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    11/9/16- Cruise to Mexico Hoverboard Rock Wall

    by , 11-09-2016 at 11:56 AM (329 Views)
    On a cruise ship to Mexico and the water is too rough to let the little boat take us to the land. I see the coast and really want to see it so I think up a hover board type machine that floats above the water because I have to take a couple of people with me who also want to go. This is a pretty large board. I think there were like four of us on this board and we are hovering about two feet over the rough water nice and smooth, I can see the beautiful cliff walls, sandy beach and beautiful blue water and then we get to a line of rocks in the water that I didn't notice. All of a sudden the rocks rise up and form a huge wall of rocks so we couldn't got past it. I tried lifting the board but it wouldn't go higher than ten feet. I took the people back to the boat and woke up and had a horrible feeling about the election, it was almost 3. I turned on the news and I was shocked about the results.
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    Updated 11-09-2016 at 12:31 PM by 91609



    1. woblybil's Avatar
      You passed up a nice, Greasy Bacon Burger?..I love those things
    2. Serene's Avatar
      LOL Yes Woblybil! I was so full still. I just replied to someone (I think Relax) recently about typical guy to dream of food and now I keep getting food. Seriously though...why can't I get to Candyland where I really really want to go? Haha
      Funny about the wall in Mexico though. That didn't actually register with me until I woke up and saw the news.