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    Trial and Error

    Fragment and Melting Buildings

    by , 04-03-2011 at 06:03 AM (639 Views)
    It started of as the first day of my digital cinematography class with M.S. (which I had already irl). Everyone accepted everything as normal but I realize after waking up that the classroom looked like a chamber of some sort of space ship. It had curved, metal, sleek walls and was deep in the building.

    M.S. Asks us if we had projects to present, and everyone said yes. Although it was apparent to me that no one even knew about it, but people started presenting anyway. After the first person or two she turned to me and asked what I had to show and I told her I had a guest speaker that had not arrived yet. She seemed excited and said that that was great.

    I (apparently) could transform into John Smith, the main character from "The Dead Zone". And I figured that I could come in as him and speak, only I had to do it before anyone noticed I was gone. I was trying to find a place to transform. It took me awhile but I did, and I was on my way back when the dream changed.

    The next dream started with me on the 4th floor of one of the buildings of my college (irl) waiting for an event I was running to start, but there were administrators in there so I had to wait until they were done before I could get anything going.

    Behind them was a giant rocking horse that was rocking by itself. It was rocking at different speeds and different intensities. Slowly it began to sink into the floor. I seemed to be the only one that noticed it so I told people to look behind them, that the rocking horse was sinking. They turned to me and explained how the rocking horse rocked at different speeds and there was nothing to worry about. It was not my horse so I did not persist trying to tell them for long, if they did not care if it sank in the floor, that was none of my business. I watched it as it slowly became lower and lower, still rocking as it sank into the carpet until it was gone.

    Everything was fine for a few moments, then the entire building began to fluctuate, ripple and begin to flop apart like baking dough. I yelled to everyone that the building was coming apart and they all began to run for the elevator. I yelled to them to stop, that this was an emergency and we had to take the stairs. Everyone quickly changed course and we began to run down the stairs as the walls seemed to be melting, and the stairs were missing sections.

    Everyone got out of the building, and we all stood back to watch it basically deflate into a mushy mass. We thought everything was fine until we saw the buildings next to it begin to ripple and fluctuate as well. I soon realized that it was a chain reaction and soon the whole city would melt into blobby puddles.

    A team was there quick with scaffolding to try and hold one of the buildings up, but the scaffolding began becoming floppy as well and some began to fall off. Others grabbed pieces of the building causing it to break off and gently fold to the ground to safety. At that point I realized I should warn the other building in my school that they were going to collapse soon.

    I run over to the building and start yelling to everyone, they rush to the windows to hear what I have to say. Before I can warn them, someone on the ground grabs a megaphone and says "Nothing is happening, stay in class, thank you." I suddenly have a megaphone also and yell to them "The building you are in is going to melt! You have to leave now!" People seemed to hear, but did not think they could leave class still. I yelled "I know all of you have always wanted this kind of excuse to leave class! Are you going to pass this up?!" And with that everyone began evacuating.

    I go into a false awakening of my roommate S telling me that I was screaming in my sleep.

    I then "go back to sleep" to have pieces of the same melting building again, so strange

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    Updated 04-03-2011 at 06:12 AM by 41531 (to catogorize)

    non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
