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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. 14th Aug 2013 Doom map, In and out of lucidity - Day 4

      by , 08-14-2013 at 02:58 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was playing Doom and roaming through some huge map. It was some kind of complex with outdoor areas at west and indoor areas at east, and also some ventilation system passages. It was pretty mazey and used alot of grey/white textures in places, but also brown ones in other places and green in outdoor area. There were some new enemies and something about player character was dragon-related(can't recall exactly what though).I realized that it's dream while viewing automap briefly and tried to memorize it. Then i lost lucidity.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I've had chain of false awakenings during which i either was trying to deal with mosquito or was talking to someone about PC hardware. Then there's another false awakening, and this time some nice voice is asking something, i try to respond and eventually get up i feel that i am dreaming and i feel... quite more aware of surroundings than usually, there's some female DC, we talk about something for a bit and i end up following her and losing lucidity, there are three more DCs, i become aware of dreaming again while going downstairs but then talk continues and i lose lucidity again, i look around and think about reality checking, but end up talking with DCs again. They say that we are going to certain place and i didn't liked it so i went back.
    2. 13rd Aug 2013 Some weird dreams, and spiral knights dream - Day 3

      by , 08-13-2013 at 04:20 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was in some weird place and there was some spirituality related talk, then weird false awakening with some loud sound in my head and i was very dizzy, almost lucid, but i woke up before i could fully realize.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      Was playing some platformer that then turned out to be about sonic apparently, but was really weird, some levels were like unfinished and there was 'level skip' function, then later sonic was piloting some kind of mecha.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was playing spiral knights and was in guild hall, there were some problems we were trying to solve and discussions, there was some new function that apparently marked people as 'spy' when they said certain words in chat. Then the guild hall turned into old style guild hall and there are some players that are invisible, then i noticed the weirdness of game and realized that i am dreaming, i tried to chat with someone that was not in the game but then gaining no response i forgot about dreaming and continued with the game.
      I went to run some gate clockworks and the rooms were connected rather interestingly, at first i thought i was solo but the invisible players were apparently there and were helping fighting enemies, also stuff was a bit glitchy. Then i found danger room gate and we entered it.
    3. 12th Aug 2013 Fragments, Brief lucid, Dragons - Day 2

      by , 08-12-2013 at 03:34 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap.

      Dream 1(fragment):

      I was at home and was talking to someone and he was saying something about that i should not think about something to have more chances for it to show up.

      Dream 2(fragment):

      Was some discussion in dragon forum chat.

      Dream 3(fragment):

      I am in my room i realize that i am dreaming but then i wake up, twice.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      I was searching some anime on some site and came across some warhammer 40k themed anime and then there was some other anime which for some reason was using very retro 3D graphics.

      Dream 5(fragments):

      I was at home and there was some talk about rain and that i apparently can predict future or something like that, then a red dragon appeared and started flying in the direction of my house, then some dude appeared and knocked him out somewhere out of view range, i got worried and shouted at that dude angrily and was about to go out and check, but then i noticed small cyan dragon in the distance, it was flying to here as well and then stopped at certain distance. Suddenly some anime characters appeared and there was discussion about something, then i noticed that that small dragon was already here, but strangely now his head was somewhat cat-like and he had fur.
      Then some cutscene started showing completely different place, some dark forest and background voice explaining that many creatures that people think don't exists actually do exists, then cutscene zoomed in to some kind of base where a few huge and strong grey skinned humanoid creatures were walking around.
    4. 11th Aug 2013 Few fragments and Weird lucid - Day 1

      by , 08-11-2013 at 03:35 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap. Starting to try out some random idea to fix up my dream control issues and change dream world overall by adding rules.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was playing Spiral Knights game.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      Some talk on skype.

      Dream 3:

      I wake up in my bed and i am very dizzy, i get up but can barely stand, i notice that some objects missing but it kinda fades out.
      I wake up again and still dreaming, i try to get up but some force stops me and holds me in air, i have some really weird sensations and then dream fades out.
    5. 8th Aug 2013 Pokemons in space, Zombies, Epic shmup boss battle, And a bit of lucidity

      by , 08-08-2013 at 03:27 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was doing some stuff at home and then i decided to nap and i had dream where i was on sofa floating in space and there were lots of pokemons around playing some game with a ball, most of them were not from actual series though, including two huge red and blue dragon-like ones. Then some dude appears near as well, watching too. Then i wake up and there's some problem with cactuses and something gets stuck in my finger.
      Then i wake up again
      and look at hands, they are kinda weird, so i am dreaming. I get up and rub hands, balcony door is apparently blocked by bed and some garbage so i jump through window. I go through glass just fine but i get stuck in curtains, dream destabilizes. I wake up and have very vivid HH where i look through window and buildings are moving and transforming that lasts a good half of minute.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was switching between playing and discussing some zombie games with someone, which looked like oldschool Resident Evil games. Then there was something about the nest of some queen, which made weird organic pod things, which hypnotized people that looked at them and turned them into zombies on touch. Then i was continuing with zombie games and i was thinking about choice that affected the ending.

      Dream 3:

      I was playing some shmup and i was on some stage where i was going through some kind of abstract place, with various shapes and abstract enemies as well. The weapon of my ship was somewhat similar to Fossil Maiden from Hellsinker, at least, frontal and sword attack were the same, but different directions activated some different firing modes, backwards activated double homing missiles. At the end of the stage there was some forest and some metal plates were falling from the top of the screen like in Solid State Survivor right before boss.
      Then boss battle started and background switched to some tech complex. Boss looked like some mecha-bee thing, probably inspired by Hachi from Dodonpachi, it had various attack patterns that were synced to the music, can"t recall most of them sadly, but i remembered that i fought it before(It was not fake memory i am sure, but maybe actually different dream that i forgot), and i remembered most of his attacks, so i knew good spots where to dodge them and where to safespot, i was doing really well considering attacks were really hard and was not getting hit and was thinking that i should record it, then i remembered that there's replay feature and stopped worrying. Boss started using lots of blue lasers and fight started becoming more 3D, then i was actually in the game. Boss activated pattern where he was sweeping lots of blue lasers across the arena along with lots of projectiles all around, i went for really dangerous semi-safespot behind the boss and barely managed to not get hit. Then boss activated pattern with homing missiles and i realized that i don't know how to deal with this pattern using this playership. But then i switched to my own homing missiles and they started intercepting boss's homing missiles on the way. Boss was on very low hp and i was going to do perfect run through all attacks, so i tried to use missiles as little as possible to not do too much damage. Then as boss reached 0 HP, dream ended.

      Very very rough pic of the boss that i made after waking up: http://i.imgur.com/bI8ymqP.png
    6. 7th Aug 2013 Fairly decent length lucid, some flight and transformation

      by , 08-07-2013 at 02:51 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      There was some anime with story about some detective dude who visited some school and was getting all clues by beating up people and in the end he found out that the teacher was behind everything and then there's some other character appeared.

      Dream 2:

      I am in my room, doing some stuff, and i spontaneously realize that i am dreaming, i take off a few headsets(seems to be my new reality check, multiplying headsets, haha) and then go towards balcony, i look around and it's different, more cramped than IWL and it's more structually into building. Suddenly dream fades out.
      I wake up still dreaming, but can only see cloudy blackness, though still can feel that i am in my room. Dream is highly unstable. I get up from the bed and go in general direction of balcony, i hear familiar voice of attacker DC, as he gets in my way, i forcefully shove him off to the side and continue towards balcony while trying to force dream to stabilize with sheer will. As i reach balcony dream becomes stable and blackness fades, i rub hands and take off a few more headsets because why not, balcony seems to be pretty similar to before false awakening.
      I jump, feel my wings and start flying. I fly to the left from the balcony and there are some yellow buildings, trees and some highways. After a bit of just flying i decide to try that idea of starting transformation from phantom sensations. I focus on them and it starts, i feel and see snout and also the side of nearest building becomes reflective, in reflection i see that my head is a head of dragon now, black/grey scales and a few horns, but as i try to move, it reverts back. I fly over some fence and there's some passage under bridge. I land and decide to go through it, there are some DCs.
      I exit passage and now i am in some foggy park place(As in, natural fog), with trees and a puddle of water to the right, i take off once again with my wings and i fly higher, out of the fog. I look around and there are some tall red brick buildings surrounding the park, i fly higher and get onto the roof of one, then i continue flight. As i fly i notice that one of buildings has small weird HP bar near the roof, i get onto it and stomp a few times, with each stomp taking out part of hp bar, as it reaches 0% building falls apart in the place, then i continue flight and notice more buildings with hp bars and part of their hp missing, they look actually damaged. As i fly over one, i hear some voice saying something and then some force knocks me to the right, i fall onto the streets, but manage to land perfectly. I look around and see some buildings on fire and some factory building. I walk
      and lose lucidity, i walk through some streets and reach some gas station.
      I wake up and i am apparently in some outdoor restaurant place and my tagbook is on the floor, some weird kid is looking at it. I grab whole thing and kid says that he knows me from dreamviews apparently. We start talking about something and then he asks if he can have some of candies that i apparently have in the pocket, there's four of them. I give him one and eat one myself as well, it's yummy.
    7. 5th Aug 2013 False awakenings, Attacker DC's revenge, Headsets, More flight

      by , 08-05-2013 at 03:35 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap. Lucid started with ultralow awareness and with each FA awareness got higher, though each FA also ruined my recall somewhat apparently.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was going to nap but there were some distractions, and then radio randomly started playing and i was trying to turn it off.

      Dream 2:

      I am doing some stuff at home, then i wake up in different room, take off headset and sound is still here, some DC starts distracting me and i think about my room. Dream fades out.
      I wake up in my room, but it's different, also mom's here, i take off headset again, still hear sound and i feel headset still on me, i take off a few more headsets off my head and throw them on the floor. I go to balcony but door's closed, before i open it mom starts talking about something and slowly turns into that DC that attacked me before. Before i can do much i am teleported back to bed and some force binds me in place, DC says something about some video game and shows images from some platformer, i try to fight the force but dream fades out.

      I wake up again, room is exactly the same as IWL, doubtful, i go to balcony and take off a few headsets, i am indeed still dreaming, suddenly outside changes greatly and i am now on balcony of some different building, which looks much older and much more interesting in structure. I take off and fly, i feel my wings. I fly along the wall and then under some kind of arch/bridge that links that building and some tower-like structure. I also try to do some other dream control, like summoning, but end up only making my voice really different. Then soon dream fades out.
    8. 3rd Aug 2013 Flight, Weird fish, Going through windows

      by , 08-03-2013 at 02:47 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Dream 1:

      I am at home, doing something on PC, then i am interrupted by someone questioning about my nap and look at the time, it is 1:00 or close to that, but i already went to nap at 2:00, i start feeling the dream too, so i am dreaming. Dream is slightly unstable, i go to balcony and jump out, i feel my wings and start flying around, the place looks mostly similar to waking life, but to the left there are some buildings that don't present IWL. I end up flying around for a few minutes, getting in some wind currents a couple of times, looking around and trying transformation. I also notice that sky is being like background texture rather than actual sky, weird, haha. Then dream fades as i wake up moving around the room in chair, i get confused and then wake up properly.

      Dream 2:

      I am on the bed in some grey-ish room and i think that's my room, there's some aquarium with fishes right above doorway, it's weird, i start reading some magazine and then look at aquarium again, now there's pretty big and really weird fish of green-yellow color, and it has 4 big frog-like eyes. I end up multitasking between reading and watching it, at first it just stays in one place, but then it slowly starts phasing through aquarium glass. Then it teleports to the left from me, onto the wall, and then onto my head, everything goes dark. I feel that i am dreaming and vision fades back in and room is shaking for a bit, also it is darker now and... there's same DC that attacked me few lucids back, i say something to him and give him "Don't even think about doing it again" look and he gets scared and sulks in corner, then says something about what i am doing not being a good idea. I go to window and look outside, i am apparently in some kind of skyscraper building. Then dream fades out.
      I wake up but in different room of my home, the one with chandelier. I get up and let out a bit of roar, go on all four and jump through window, ending up partially phasing through it, i feel wings and try to fly through, but i get stuck for a bit, then as i phase through i end up falling onto the floor of some different room. Brown walls, bookshelves, green/red carpet and some small lights. A bit confused, i jump and fly through window again, this time ending up outside. It looks like it's autumn, since all trees have yellow/reddish leaves, and also there's really huge fence. I try to fly over it but dream fades out and i wake up twice.
    9. 2nd Aug 2013 Weird stories, WILD?, False awakening chains, Problems with police

      by , 08-02-2013 at 02:30 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      There was something about some girl and some other characters in dark room, she was saying that she knows what will happen and that some particular person is coming, then that person comes through the door and i get weird sensation of falling.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      Story about some people visiting some house and never coming back, it apparently asked them questions and absorbed them, then the whole house literally started moving.

      Not sure if i woke up and got back to sleep, or it was FA, so it is either an actual WILD or WILD from dream..
      Dream 3:

      There is some weird noise and sensation of rapid movement, i know i am dreaming. I open dream eyes and get up, room looks exactly same as in waking life, i go towards balcony while rubbing hands, but dream fades out as i am about to start flight.
      I wake up and everything looks weird, at first i mistake it for HH but then realize that i am still dreaming, i get up and rub hands, it fades again.
      I wake up again and gravity isn't working properly, i shout something and make some objects disappear. Then it fades out again and this time i wake up properly.

      Dream 4:

      I was at home and some family members were watching some series and there was some talk about it, we were discussing some things then police came, one male and one female and arrested someone for bribing or something. There was some discussion about it and i knew that they were not fair, i tried to solve it but got arrested as well for same reason apparently, but then i said something along the line that i was not really doing it, but rather that i would do it if i had chance to do, which i don't, unless i will have that chance(Dream logic!) which confused them and they freed me, but not the other person, they also taunted me. I got angry and slashed male policeman across the face as if i had claws, leaving 2-3 visible bloody marks on it, he got scared and i tossed him onto the floor.
      At this point i realize that i am dreaming, and that kinda breaks scene in a way that DCs freeze in motions like they aren't programmed for that or something. I am about to attack another police person, but she is a different DC now somehow, so i decide against it. I go through corridor and decide to switch forms by standing on all four like i did in other dreams, but something goes wrong and dream destabilizes and movement kinda gets limited, then as it fades to black i feel weird slight pain.
      I wake up on the street and someone's calling me, there's a tunnel and very tall train.
      I wake up again, this time at home but in
      different room, i realize that i am still dreaming and i notice weird radar dish thing on the wall. Then i wake up properly.
    10. 1st Aug 2013 Stories, Dragons, Weird FAs, DC attack

      by , 08-01-2013 at 02:42 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was playing some video game with a story and i had to make some kind of decision in it, then i was interrupted by BSOD.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was doing some stuff in the room and there was relatively small house in the room, like an actual brick house, it's roof was a bit broken so i started fixing it, because it's a dream as i thought, and i was pretty strong, but didn't actually realized that i was dreaming.

      Dream 3:

      I was playing some 2D platformer game and there was alot of dragon characters, then somebody interrupted me and said about some new zdoom mod. I checked it but it looked like some mod of brutal doom, except with custom enemies, i noticed dragons were enemies too so i decided not to play it. I was then searching for some other mods and checking out some weapon mod.
      After that i found some dragon related story and started reading it, after a while of reading i got distracted and found another site, which apparently had pictures of dragons from that platformer and story, lots of pictures, and descriptions. Then there were also two big and detailed pictures of a dragon with scales of red/maroon color, two pictures were same except for that in one of them... there were no wings. Then after a bit i got back to reading story and some person came surprised that i am reading stories and asked why i wont read books instead, i explained that's because books don't have Ctrl+F function(Dream Logic!) and then tried to show it, but my keyboard was set to different language. I had to switch it through like 50 different languages to get back to english.

      Dream 4:

      There was some story, i had to visit some weird dark place that was like after carnival or something, i was talking to somebody about controlling people. Then i was back at home and i was reading some messages on PC, somebody was talking about dragons and there was picture attached to post of anthro dragon with blue and light-blue colored scales. Then i went to nap but ended up phasing between two different versions of the room(which is actually different room that mine) while in bed, one of which had some giant skulls.
      I then wake up in my room and take off headphones, immediately my vision goes weird and
      i still hear sound(which were actually different binaural beats than which i was actually listening to...), but there's also high pitched sound and vision fades partly to white, then after a while it stops and goes back to normal.
      Then suddenly some DC attacks me from behind while i am still in the bed, taking me by surprise. I react and punch him really hard, knocking him back, then i roar really loudly, right into his face, scaring everything out of him, and then i break his neck. Done with that i look around and notice room being different, the bed is in the middle and there's chandelier, i get up and shout some commands but dream suddenly quickly fades out,
      and i wake up.
    11. 31st July 2013 Random fragments, Almost DEILD, and an LD

      by , 07-31-2013 at 02:04 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Dream 1(fragment):

      I am in my room then i wake up and try to DEILD, the HH image of my room starts slowly spinning into my view until fully in view, but then fades out.

      Dream 2(fragment):

      There were three mosquitos on the table doing weird stuff.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I am doing something in my room then i realize that i am dreaming, i rub hands and go to balcony. I take off and feel my wings, i fly upwards, shortly outdoors turn out to be larger copy of my room, i fly higher and as i fly through ceiling it turns out there's even bigger version of my room, then i reach ceiling once more and dream fades out with weird noise.
      I wake up, forget to RC and go type dreams into text file then i wake up properly.
    12. 28th July 2013 Weird Unstable Nap

      by , 07-28-2013 at 02:03 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap.

      There is something weird going on and i am doing some internet search after it i felt that i am dreaming and then some voice said something, then it faded. i wake up and get back to nap and there's something going on about technology, then i am in my room again and i realize that i am dreaming again, fade out again wake up back to nap, then there's some kind of special forces mission going on, then i am back at my room, browsing some forum and posting something about dragons, then i decide to post some joke because it's a dream and then i realize it, then i am suddenly back in the bed again with dream eyes closed, i see some image of the sky and it summons some emotion feeling and then some female voice says "leave me alone", then i prepare to get up and open dream eyes and dream fades out.
    13. 26th July 2013 Fragments and MiniLD

      by , 07-26-2013 at 01:27 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps, had a bit of problem of not being able to fall asleep and was phasing a bit between sleeping and not sleeping apparently, with not much recall.

      Dream 1(fragment):

      I wake up and realize that i am dreaming, my eyes are closed and i hear someone shouting something, i try to respond but i wake up.

      Dream 2(fragment):

      There was something about pigeons.

      Dream 3(fragment):

      I wake up and get distracted by something.

      Dream 4(fragment):

      I was talking to someone about spirituality and that we had to protect something.
    14. 25th July 2013 Distractions

      by , 07-25-2013 at 12:55 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's nap.

      Dream 1(fragment):

      I was distracted from nap by family and skype.

      Dream 2(fragment):

      I was distracted by a relatively big, bug-like mosquito that was pretty tough as well.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was playing Solid State Survivor shmup and apparently got a new high score.
    15. 21st July 2013 Fragments and MiniLD

      by , 07-21-2013 at 12:28 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragment):

      I was walking around my room and suddenly gravity ceased to exists.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was in bed and i was looking at jewel case of some CD or DVD, then i started watching some story involving some scientist having a possible choice of exchanging lives with some villain lady. Then there was some action on rooftops.
      Then i wake up and see jewel box again
      i am sure that it already happened and i am dreaming, i stand on all four and start transformation but dream fades out, i keep feeling it for a few seconds but then i wake up.
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