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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. 8th Sep 2013 Flying around and through and through... - Day 29

      by , 09-08-2013 at 02:46 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1:

      I am at home and i am trying to nap, suddenly dad comes into room and decides to fall sleep here, then a blanket randomly gets thrown onto me and it transforms into some other person, so i realize that i am dreaming. I go to balcony door and shift into quadruped stance and then phase through balcony door. I fly and feel wings, streets are snowy and there are some buildings, i fly around and search for that black dragon. Soon i find him, flying in the distance. I fly towards him, avoiding a dragonfly that randomly gets into the way(Icwutudidthar, dream). But as i about to get close i suddenly get teleported somewhere else onto the ground, i start flight again. Now here everything goes weird and i start phasing through stuff, walls, houses and teleported around randomly. Then i am back at home again, i fly through balcony door again and then sky turns into ceiling and i phase through it into different room? Then there's another sky and another ceiling and it turns into mess. Another i phase 'outside' the area like if i was using noclip in video game. Suddenly i fly into a my room again and then into different room? Then again through window and more random phasing, then i wake up.

      Dream 2:

      I try to nap but suddenly somebody starts trying to put plastic bag onto my head, i take it off and i see 'attacker' DC, he disappears and i go to balcony, this time i decide to avoid phasing through and just open door. Once outside i fly and feel wings, my house and balcony disappears and i am in some foresty place now, or rather, above it. I notice stronger feeling of wings and then there's suddenly strong wind all around, which at first gets me almost to the ground but then i manage to use it for gliding/flight for a bit but shortly i wake up.

      Updated 10-03-2013 at 03:40 PM by 59854

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    2. 7th Sep 2013 False awakenings - Day 28

      by , 09-07-2013 at 03:00 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps, had problem of not being able to fall asleep again, so only one dream, also had almost-WILD before that dream but didn't went further than entry sensations.

      I wake up and go through door, only to wake up again i feel that i am dreaming and attempt to get up, but for some reason i am barely able to move and if i try to move more i get re-false awakened, that repeated like 4 or 5 times then i woke up properly.
    3. 30th Aug 2013 Fragments and false awakenings - Day 20

      by , 08-30-2013 at 03:29 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps. Was really ultralow awareness on that MiniLD. Also that's quite alot of missed FAs...

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I woke up at home and there's something about some fight.

      Dream 2(Fragments):

      I was in ship at some sea, sailing kind of ship, there was a team and we were searching for something. At one point we have arrived onto an island made fully of sand.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I wake up and get interrupted by family member who decided to watch some movie about witches in my room, he throws me some magazine. Then i wake up again and get interrupted by what i think is vivid HH with stuff leaving afterimages.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      I woke up, typed up dreams and there was some image hosting site that was asking for money while saying that it's 'free'.

      Dream 5(fragments):

      I am on some beach and i have to mark some position on water, as i swim somebody says that something is not right and i get the feeling that i am dreaming, i swim around and find some kind of window floating in midair that leads indoors, then dream fades out.

      Dream 6(fragments):

      I was watching some long gif, that was more like video, it even had sound! It was about some fraxy boss that somebody just finished. It was kinda humanoid but was made out of deforming polygons or something, one of his attacks was transformation into a huge scythe and striking through most of the screen. Then other attack pattern involved summoning smaller(but still pretty big) scythe and another scythe made of energy. The boss was pretty glitchy and had too many phases which were animated but didn't had any actual patterns, then there was last attack that spawned 4-5 small blue homing scythes and some glowy orb.

      Dream 7(fragments):

      I was playing some strategy game.
    4. 29th Aug 2013 Various fragments and MiniLD - Day 19

      by , 08-29-2013 at 03:37 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps. Still need to fix my schedule.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      Something was going on at home.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was entering a place which was a room of some prince or king, it was guarded by two guards with swords.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was in some place, and my upper tooth fell off, it was painless and on it's place i felt completely different kind of tooth.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      Something is going on and then i wake up in my bed, keeping eyes closed.I hear someone in the room and i have suspicion that i am dreaming, in a second that somebody starts trying really hard to wake me up and i feel the dream, then he disappears and i try to move but i wake up.

      Dream 5(fragments):

      I was in some forest or jungles.

      Dream 6(fragments):

      I woke up and suddenly get a number of images about some beach going in my vision, confusing me and causing some kind of momentary pain. I unconsciously end up biting blanket and then some family members show up and there's some talk about drink. Then i search a place to put my headset on and choose the most ridiculous place possible behind a big cabinet, making said cabinet almost fall down.
    5. 28th Aug 2013 Random interview getting recorded in my room, Two miniLDs - Day 18

      by , 08-28-2013 at 03:00 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      There was something about some concert.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was busy with something and got distracted. Then as i am walking through my room i feel that i am dreaming, but dream fades out shortly.

      Dream 3:

      I was at home and it was time for a nap. As i was trying to nap, developer of some game and some interviewer decided to start recording an interview in my room. As they were recording it i was still trying to fall asleep, then various stuff started getting dumped onto bed, like some magazines and weapon parts. Wait a second...
      I get up and look
      at my hands and they are kinda weird, yeah this is dream, i attempt to make my way to the window to fly out, but dream starts fading, i manage to keep it with my will for a few seconds but then it fades out entirely.

      Updated 08-28-2013 at 03:03 PM by 59854

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    6. 26th Aug 2013 A couple of lucids - Day 16

      by , 08-26-2013 at 01:50 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I wake up and it is really really hot, i get up and attempt to find what causing the heat.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      There was something going on at home.

      Dream 3:

      I wake up and someone hands is trying to choke me from behind, i easily get them off and look back while getting up, ofcourse that's 'attacker' DC, i recall that somebody told me on chat one day to try talking to him, so i ask him why he's keeping doing that, he responds but i can only partially hear him, some words get like skipped, but he says something along the line that "You are not lucid" and "This is not dream" or something like that, i respond that he's wrong but he keeps at his. I feel that it's pointless and start looking around, i am in square-ish room with no doors and exits, but two sets of windows. I look outside and it's daytime, i notice black scaled dragon from previous lucid flying in the skies, i try to call him and i get ready to phase through window/wall, but dream shortly fades out.

      Dream 4:

      I wake up and there's apparently 'another me' and we get stuck for a while since he repeats everything i do, soon though we manage to get up and unstuck and i notice that 'another me' is much smaller and at this point he stops repeating actions. I remember my goals and go for balcony door, it's closed, but i phase through it... only to get stuck in curtain behind it, again. And again this causes dream to fade and some random images appear. Not this time, not again. I focus as much as i can and get back into dream with the power of will.
      I wake up again, 'attacker' DC is again here, i knock him out of the way and go for balcony, this time there's no curtain so i phase through door successful. Outside i take off and fly with my wings. I start looking around and soon notice that it's not true outside, but more like huge room with 'background' textures on the walls and ceiling, i almost fly into one of them, but manage to stop and grab into it. I look around some more but dream quickly fades out,
      and this time i wake up.

      Dream 5(fragments):

      I was playing some game and chatting with SilentEternity.
    7. 25th Aug 2013 Random fragments, DEILD, Dragon - Day 15

      by , 08-25-2013 at 03:45 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      There was something about girl with psionic powers or something and some people tried to catch her, then there was fight on rooftops.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was at home and i had claw-like attachments on the foot that were apparently made from lego( ), and then i was playing a video game with SilentEternity. It was kinda sandbox game and unique thing about it was that it was controlled using... a pencil and a piece of paper, drawing something materialized it in game and removing something with eraser dealt damage to it. We were building some weird forts with weird physics applied to parts and then were fighting using eraser powers.

      Dream 3:

      At this point i wake up briefly and go for DEILD, i don't feel transition so i decide to risk and open my eyes, i immediately notice that placement of everything in room is apparently mirrored along the axis from door to balcony, it's also nighttime, but it's not as dark as for usually and also there are no lights outside.
      I get up and go to balcony, dream destabilizes for a bit and i rub hands to stabilize. On balcony, i notice full moon straight ahead in the distance, pretty big and unusual, no wonder why it's less dark. And in the light, i notice something else in the distance, something flying. As i look more carefully i notice that it's a dragon. I immediately take off and fly, feeling my wings. Roughly halfway during the flight i strangely find myself back in my room, i fly through balcony doorway and in same direction, i see that dragon is still here. I find myself flying unusually quick this time, so i reach him pretty quickly. He appears to be black scaled. As i slow down and try to change trajectory to fly along... suddenly i find myself back in my room again, this time there's some kind of dark energy sphere which shortly transforms into a DC. He says something about time, which i can't hear well so i ask to repeat it but dream shortly fades out.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      I was chatting on skype with somebody(Probably SilentEternity).

      Updated 08-25-2013 at 03:51 PM by 59854

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    8. 24th Aug 2013 Random WILD, false awakenings, Weird story - Day 14

      by , 08-24-2013 at 03:30 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps. Must've had low awareness on that WILD...

      Dream 1:

      I am in my bed and i hear someone in the room and then someone throws covers me with pillows, i think that's 'attacker' DC again and i quickly get up, ready to claw him up, but don't see him. I see different DC moving to balcony though, i go here and on my way i suddenly for some reason have doubts that it's a dream, room is exact and for some reason i don't have dream feeling, i do RC and it fails as well, i continue to balcony and notice that there's same DC on the streets that is on balcony, and it's apparently my mom? Dream fades out shortly.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I wake up, get distracted and then wake up again and there's some big military alarm button on the wall or somesuch.

      Dream 3:

      There's some story about some person that loses his daughter in some event, then years later(time skip), he finds some being that at first looked like a dog, but then started having head hair similar to his daughter and talking to him. Then i was suddenly somewhere near big dining table and that creature was here, morphing between different states, at one point it even transformed into food, i was thinking about doing RC but dream ended before i could.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      False awakening, getting distracted, then another false awakening, and something about weird calling old radio-like device that was used for selling some stuff.
    9. 22nd Aug 2013 Short unstable lucid and false awakenings - Day 12

      by , 08-22-2013 at 02:59 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      There were some false awakenings and i was chatting on dragon forum.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      There was something about cartoon characters and preventing someone from stealing someone's wife and some weird movement in air on something.

      Dream 3:

      I was at home doing some stuff, walls were different and there was some kind of celebration going on, somebody was asking questions about money and annoying me so i gave him a coin and told him to go away, then went to nap.
      Then i wake up
      and realize that i am dreaming, i get up and go to balcony, dream seems to be unstable a bit but other than that room looks similar to IWL. As i reach balcony door i attempt my new idea for changing forms, reversed transformation, which almost immediately works and i fall into quadruped stance. Though at this point dream destabilizes.
      I wake up again but i am still changing, i feel tail, then dream 'desyncs' and what i feel is different from what i see.

      Then i wake up again and talk to someone, and wake up again.

      Updated 10-03-2013 at 03:40 PM by 59854

      false awakening , dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    10. 21st Aug 2013 Fragments, false awakenings and Short Lucid - Day 11

      by , 08-21-2013 at 03:19 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was updating GW forum game on different forum.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was on PC and there was something wrong with internet connection, then there was a weird beeping sound.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was playing warcraft 3 and interface was weird and looked like some kind of MMO, i was reading something about how to get additional units then went to some quest.
      I woke up and was talking to someone about some numbers.
      Then i wake up again and this time
      i realize that i am dreaming, i go for balcony, but each time i go through balcony door there's another one behind it. Eventually dream fades out.
      I wake up again and somebody throws a pillow at me. Then i wake up again, this time properly.
    11. 20th Aug 2013 Various fragments, almost lucid - Day 10

      by , 08-20-2013 at 03:58 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was chatting with SilentEternity on Skype, about spiral knights and some jokes, at one point he was asking "Am i always being like that?" or something along this line.

      Dream 2(fragments)

      I was watching some let's play of some third person shooter, the action was happening in some desert.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I wake up and i get confused since the body i feel is different from what i see, it takes a bit of time for me to get up and i look at hands, i notice they are weird but dream fades out before i realize it.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      There was some scene in grassland, knight in white armor and knight in black armor were talking, they realized during the talk that they are not really what they are, then they connected their hands, and in a very bright, almost blinding, glow, they turned into dragons.
    12. 19th Aug 2013 Short lucid, Space station dream, Weird FA - Day 9

      by , 08-19-2013 at 04:21 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragments):

      I am doing some stuff at home and then i decide to look at hands they were weird so i am dreaming, i go to balcony, rub hands. Then i take off and feel wings, as i fly i notice that background is like static texture, then dream fades out.

      Dream 2:

      There was story about space station and some spaceship docking there. The crew of the ship were secretly pirates and were trying to capture the station, also they were not humans but rather light-blue muscular humanoids in armor. There was some kid-engineer that was defending the station and he started talk with one of pirates and managed to talk them into going away. Then i was looking at some kind of ship log and there were some of nicknames that i used on internet logged. Then back to story, the ship flied out of hanger and there was some battle going on.
      Then everything everything faded to some other place, in the skies, a dragon was flying away.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was playing some FPS game and the level was located in some ancient tomb place, i was discussing something with other player and we were talking about some science book.
      Then i wake up and i realize that apparently i accidentally bit somebody and some stuff around while sleeping and there was some talk about that.
    13. 18th Aug 2013 Random spiral knights dream and MiniLD - Day 8

      by , 08-18-2013 at 03:30 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap.

      Dream 1:

      I was playing spiral knights and there was some grassland place, it was filled with rare "soul jelly' type of enemies and they were partially invisible, i started messaging SilentEternity about it but i couldn't type quick enough without getting attacked. The edges of the place was also made from weird brown metallic blocks. It was also glitchy and stuff was flickering in and out, there were also a few crimsonite crystals, explosive boxes and some lichens including one giant one.
      Done with that, i finished with gaming, talked to some people and was eating an apple. Then i suddenly
      thought that i might be dreaming and then started feeling it, i go to balcony door and jump through, but somehow get stuck in curtains behind door again and dream fades out.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      Was at home, distracted from nap, then i wake up and there's something with the door and my hands were a bit clawed.

      Updated 08-18-2013 at 03:43 PM by 59854

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment
    14. 17th Aug 2013 FA MiniLDs and dream about zombies - Day 7

      by , 08-17-2013 at 03:12 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps, pretty unstable lucidity prolly because i went to nap a bit too late.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I am at home and there's some stuff going on, then i realize that i am dreaming, but dream shortly fades out. then i wake up and had to go to bathroom. and wake up again.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I wake up at home there's some talk and some stuff going on then i wake up again and realize that i am dreaming, i go to balcony door while rubbing hands but dream still fades out.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I am trying to nap but i get interrupted by some talk, then i wake up and and i feel my arms are in different positions than where i see them i realize that i am dreaming and get up, i go to balcony but dream starts fading again, i rub hands and jump off the balcony, but dream fades out completely and i wake up[/COLOR] twice.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      I was at home and there were zombies invading, there were two more people and one of them was apparently infected, we had a great idea that knocking him unconscious would stop infection(Dream logic!), but it didn't worked that well and later he fully turned into a zombie.
    15. 15th Aug 2013 More flying, City and village, Weird barrel thing - Day 5

      by , 08-15-2013 at 03:37 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap.

      I am at home and some people are distracting me from my nap, there is some talk, i have to do something with some papers and then they leave. After that i notice some candles on table, and that one of them apparently slightly setting the wall on fire, i started thinking about informing someone and almost exited the room, but then "wait a second", i look at my hands and they are weird, so i am dreaming. I stop and recall some stuff to do then i go to balcony doors while rubbing hands on the way. Dream version of my room appears to be using old layout and there are apparently a couple of steps down on the way to balcony door, and also balcony itself has glass walls, some of them are open though.
      I jump out and feel my wings, starting the flight. I fly around and soon i am above some other city, with high density of rather small buildings and some industrial buildings, all of them are mostly blocky and squarey. I fly above them while looking around, there are some weird reflective surfaces floating in the air. After a few minutes i spot square opening in the roof of one of buildings and fly inside. Place appears to have mostly metallic walls and some machinery, then as i look around it slowly turns into different room from my home part by part, and then dream fades out.

      I wake up and i still feel that i am dreaming, and it's nighttime here this time, i get up and go to balcony, it appears to be same as before false awakening with those two steps and glassed walls, but this time closed, i get to glass, turn around and fall back, phasing through it. I feel wings and start the flight. Looking around, dreamscape appears to be more natural, there are some trees. I fly to the left and then i find some village, there appears to be some wooden water barrel thing, in the middle of it that immediately catches my attention, i have urge to destroy it. So i land and start tearing it apart, it appears to have some mechanisms on top and metallic parts, and it's insides are made of... bread??? As i tear it apart i also notice some DCs walking around. Then satisfied with that being done, i stand up and think about trying some of that bread, but dream shortly fades out shortly.
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