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    The Meerkat's Lair

    Wave 67: Looking for Motivation

    by , 10-20-2010 at 02:27 AM (435 Views)
    Lately, it just hasnt been working out. Im not writing consistently in my DJ, its been a really long while since my last LD and number 13 just isnt coming. I gave up on DILD for a while to focus on a different version of DEILD called CAN-WILD. Its basically the same but with an alarm so ur guaranteed to wake up once. Ive only got 1 DEILD so far, and I truly believe another SP/Transition experience will give me the motivation I need to keep on pushing. Until then, I wait....Sigh. Its so annoying because I have no problem watsoever to wake up and not move. I do it alot. Then I stand there like a douche and nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? In the tutorial it says:
    1- You move too much 2-You are too pumped up/excited and 3- Not in REM.
    I dont move, so thats out of the question. Am I excited? Not neceseraly. Not at all, actually (considering I always fail, its not that exciting). Then is it timing? Am I simply not in REM? Maybe, but the guy in the tutorial says he can turn into SP at any time and thus become lucid at will. Obviously, hes doing something very important he decided to keep for himself. That asshole. I suck at doing absolutely nothing. Its in my head, and my head's just not cooperating. It never cooperates, really. Il try to be even less excited tonight, since its the only aspect I seem to have control on. Some people say you have to visualize touching something, others say you need to be half asleep, or perfectly awake, count in your head, breathe heavily, imagine your past dreams. I say fuck you. Crisse. J'en ai mon truck des techniques de marde. Si j'veux réussir, j'va lfaire comme j'veu. Il also reajust my alarm to see if it has any effect., and I have 2 now. Wish me luck

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