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    The Meerkat's Lair

    Wave 77: Week off = Back into LDs :)

    by , 03-02-2011 at 05:24 PM (455 Views)
    Its been a while since I wrote on this site but now I have a week of vacation and decided yesterday I would come back to lucid dreaming for a while. I guess the boost was good, because I had an LD the first night . Recall was also fine.

    Dream 1: I am eating at the cafeteria in my school. On my tray, there is a panini and a desert. I head downstairs and leave my food on a cement block to go do something. When I come back, my science teacher is pissed off because I didnt buy a drink. Im confused and we start arguing.

    Dream 2: I seem to be playing a game similar to soccer on a huge green field. It is very dark outside, you barely see a thing. We are getting owned by the other team, since my team sucks. There was 7 members for each team. I remember my team included a chinese kid dressed in a yellow shirt. The other team had one of my old friends, Vincent. The bench is surprisingly located behind a wall, just next to the goal. As they are about to score another goal, I use a stick through a hole in the wall to keep them from scoring. It works, but im scared I might get in trouble.

    Dream 3: My mom and my sister go into a store to buy a wand from Harry Potter. Lets remember, we are going to Universal in a couple of weeks and there is a store there where you can buy a wand. Apparently its very good. Anyway, when I come back they show me her wand. Its weird-looking, and its really magic. She uses it to turn the wand into a different shape. Ca sappelle "La corde". Im impressed.

    Dream 4: Its rainy. I am renting a movie at the video store. The name is something like: "Bataille de la mort 3". Yeah like that. So as im going to pay, I see this girl. Shes so damn hot. I get in the line behind her. She looks at me and smiles. I freeze. Shes so perfect in every way, and I dont know her. Blonde, mildly long hair, dressed in a black jacket. About my age, her face is not too stretched (like Sarah Jessica Parker), just good enough. Her cheeks are slightly chubby (SLIGHTLY). She has a nice, soft voice that's just a little high. It makes me very comfortable. She starts talking to me about the movie I rented. Here's my exact reply: "Ouin, ben. C la bataille de la mort 3. Tsé après le 1 ta le 2 pis apres ca ta le 3". She laughs. As im walking away, I im a state of shock. Shes really my dream girl. Literally. I usually dont get so intense about things, but I was very in love. I spent a minute of my dream actually fantasizing about her before moving on.

    Dream 5: Maybe its meeting my girl, but I got lucid instantly in my next dream. Its weird though. There was a typical quebec voice of an old man that said: Eille Ginette, ca arrive tu? Ouin, ca arrive. I got lucid after that and decided to fly. Little success, but mostly failure. He he

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