Last night I was having some very interesting dream that took place in a kind of always oscillating maze of consistently changing but similar locations, this all took place in a tunnel system with a maze like quality that went from swimming pools, to stores to city's and the like, with many dream charters in all the locations, which changed location and over all appearance, the swimming pool now is far away from where it once was in the system and store is now somewhere closer to where the pool was originally. The city was night then day. I left after a while and ended up in my car and started driving down a highway, during this drive things got weird the dream world started collapsing literally around me vividly with very obe like experiences while my "body" was still in the car. When I finally was not floating out of the car anymore and was again driving it I realized three things : I'm dreaming, This dream has already been very long, and this dream is showing signs of extreme rapid unrepairable instability. I came to the conclusion I can fight it, more than likely will exit this unsaveable dream anyway, and will loose any sense of self awareness I had and move my real body instantly. Especially since I'm in an extreme excited mood, trying to patch up my leaky ship. Or, what I ultimately chose, I could just let the dream end it's natural course, while holding onto lucidity through to the other side. I then remembered I had always wanted to try a deild where you start out with a dild (when you do deild it's from realizing a dream just ended after the fact and catching yourself from moving which can lead to a wild like re-entrance into a new dream) what I was about to try was purposefully existing one dream while holding onto a single lucidity through one dream, exit reform into the other dream. So The following is what happened. I was in awe at how Singular Depth and Vision became. The more the dream went down the path of destruction the more it looked infinite and faded , I didn't fight and just let this ending happen, while passively taking it in. The Singular feeling ended with a feeling of nothing but completely black space. I was no longer in the dream, and felt the feeling of strong sleep paralysis. I knew it was time to just ride it, and it faded into a very vivid dream. There a villain wanted me in a duel. We had a strong and very long battle I dodged what looked like blue astral projectiles of some sort. And I gained a sort of electric discharge attack out of my penis yes I beat a villain with my *beep* It sure was fun getting my new "power"
One dream I remember, I was hiding in a shady motel while being chased by criminals. I realized I was dreaming, and decided it would be fun to change gender to fool my foes. My form changed from the male I am into a very sly woman with long black beautiful hair, and a subtle complex darkness to her, like she had a mysterious history. It was very interesting, I put a hoody on and went out into the rainy afternoon. I felt the world looking at me as a female, and I looked back as one too. It felt completely different and alien to how feeling male feels, like I not only changed in appearance but also mind state, kind of like I felt completely female as I walked down the street. I got some complements on my long black hair, and felt like I was blushing from the males giving me the complements, thing is in real life I have no desires to be female or would blush from guys giving my hair complements I wonder how my mind nailed so perfectly the identity of a "mysterious" woman it was uncanny and completely natural during that dream.
This was a very interesting dream. I was suddenly convinced during the dream that my whole life was a reincarnation of a previous self. I suddenly became aware of what felt like whole years of childhood memory's that were altered from my own, then years of teenaged memory's, I was fascinated by these memory's. Then I saw a death, I had died. I then started seeing my own childhood memory's into adulthood. It was as tho I lived twice during the dream it's self, the dream felt quite too long for a dream, sense of time during dreams can be quite altered in the right mind state. It was absolutely mind blowing and beyond deep. Wish I was better at going into details this paragraph does not do this dream justice.
Yes, some dreams are just like movies. One such dream last night saw an magnitude 8.0 earthquake hit the northeast with my hometown getting the worst. I could feel the gravity shift as this earthquake hit. Norristown Transportation Center Station was more like a movie set of a horror show. With riots, derailed trains, and general chaos. People were being crushed by giant falling structures and out of control trains (very graphically) One man screamed in such blood curdling agony as the last of the out of control trains mowed him down, with a "proper" sound for head crushing pooping noises. It was gross, and unexpected. I nauseatingly inspected for survivors and just felt sick. I sat there for a while and thought what do we do now? A reporter asked me if I thought the north east would be remembered for rebuilding , and I said I hope so. When I woke up, I thought darn, as unsettling as that was, it was entirely entertaining.
Last night my dreams were realistic plentiful, but just completely boring job dreams. Then while going to my car to go home, I am hit by a car. My leg was crushed and bent backwards with a fiendishly realistic sensation of broken bones and pain. Suddenly I realize I cant be at work because I recently saw it was dark outside, but now it's bright and sunny. I was never ever so glad to realize I was dreaming, I decided very quickly right then and there to end the dream. I did everything I could think of that would probably end the dream and I was never so relived to go back to my cozy sleep paralyses ridden body. But here is where the nightmare began, an unbelievable thing happened. I could clearly feel my real body going through sleep paralyses while, and I still can't believe this really happened: The *beep* sensation of a broken bent backwards leg (pain and all) followed me from the dreamworld! It was as tho the dream body and real body were one sensation scrambled together in my mind. I was absolutely 110% convinced at the time that I had fallen off my bed and really had done this to my leg. So I tried to move my leg and it was moving with a sensation that it was bending around an impossible angle, with an unreal sensation of all these broken bones and pain (no words can describe how real it was). Sleep paralyses was weaning down, but my foot still felt as it was. I began to feel absolute panic, thinking am I going to walk again ect, then a shift happened, I felt a split. And two separate body's one where my leg was horrifically painful and one where it felt no pain. I knew one of these leg's has to become less real and vanish. And so the painful leg slowly became the less real of the two right leg's until my body with just a memory of sleep paralyses felt no pain. Yes as my title suggests this is one I will never forget. Afterward I walked around my room and pondered for hours about how realistic dreams can truly become, I didn't dare go back to sleep to fade the dreams freshness. I also thought about what Aron Lee Ralston (read 127hours) had to go through, I can't imagine the courage to do what he had to do. All in all tho the experience was humbling and rewarding. Never forget your dreams, even the bad ones.
Updated 01-27-2012 at 08:17 PM by 15327
Used some Maca and B-vitamins after waking last night, and felt like "just weird" Maca is good for energy and stamina, not a stimulating kind like caffeine, but more of a conscious awareness, and apparently also Libido, tho I never noticed that. Anyway on with my dream: I slipped into a dream, rather easily last night after going back to bed for a wild. The dream began with me in a dark room, where a mirror was by my bed, A mysterious voice said you have used it before, haven't you? I said I used it to turn into an animal. The voice said how did it feel, realistic? I said yes, and that it made me feel free. The voice said how so? I said it opened up my mind to odd ideas not possible, in waking life. The voice said what is waking life?! And I suddenly was in sleep paralysis. Strong electricity, buzzing, and total oblivion. While fighting it, this same voice said it's going to change your life, fight it off and it will set you free. The buzzing subsides and I just know I beat it back to a dream. The same voice said welcome back to the dreamworld. At this point I said what's going to change my life? Voice: That you remembered. I was like wow, this is one incredibly vivid conversation for a DC, so I asked who are you? My dream name is Silver Ghost, but I am also you. I have a dream name? Yes. Do others know this name? Yes. (Goggled it after the dream, and got a 1906 car) After that the voice said look at the mirror, and change. I changed into the same Fox-like animal that I have done a few time's before, only this time was way more vivid with white fur. "Now run around someone's dream your connected to. You don't know them but do whatever you want" is the last thing the voice said. I left my house and was in apparently someone's dream. I think it was just my own dream, but I'm open to anything, really. There a woman said look at that dream character, hey wolf are you a wolf? I said I don't think so. Are you dreaming too? I said. She looked at me sexually, and this wearied me out. Are you real doggie? Want to play a dream game? I asked what that was and she said A Transformation? How did you do it, in my dream? So I approach her and she pets my hair, winks at me and I woke up. So complex by far my longest most comprehensive conversation and totally meaningful.
OK, so this is my first dream journal entry. Yest it took me 4 years to actually find something so interesting that I felt the desire to jot it down on this community. Last night I was just going about my Business sleeping away and entered sp when I finally entered my dream I was in a new world unlike anything I have ever dreamed of before. It was so very vivid at the same time abstract in structure, a world of floating squares of land I have never thought were possible. I usually am still, no am always still in my bedroom to start. This was a complex world of Picasso quality. (And when I dream of abstract stuff it's never vivid or real. This was both!) This was amazing, the physics were almost completely different to my own dreams. I jumped from square to square and felt the wind. Nothing can describe this place it was too amazing to comprehend I created it. Every square had colorful birds that would disappear and reappear, their feathers had an electric feeling hard to describe. I had no control of any of them. I realized the ones that diapered would reaper with the same distinct coolers, and they did not vanish when I looked away and cleared my mind like living things always do for me. When I got farther up I realized their was an Mid air ocean, and a moon. I heard a voice say wake, and I did. But I sure do want to remember this dream, that land, and those birds. What beautiful coolers some of them had to most amazing blue imaginable.