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    The Meerkat's Lair

    Wave 39: My bear/uncle

    by , 09-06-2010 at 02:55 PM (323 Views)
    My challenge proved completely false It told me if I wanted to LD, I needed to do a MILD, with WBTB and also it would last 15 minutes. I did do that but nothing happened Which doesnt mean il stop, because I like doing the challenges

    Dream 1: I am with another person camping in my room. Now the whole plotline revolves around bears

    First, a black bear comes in the room and tries to get in the bed. I try my best to avoid it but it is huge and intimidating. It slowly chases me around until it gives up and walks out of the room. I am relieved, but a tiny bear now comes in. Probably the other ones baby I think. We play around a little until the mother pops up to the door. I give her back her baby and ask her (in french): Ca fait qu'on est quitte? To which it answers: No hard feelings. Kind of a missed Dreamsign here And I even thought to myself: Weird, this bear talks.
    But then, my uncle comes in. He tells me the two reasons why I look stupid right now. First, he already came in twice and stole trophies from my table. And also because I try to defend myself with a little stick after "he spent countless hours training on a cussion". I try to make sense with him, but the other guy in my room jumps to action, grabs my stick and starts beating his face with it. Good initiative I try to help by punching his back furiously but also look at his teeth and think: Those arent that big, why are we so scared?

    Dream 2:Yet another dream about the two girls from the academy. This time, Mme Marsolais makes teams for a project in science and tells us: If you cant work with someone...(pause) you will have to do it anyway. I freak out.

    Dream 3:My mother watches the news and Alain Robert almost killed himself. I talk to her about how its a coincidence we watched the documentary about him last night.

    Other ones I forgot

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