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    Intelligent Bug, School again, Race on the Track, Nightmare, some fragments

    by , 07-28-2014 at 04:58 PM (865 Views)
    1. I was in my school Oak Ridge, and Im often here in dreams it seems. I had been talking to this girl named Christin. She was in my Drivers Ed. class at the Woodlands but didnt go to Oak Ridge. We were both walking to class together. She told me, "You know, you look better without your hat." I replied, "really? I always thought I looked better with it." She continued, "Yea, and I also really like it when you wear those button up shirts." I told her that she hasnt even seen my best ones and that Id start wearing them more. "You look beautiful today, but hey you always do", I said. She blushed and thanked me and we continued walking to class. Once we got to my chemistry class, Christin had to leave to go to her class. I told her Id see her later and she said ok. As she walked away she turned into a completely different person. This new girl was more heavy set(no offense to her or anyone) and had short black hair. The real Christin originally was short, petite, had long brown hair with blonde highlights, and brown eyes. Anyways, I was happy that I would get to see her again later. I walked into class and it had already started. The teacher asked if we were ready for the test. What?! I had no idea what we were doing or what the test was over. The class voted however to put the test off until the 2nd half of class. I was cool with that. As I relaxed in my seat I looked at the clothes I was wearing and noticed I had on my orange kool-aid shirt, black slim jeans, and my green snapback. "Thats wierd, I never wear my snapback in school", I thought. I proceeded with focusing on the test and decided to study while I could. I looked at this log the teacher had given us. Its purpose was to help us spread out the reading time that we had to read in the book. As I looked at it more I found out that I was supposed to have read 1 chapter everyday for the past 2 weeks. I did none of that, so I filled out the log with fake information. I went to my friend Darius and asked him what this was all about, he said he didnt really know either and told me about the log. I only had 20 minutes left, so I decided to hurry and read as much of the book as I could. (Also I forgot to mention that I had went to school twice in this dream, each time was a different day. This part was the second day. Basically I went to the same class the day before as well, but I had another conversation with Christen.)

    2. I was in my room, but walking from my room to the spare bedroom next to mine. I walked into the spare bed room and found a little plastic mini city on the ground. I started hearing someone's voice talking to me telling me, "He wont go into the city, but inside of it." Then out of the blue as I turned on the light, a small bug came crawling out of the depths. He was intelligent and had that attitude of, "I knew what I came here to do". The lights went off and I grabbed my flashlight out of the air and shined it on him. I was going to kill this little dude. He quickly sprinted into the plastic city. I went down and looked for him, I pulled out a cabinet door on the side of the city(I dont know why it was there) and looked for the small insect dude. He was not there. I remembered what that random voice had told me, but I couldnt do anything because there was no way I was going to be able to get inside that small mini-city. I was a giant compared to it. Just then it occured to me that this insect could be crawling around the city and tricking me. I looked around but he was no where to be seen. Some guy showed up out of no where and helped me out. We never killed the bug.

    3. I was at school. A race was about to start in Track. I got on the track and go ready. I held my position and then sprung forward when the guy signaled the start. I started sprinting. It surprised me, I was running basically effortless. "And its all because of the running I do at home" I thought to myself. But, I could only run so fast on the track, and other dudes started passing me. I couldnt run any faster(thanks dream physics). I looked down at my outfit and noticed I was wearing the exact same thing I was wearing from school, but yet this dream took place before that one. I wasnt even sweating at all, nor was I getting tired. Just then I got neck to neck with this dude besides me. We were going to tie if it stayed this way. I gave it my all as we got closer to the finish line. I noticed as I did though, that the track disappeared and the ground had turned into a hilly pasture with lots of mud and bumps. But the race was still on. The guy that was tied with me had fell back and lost speed because of the hill. I started slowing down, but I wasnt trying to at all. I gave my legs a push and returned to my slow top speed. I passed the finish line, happy that I had beat the dude that was directly behind me, but unsatisfied that I had only made it to 14th place. There was only like 8 dudes racing, so I have no idea why I thought that.

    4. This is what I remember of a pretty weird nightmare:
    I was in my house. It was completely dark, no lights on anywhere whatsoever. I only had a small LED lantern that was pretty strong. I started walking around my house trying to figure out what was going on. As I left my room and entered my hallway upstairs, I heard a noise that sounded like it belonged to a demon. I looked into my parents room and in the doorway saw a ghost. I ran downstairs and went into my kitchen. I was terrified, but I kept on going. Everything from here on is unclear and really fragmented. The last solid thing I remember was seeing a demon looking thing and running.

    5. I was in some place congregating with these old wise dudes. They kept saying how something wasn't enough for the "full threshold" and that they couldn't even get to "half threshold"(No idea btw what the hell either of those mean). The rest of the dream was them trying to get that and I was helping I guess(not sure what I was doing).

    6. All I remember of this dream is that I was near some sort of huge ditch/natural drainage path that led excess water in some bayou. I have these in my neighborhood so I assume thats where I was.

    7. I was in my room on my bed. My mom was next to me staring out of my window. After I looked to see what she was doing I returned to go back to bed but saw a dude lying down next to me. He said he wanted to f***.(WTF, just to let everyone know who is reading this: I am NOT homosexual, or bisexual; not that there is anything wrong with those who are, just wanted to make my sexual preference clear, I am heterosexual. I have no secret desires for men or anything. I am all for women). Anyways something happened to where I transitioned into another dream and in this next dream I was in my room again and I walked in to find my cousin giving anal to some random dude. My cousin is a guy. I would say this was a nightmare as well.
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    1. ThreeCat's Avatar
      My friend, I am 30 and still have dreams of being back in high school. Get used to them! I have found though that writing down your day in a waking life journal (or even just reviewing your day in your head) can get rid of a lot of day residue. I did not do that last night and so had a bunch of trash come up (arguing with some person in the grocery store--my wife and I had had a conversation about traditional medicine the night before). Otherwise, awesome that you're noticing weird things (like your snapback being with you at school). Keep up the good work!
      OneUp likes this.
    2. fogelbise's Avatar
      Great dream recall! Don't worry about getting weird guys in your dream, I think it happens to every heterosexual and I wouldn't be surprised if the opposite orientation probably have weird dreams about the opposite sex too. Sometimes a DC can be a representation of you or a part of you as well supposedly.
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