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    redisreddish's mess of dreams is still messy

    The epic dream

    by , 04-02-2011 at 06:54 PM (608 Views)
    Last night, I vowed to have an epic dream. There would be dragons, atom bombs, and New Zealand. This dream... did not happen. Which makes me epically sad. I'm going to make it one of my main goals to have this epic dream now. There will be a million and five people from DV there, with dragons and explosions and every other epic thing in existance. Hopefully.

    The first dream I did have was mainly me riding a bus with a whole bunch of people I didn't know. Two of my friends were there, and we were all playing some game on a laptop. But it was like we were actually inside the game. I was a big robot and my arms were giant guns. I just blew up evil little robots and tried to meet up with my friends.

    Second dream was pretty cool, I guess. But I don't remember much of it. The only part I can recall is hiding behind a rusty orange car while explosions destroyed a building in the background. All of a sudden, the car started transforming... A big rotating blade on a tail type thing came right at my face and I had to run away.

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    1. Baron Samedi's Avatar
      Glad to have you back! Cool dream. Have you seen Sucker Punch? I love it!