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    Really long Lucid Dream, pretty weird

    by , 07-20-2014 at 06:30 PM (382 Views)
    To start off, this lucid dream felt like it was 3 hours long. I forgot to wake up immediately after so I dont remember all of it.

    I was in the outskirts of a city. My friend Thomas somehow got this Supercar. We got in and he flew us to a construction site in the city. We arrived and landed the car near some system of pipes. I soon found out that I had come along to help them with breaking into some strange vault, but it wasnt filled with money. At this point I was already lucid. We walked over to the vault to start our task. Oddly enough it was only locked by a couple of wires. I went to untie the wires with my friend Patrick. It only took us about 1 minute to get all the wires out of the way, but then we found out that it was also locked by chains. This is where I figured other people would start getting suspicious so I went back to the car to act as a look-out. As I walked back to the car I noticed that it was basically a super car. It had airborne capabilities, the power of a tank, it could transform, it was truly a work of art. It was black and resembled a black Ferrari. I had custom vents and everything. Anyways, I soon saw a cop passing by, I tried getting in the car but found that I couldnt because of the fact it was my friend Thomas'es car. The car was locked by the physics of GTA V, because it wasnt my car, I couldn't get in the drivers seat. Instead I stood outside the car and made sure no one came in. My friends finally opened the vault, and I was not expecting what was inside. There were 5 small planes, they resembled small dragonflies, but somehow made into a plane. Some of my friends got in the planes, and I got in the last one. Apparently it was my friend Ryan's plane but I got in anyway and started to take off. Upon doing so, I almost crashed into some poles because we were taking off basically from underground. I made it out though and flew through some more obstacles before I finally got into the free air. Once I made it up I just enjoyed myself and flew around. After what seemed like 30 seconds, a fighter jet came into our vicinity and started locking onto us. The jet came after me first and shot his missiles at me. He hit me and my plane burst into flames and started going down. I jumped out just in time and used a grappling hook that I didnt even know I had to attach myself to a steel beam. Weirdly enough my grappling hook was only a string with a strong magnet on the end of it, but I still put it to use. My friend trey didnt stay in the air long either, he soon came falling down and used his grappling hook to meet me at the steel beam. When we both got there we only had a moment of peace until we were fired down on by the jets as the came through an underpass near us. We used or grappling hooks and swung from beam to beam perfectly thanks to the strength of our magnets on our hooks. We soon landed on the ground near what seemed like a port. Trey told me to follow him and I did. I found out that we had come here to change out our magnets for better ones. Trey told me to hurry up and to go somewhere when I was done because, "It was about to end" he said. I got cut off by someone else trying to get their magnets and once I got mine I had lost trey. I then looked around and noticed everyone was gone. A feeling of heightened awareness came to me, and I thought that Id might wake up. I got really excited and almost lost the dream, but this is were I suppressed my emotions and focused on the dream. I looked at my hands in order to stabilize the dream, like sivason himself does. As I looked at my hands, they looked trippy, it was like I was tripping again. They were all swirly and distorted and continually changing. This stabilized the dream quickly and I got focused on what I wanted to do next. Since I was by myself, I decided I was going to talk to this beautiful Dream girl that I had seen many times before. I flew out of the dock and down next to a warehouse. As I landed I noticed a small penny board was next to the door of the warehouse. Before I got on the board, I called out the girls name that I wanted to see, I yelled it really loud. I then got the board and rode it down around the nearest corner which led to a swampy area, and the walkway went directly through it. I got off of the board and looked around for the DC girl. I couldn't find her. Just then I heard a monstrous deep voice come from the swamp. It told me something along the lines of, "The girl isn't here, and you should'nt be here either". This REALLY freaked me out, just the voice itself sent chills up my spine. I looked into the green murky water and saw a HUGE and really long thing that closely resembled the loch ness monste if it were halfway mixed with "Gravemind" from halo 2. (look it up, its basically a GIANT plant, worm.) I was freaked out so I quickly got away from the swamp. I continued looking for this girl, but I could not find her. Soon the dream ended.

    *Forget to mention some things that happened in the middle of this dream: I went into a gun shop and took a shotgun. It had something like 315 damage it could do(whatever that means). I got it because I had lost a better shotgun in the dream earlier which dealt around 1100 damage. A lady came into the store as I got it and wanted my shotgun. The owner told her to calm down and gave her a free cellphone. She seemed pleased by this and left. I walked out of the store and then got in a fight with some random dude. I got out some numb chucks and beat him down continually. At times he would have the upper hand, but most of the times it was me. My numb chucks were flaming as well. I beat the guy and continued with what I was doing.

    *Note, this is still not even half of the dream, I forgot ALOT of it because I forgot to wake up after the dream ended.

    In this lucid Dream, made huge progress. I am now extremely good at suppressing my emotions of excitement so they wont end the lucid dream. My dream control has also gotten much better, and it appears I can do anything now except for find that DC girl that Ive always been looking for. I have also made A LOT of progress with my stabilization. In all, this dream really improved alot of my abilities within Lucid Dreaming in general.

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    Updated 07-20-2014 at 06:39 PM by 65076

