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    Looking for Her

    by , 04-12-2015 at 12:41 AM (330 Views)
    1.I am already lucid. I was in my house. It was daytime and I was all alone. I walked down my hallway and observed everything quietly. It was so quiet and relaxing. I walked into my parents room and looked around. Suddenly everything started going crazy. The house started shaking and my vision started to turn grainy. I remembered my dream goal, to find a specific girl DC before the end of the dream. So as I felt myself fading, instead of trying to save the dream, I tried to get this girl. What a rational choice lol. I hold out my hand with my palm open and command the dream, "Bring [DC Girl] to my hand right now!" but the command didnt work because I didnt believe.

    Note: The dream was WAY longer than this. The entire lucid dream itself felt like hours long, but I forgot most of it since it was from last week.

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