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    Scionox's Journal of Dreams

    24th Aug 2013 Various video game dreams

    by , 08-24-2013 at 11:55 PM (537 Views)
    Dream 1(fragments):

    I was watching a few yogscast minecraft videos, one of them was about some kind of pvp castle level and there were more weapons than usual minecraft.

    Dream 2(fragments):

    I was playing some FPS, going through some indoor areas and there were some characters, later i was on rooftops, searching for path and jumping between them, and was complaining that skybox ceiling is too low.

    Dream 3(fragments):

    I was playing some shmup which was horizontal danmaku style, i was controlling spaceship and enemies were using some kind of abstract designs. Then there was boss fight.

    Dream 4:

    I was testing what apparently was some warcraft 3 level that was created by me and SilentEternity was helping. The map was coop in some castle and we were controlled some hero units and had to survive against waves of enemies with increasing difficulty. Enemies were some kind of mutants and enemy had hero unit as well, which was more powerful than our with SilentEternity heroes together, also there were some AI controlled ally units, but they were pretty weak. We ended up running our heroes around whole map and the play was interrupted by a few cutscenes where some dwarf with huge hammer was teleporting in and trying to attack the enemy hero. Then later on, another cutscene activated, but this time our heroes were together with dwarf, then cutscene screwed up because i apparently made an error in some script, so i had to go fix it.
    After that we have switched to starcraft 2, another custom map which immediately started with some cutscene about heroes and some talk, when it ended the map itself started and it was pretty snowy. We started in south part and had three heroes under our control, one of which was some kind of assassin with a hood, cyan hair and a tatoo on one of arms, SilentEternity was curious about him. We moved north-west and reached river, i took control of some building that could produce some units including one unit that looked green dragon-like. After some scouting we have found out that there are three AI zerg bases on the map which we had to destroy, and they were expanding quickly, then suddenly SilentEternity had zerg base under his control as well so we started attacking enemy base to the north, then we found out about backdoor path to enemy bases through some mountains.
    SGilley likes this.

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