a soldier fully armored, pointing his gun at me. Immediately we start shooting each other. I start jumping around trying to dodge bullets. The other soldier pulls out a double barrel shotgun and shoots me. This time I couldn't dodge the bullet, and I get shot and die.
    The dream goes to the point of view of what is called a "KillCam" in Call of Duty which is basically seeing yourself getting killed in 3rd person. As I watch the killcam, I suddenly become Lucid and I shoot back into 1st person view. The soldier with the shotgun is still in front of me, but now he is neutral and just looks at me with curiosity. I walk around the corner that we started shooting each other in and I start walking down another hallway. I realize that walking through this maze of hallways is going to take forever, so I start climbing up the walls, which are about 50 feet high in length.
    About 10 feet up the wall I start hearing what sounds like alot of people walking towards the area I am in. I look down and sure enough there is an entire group of at least 100 or more people. They all have zombie like eyes and they start to climb after me. "I don't have time for this" I think to myself. I then decide to try teleporting/summoning at the same time. "Bring me [name of a certain girl]!!" I yell out to the dreamworld. Suddenly I start seeing my room merge into my vision. "What's going on?" I think to myself.
    I think that I am waking up, but later on I find out that another dream started to overlap the one I was already in.
    In my vision, I now see half of the maze hallways I am climbing, and in the other half I see my room in broad daylight with my fan going. I still think that I am waking up. Because I thought this, I go into the dream where my room is at by default. I am now in my room standing at the foot of my bed, thinking that I am now awake.

    Note: This is the first time I have ever experienced 2 dream layers starting to mix together. OmkAR has had this happened to him many times. Next time I will combat this layer.

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