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    Things to Run Away From Really Fast

    #139. Cloud Mountains

    by , 09-05-2010 at 08:01 PM (749 Views)

    An airplane flies through the sky, slightly above the white clouds below. I'm a passenger, sitting in a window seat. The plane starts to descend.

    It's not supposed to. I'm willing the plane to keep a straight course, trying to pull up the nose of the plane. It's not working. I let go, hoping that when we get underneath the clouds, it'll be easier to keep the plane level.

    We hit white, fluffy clouds and suddenly, they aren't so fluffy anymore. The plane disappears, and I land in cold, white snow. I look around, realizing that I'm on the side of a mountain. There are pine trees all around me.

    So I'm dreaming. I'm in a forest, so that makes this the perfect time to work on Nomad's task. I appear within a cluster of trees, looking out over a snow-covered clearing. I know that I need a mirror, so I focus on pulling something together, a plain rectangle. Golden lines of light create an outline, the most light sparking around the corners.

    I can't hold it. The image falls away.


    Scare Factor: 3/10
    Rating: 4/10

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    Updated 09-06-2010 at 04:26 AM by 31096



    1. Requiem's Avatar
      i'm still reading this stuff

      Looks like you've got a new task. Nice start. Should be pretty exciting.

      I'd really like to try both tasks of the month, check 'em out, but damn I'm struggling.
    2. Samael's Avatar
      Thanks, Requiem. Yeah, I'm looking forward to getting this to work.

      Hopefully you'll have a breakthrough. Just stuck in a dry spell right now, or what?
    3. Serenity's Avatar
      What's Nomad's task?
    4. Samael's Avatar
      He's hosting an RPG on the forums. Giving people a new dream task every couple of weeks, with the idea that we'll start seeing each other's characters in dreams. Should be cool.