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    Saturday, October 14

    by , 03-09-2024 at 11:19 PM (105 Views)
    I’m at work and going to be reading a book aloud. I stand between listing and the CP counter, facing the warehouse. The book looks like a kids book, and there are people sitting in a few rows of desks. I prepare myself and also can’t find the beginning of what I’m supposed to read. I say something to them to stall and become self conscious of my voice being the only sound in the room. When I glance up, almost everyone looks disinterested in what I’m doing, which helps with the self-consciousness. I begin reading, stumbling over almost every word, apologizing and trying to continue on level-headedly. Again, nobody seems to care. There is also a shelving cart right in front of me.

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    Tags: book, reading, work
