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    A voice from the sky - lucid?

    by , 09-30-2011 at 01:35 PM (718 Views)
    I woke up last night, and couldn't move. It must have been a SP. After some minuttes, I decided to go back to sleep. Without writing my dreams down in my dream journal. Then I woke up this morning, and could only remember one little dream. Or, I remembered many details, so the dream became long enought, but it's still not good enough. Let's hope my recall is better tomorrow.
    I'm going to write a dream I had yesterday, it must be 29/9-11 (or 9/29-11, the first one is Danish).

    A voice from the sky

    I found myself in a big building. Me and my class was making a play, and mine was about a dead man. I was standing front of a tombstone, and walked down the stairs to tell my friends about the play. When I came up, I saw the man. He was 100% alive, and smiled and if you asked someone, he has never been dead. I looked really confused at him, because I couldn't understand it! And he looked confused on me, because I looked at him.
    Suddently, I head a loud woman-voice from the sky. She said..

    This is just a dream. It's a lucid dream. You can control everything.

    "Is it a dream?!", I thought, and then I woke up. ( )

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    1. Karlitaki's Avatar
      Lmao thats funny i wold be like huh ? whos talking .. and fly to the sky and hunt
    2. Pandabear's Avatar
      Haha, me too. The stupid part of the dream was, that when I thought about it was a dream, I woke up.