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    Stretchy arms Totm's🌈

    by , 05-03-2016 at 08:37 PM (587 Views)
    🌹🌹🌹A group of short wild/deild after wbtb

    After wbtb from about 4 till 4.30 am - had some short but sweet encounters with Lucidity that enabled me to try both the Basic tasks and have success with the stretchy arms Totm

    I am lucid but things are dark, visuals are not clear so I remember the stretchy arm task and start to feel my arms stretching out and out and out and out and you guested it yes - out some more. I had imagined today I might stretch them so far they go around our planet earth so I was thinking I might see earth within my arms at some point...I didn't ...but soon a saw my two hands reach each other - miles and miles away in front of me ~ they clasped each other and it looked like they were wrapped around, engulfing a huge invisible planet in space ( as the visuals were still pretty dark and space like.

    I then remember the taste in the mouth Totm and put my attention there trying to get something ...no ....no ...nothing except starting to wake up... Oh well. Will have to work on this one again ~ when I am Lucid again soooon

    Some dreams🌸
    Sexual encounters
    DR walking into JH - he is skinny and shocked - when he sees me he walks away fast - he is very shocked to see me.
    I am crying alot missing A very badly and telling people I cant believe he is gone

    later Lucid 🌹
    I am walking straight ...straight...straight...i know i am dreaming - the scene is darkish once more - i carry on pushing through walls and walking forwards. Everytime i push a wall through i see a flash of light and it feels good. i wonder if i can get some brightness into the dream and call out for light ...still walking ...i call out for a beach scene ...nothing. Still pushing walls i call out
    " I am ready for the next level - now " a couple of times...
    As i continue this activity i remember todays ponderings on " I am ✨" and self awareness and that they are one and the same. I ponder on my moments of self awareness during the day " I am" I repeat and feel apreciative of these pearls of wisdom dropping into my Lucid mindset at this very moment ✨

    Soon waking 🌹

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    Updated 05-03-2016 at 08:40 PM by 87274

    Tags: call out, dark, walls
    lucid , task of the month


    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Congrats on accomplishing the task. Also, I like how you decorated your entry with flowers and sparkles. X3 Its cute.
      Patience108 likes this.
    2. Patience108's Avatar
      Thanks Stretchy arms was fun ...And yes I like them little flowers etc too. They don't work on normal posts only on DJ
      DreamCafe11 likes this.
    3. Elaineylane's Avatar
      Nice job! Stretchy arms was a fun one.
      Patience108 likes this.
    4. Patience108's Avatar
      Thanks! Sure is there's nothing like enjoying a simple task ( of the month)