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    Trial and Error

    Third Arm

    by , 02-14-2011 at 05:20 AM (1138 Views)
    (a dream from a few years back don't exactly remember when)

    It started with me walking in an unidentifiable area when a random guy walked by and said something along the lines of "what is that under your shirt" I look down to see a lump under my right arm. I lift up my shirt to see that there is a small undeveloped third arm (about 2min long) growing out of my side.

    While at first it creeped me out, I was soon trying to see if I could move it. It was hard and awkward, (like writing with my left hand). After a little while I was able to reach into my pocket and take out my pocket watch (which I actually had at the time in real life). But I was becoming frustrated because it was so hard to move it the way I wanted.

    I have the thought that since the arm was new that it was just a baby arm or something, and that if it grew I would be able to control it. Another random passerby suggested that I electrocute my arm to stimulate the cells into growing.

    I began to carry around jumper cables and shock it every 10min or so.

    By the end of the dream it had grown passed the elbow of my right arm and I had full control of it.

    That was when I woke up.
    There was more to the dream that I did not remember involving a train and Skexies from the Dark Crystal. But after awakening I could not connect the ideas.

    After I woke up I felt it like a phantom limb for nearly 2hrs.

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    non-lucid , dream fragment


    1. bennettb6's Avatar
      Ooh, I definitely want to try this one. Sprout some extra arms in a dream and see if I can still feel em when I wake up.