Fragment of Dreams
Dream recall from today's naps. Must've had low awareness on that WILD... Dream 1: I am in my bed and i hear someone in the room and then someone throws covers me with pillows, i think that's 'attacker' DC again and i quickly get up, ready to claw him up, but don't see him. I see different DC moving to balcony though, i go here and on my way i suddenly for some reason have doubts that it's a dream, room is exact and for some reason i don't have dream feeling, i do RC and it fails as well, i continue to balcony and notice that there's same DC on the streets that is on balcony, and it's apparently my mom? Dream fades out shortly. Dream 2(fragments): I wake up, get distracted and then wake up again and there's some big military alarm button on the wall or somesuch. Dream 3: There's some story about some person that loses his daughter in some event, then years later(time skip), he finds some being that at first looked like a dog, but then started having head hair similar to his daughter and talking to him. Then i was suddenly somewhere near big dining table and that creature was here, morphing between different states, at one point it even transformed into food, i was thinking about doing RC but dream ended before i could. Dream 4(fragments): False awakening, getting distracted, then another false awakening, and something about weird calling old radio-like device that was used for selling some stuff.
Had much better recall of two of dreams, but ended up accidentally falling asleep while recalling... Dream 1(fragments): There was something about some tech/lab place. Dream 2(fragments): I was in some variations of some places i've been to IWL, such as certain park. Dream 3(fragments): There was something about islands and something dragon related. Dream 4(fragments): I was playing two platformer video games and there was location in the sky in one of them. Dream 5: I was playing minecraft with some LPer(Can't recall who) and we were playing some super hostile map(Which resembled none from actual ones). The starting location was on branch of one of trees in the area surrounded by cliffs, there was a chest and the ground level was filled with mobs. We have done some starting stuff and eventually made way to some underwater passage, which had obstacles in form of some kind of blocks of leaves that also were dealing damage on touch, beyond passage there were some additional supplies, and after picking them up we went back. When we got back it was now completely different area, some kind of sunny flat grassland with river and blocks tiling up into some pixel pictures. We ended up talking about various stuff for a while and there was something about log blocks.
Dream recall from today's naps. Dream 1(fragment): I was playing some futuristic RTS game. Dream 2: I was playing some warcraft 3 custom map, single player with 3 AIs. It was rather small, square with players starting in corners and some formations of trees including + shape in the center. It played somewhat differently, mainly resource and unit building was different, one had to build houses and there was income from them per time period, and everything else used resources per time period. I was rather passive and decided to watch AI fight while keeping my starting units hidden. Then after a while i rethinked the situation and started building base on the northern part of the map, i was building it very rapidly and ran out of resources at one point, then i somehow expanded the map in north-east corner and got some bonus, enough to build two huge houses for resource generation. Then i made barracks and started making military units but then game announced that i apparently won... AIs destroyed each other. There was some outro video of some kind of global map with nice music. Dream 3(fragments): I was at home and i was seeing some hallucinations, then i was preparing for nap by standing on one leg in some weird position...
Dream recall from today's naps. Dream 1(fragments): There were some false awakenings and i was chatting on dragon forum. Dream 2(fragments): There was something about cartoon characters and preventing someone from stealing someone's wife and some weird movement in air on something. Dream 3: I was at home doing some stuff, walls were different and there was some kind of celebration going on, somebody was asking questions about money and annoying me so i gave him a coin and told him to go away, then went to nap. Then i wake up and realize that i am dreaming, i get up and go to balcony, dream seems to be unstable a bit but other than that room looks similar to IWL. As i reach balcony door i attempt my new idea for changing forms, reversed transformation, which almost immediately works and i fall into quadruped stance. Though at this point dream destabilizes. I wake up again but i am still changing, i feel tail, then dream 'desyncs' and what i feel is different from what i see. Then i wake up again and talk to someone, and wake up again.
Updated 10-03-2013 at 03:40 PM by 59854
Started fixing sleeping schedule again, still not much recall but i am sure it will get better after i fix schedule completely. Dream 1(fragments): I was playing some game and there was some update that added some characters, and i was talking about dragons with somebody. Dream 2(fragments): Was playing some kind of FPS, there was some tech location.
Dream recall from today's naps. Dream 1(fragments): I was updating GW forum game on different forum. Dream 2(fragments): I was on PC and there was something wrong with internet connection, then there was a weird beeping sound. Dream 3(fragments): I was playing warcraft 3 and interface was weird and looked like some kind of MMO, i was reading something about how to get additional units then went to some quest. I woke up and was talking to someone about some numbers. Then i wake up again and this time i realize that i am dreaming, i go for balcony, but each time i go through balcony door there's another one behind it. Eventually dream fades out. I wake up again and somebody throws a pillow at me. Then i wake up again, this time properly.
I should really stabilize my schedule, again. I was playing some video game, there was something about dragons, and then spiral knights, then later some RTS and also i was talking to MC at some point.
Dream recall from today's naps. Dream 1(fragments): I was chatting with SilentEternity on Skype, about spiral knights and some jokes, at one point he was asking "Am i always being like that?" or something along this line. Dream 2(fragments) I was watching some let's play of some third person shooter, the action was happening in some desert. Dream 3(fragments): I wake up and i get confused since the body i feel is different from what i see, it takes a bit of time for me to get up and i look at hands, i notice they are weird but dream fades out before i realize it. Dream 4(fragments): There was some scene in grassland, knight in white armor and knight in black armor were talking, they realized during the talk that they are not really what they are, then they connected their hands, and in a very bright, almost blinding, glow, they turned into dragons.
Dream 1(fragments): We were going through some red caves and there was minecart ride above lava at one point and we were fighting bats, then later there was boss fight of some kind and after it we had to go through minecart again to get out of the area. Then something went wrong and we had to take different path through the area. Dream 2(fragments): I was in some video game and part of it was somewhat based on spiral knights, i was in some library place and it was foggy, i was talking to somebody from different forums that was in game as well, i think it was MC, and we were discussing some ingame mechanics, and one part of them that was based from spiral knights: battle sprite food crafting, for some reason it required armors though instead of materials and i ended up using armors for that which i didn't wanted to use. There was a bit of server lag and interface ended up glitching and still showing armors even that i didn"t had them. We went to different part of the game which was FPS/RTS hybrid, and the level was pretty huge and dark, and looked kinda futuristic. We had bases and to upgrade them we had to attack some kind of corporation and destroy key structures, especially there were those huge black floating weird shaped structures that added quite alot of resources when destroyed. On the ground that corporation had quite a number of forces, they were powerful, but still too weak to do any serious damage to us. After dealing with those we ended up returning to the base and upgrading some stuff and getting more units.
Dream 1(fragments): I am doing some stuff at home and then i decide to look at hands they were weird so i am dreaming, i go to balcony, rub hands. Then i take off and feel wings, as i fly i notice that background is like static texture, then dream fades out. Dream 2: There was story about space station and some spaceship docking there. The crew of the ship were secretly pirates and were trying to capture the station, also they were not humans but rather light-blue muscular humanoids in armor. There was some kid-engineer that was defending the station and he started talk with one of pirates and managed to talk them into going away. Then i was looking at some kind of ship log and there were some of nicknames that i used on internet logged. Then back to story, the ship flied out of hanger and there was some battle going on. Then everything everything faded to some other place, in the skies, a dragon was flying away. Dream 3(fragments): I was playing some FPS game and the level was located in some ancient tomb place, i was discussing something with other player and we were talking about some science book. Then i wake up and i realize that apparently i accidentally bit somebody and some stuff around while sleeping and there was some talk about that.
Dream was pretty long, at least 1 or 2 days long, but i only barely recall most of it sadly. Also slept a bit too much over my schedule. I was going through various places that resembled some places from the past, including home, streets, some forest i've been in and school, there were various things happening, i was talking to various people, doing stuff. Then i went to sleep. And then i was in different place, some town in the desert, was going around and checking around stuff for a while and talking to a few people at points, then there was some building i was trying to enter, but it was closed until someone opened it, then i entered and there was another gate inside, which was moving like simulation of zdoom polyobject without use of polyobject, to which i immediately compared it to and said 'Well done' to person who just finished making it. Then there was some area with railroads and trains, i was walking around with somebody and i was trying to find something, but also i was really sleepy. We climbed some rocks and now were above railroads, there was one big, rather unstable, rock, which i accidentally moved due to sleepyness, and as another train was passing by, rock fell and crushed it, whoops. We went to the car and the person that was with me for some reason decided to remove fingerprints from some dead person's fingers using a knife. Then we randomly were in some other building and were semi-stealthing to the exit. Then i woke up and there was apparently someone's birthday or something. And then i woke up again.
Dream recall from today's nap. Dream 1: I was playing spiral knights and there was some grassland place, it was filled with rare "soul jelly' type of enemies and they were partially invisible, i started messaging SilentEternity about it but i couldn't type quick enough without getting attacked. The edges of the place was also made from weird brown metallic blocks. It was also glitchy and stuff was flickering in and out, there were also a few crimsonite crystals, explosive boxes and some lichens including one giant one. Done with that, i finished with gaming, talked to some people and was eating an apple. Then i suddenly thought that i might be dreaming and then started feeling it, i go to balcony door and jump through, but somehow get stuck in curtains behind door again and dream fades out. Dream 2(fragments): Was at home, distracted from nap, then i wake up and there's something with the door and my hands were a bit clawed.
Updated 08-18-2013 at 03:43 PM by 59854
Dream 1(fragment): There was some video game where i had to search something and there was something about dragons. Dream 2(fragments): I was in some game and i was in snowy forest, i was on some quest and i had inventory full of items, then there was a shop which had various weapons and i was trying to figure out an upgrade path to add one massive laser cannon to my weapon collection. Ended up looking through various tiers of laser weapons in shop, including heat beam weapon, some green laser gun, a few small laser guns, and another huge black-red laser cannon which i believed to be prerequisite for the one i am looking for. Also i lacked alot of items that were required for crafting anyway. Then i went ahead to continue on the quest and was going through some wooden building areas. Dream 3: I was playing some FPS game that was mix of different games. I was on coop mission with somebody(3 people) and we were going through some tech complex. It was rather mazey and at times looked like doom, at one point i was even using minigun from skulltag port to gun down a few enemies including an archvile that could become invisible. Then we had to solve a few switch puzzles and were going through some area guarded by turrets. Then there was room with teleports and i screwed up and ended up back at the level start. I had to go through level again, but then there was one jumping puzzle that was not there before. It involved climbing ladder to the top of the room and jumping on air planes that were suspended in the air. First few jumps were easy, but then there was another jump that involved something about jetpack according to tip, and also there was random drunk demoman from TF2 who was giving free parachutes even though falling damage was non-existent in the game. Dream 4(fragments): I was playing different FPS game where i was going through some complex of skyscraper buildings, then i went outside of complex and there were some strange creatures and i could select one of them to have as a pet, and i selected some red spikey creature. Interestingly they were named after pokemon but didn't looked like ones at all. After that, wave of enemies appeared and we had to fight together versus it.
Dream recall from today's naps, pretty unstable lucidity prolly because i went to nap a bit too late. Dream 1(fragments): I am at home and there's some stuff going on, then i realize that i am dreaming, but dream shortly fades out. then i wake up and had to go to bathroom. and wake up again. Dream 2(fragments): I wake up at home there's some talk and some stuff going on then i wake up again and realize that i am dreaming, i go to balcony door while rubbing hands but dream still fades out. Dream 3(fragments): I am trying to nap but i get interrupted by some talk, then i wake up and and i feel my arms are in different positions than where i see them i realize that i am dreaming and get up, i go to balcony but dream starts fading again, i rub hands and jump off the balcony, but dream fades out completely and i wake up[/COLOR] twice. Dream 4(fragments): I was at home and there were zombies invading, there were two more people and one of them was apparently infected, we had a great idea that knocking him unconscious would stop infection(Dream logic!), but it didn't worked that well and later he fully turned into a zombie.
Dream recall from today's nap. Dream 1(fragments) I was playing Spiral Knights and i was like, in game. SilentEternity was here too and he was recording video, we were in some passage with light-blue colored walls and wooden floor, there was also wooden door with really glitchy colision detection, due to which it was possible to stand inside the door. Dream 2(fragments): There was some story about some female character in subway, she needed to get to some specific medical place, some another character was helping her. The train was going through some weird paths until it stopped somewhere outdoors because way was blocked by another train. There were some power plants and windmills, and apparently some korean show about animals or something... Dream 3(fragments): SilentEternity was streaming some game about some technology place, there were some windows with portrait selection.
Updated 08-17-2013 at 03:12 PM by 59854