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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. 3/11/17-Nursing a Lost Baby

      by , 03-11-2017 at 01:53 PM
      I was at an event in a huge stadium and there was some kind of a show going on. The stadium was packed. I am guessing during the breaks they had people in stadium doing little skits in between. There was a guy carrying a little baby walking all up and down and through seating area which seemed like bleachers. I wasn't paying much attention to his act when all of a sudden he leans over and hands the baby to me so he can do something. He flips backwards down the bleachers and everyone cheers. Then he tries doing the same going up the bleacher seats when he falls through and it is a long drop down. No chance he could have survived that fall and here I am holding this baby that I have no idea where it came from. It was happy and smiling and I would guess about 3 months old. I spent a long time looking around and asking everyone, trying to find out who it belonged to. It started crying and fussing and I could feel my nipples tingling. Then it started pulling at my breasts. I new I couldn't have milk because it was so many years ago that I nursed yet I tried and somehow I was successfully nursing this baby. It felt so nurturing and I was happy. I must have been in a very deep sleep because it felt like I was trying to get lucid and somewhat aware yet I was never able to be fully lucid. I knew I had to find the parents of this child yet I felt I was very closely bonding with it and had thought if I couldn't find it's parents I had hoped I could keep it for myself.
    2. 2/28/17-Migrating to the UK Rescuing People from War

      by , 02-28-2017 at 11:58 AM
      This was another long journey. I was working with several people on a mission to save several families during the war? The youngest allowed was 10 years old. I was the one traveling with them and trying to help them out. Our first meeting spot was at the very back of the parking lot of a store, we bought supplies we needed, then we boarded a bus that took us to the dock where we boarded a good sized boat and from there we were boarding another larger ship with the help of a crew member. Everything went smooth for the most part throughout the long journey and on the larger ship we had to hide down below in a room because we needed to be locked in there by the crew member to be safe. Everyone was getting sea sickness, so the bathroom was extremely hard to get to. We had orders that when he came to get us we had only 15 minutes to get everyone out the side door of the ship onto a flat boat that would take us to our last ship. This one was going to be tricky to get everyone on without getting caught and with only a short window of time. In the meantime with everyone getting sick, and sluggish I was worried. When the crew member came to get us I had to gather everyone together and we were heading down to the transfer spot. I got half the people out when I noticed many weren't there after counting heads. I needed 25 and only had 20 so went back in to find them huddled in the corner sick. I helped them up and started walking over to the door and I went over first to help them get on to the flat boat when the door started to rise. I was terrified for the people stuck on the other side. The crew member warned me that we only had 15 minutes and we knew that. It was their fault for not following the orders. I looked at my hands and I had a baby gate in them? LOL. Ok. This is a dream lol then I started wondering why it took me so long to figure it out? Everything seemed so real. I looked at the latch on the gate that went up over the people and the latch on the baby gate were the same so I untied the strings? around the latches and unlatched them and got my people on the flat boat. I was still shocked it took me so long to figure it out. Now knowing this was a dream it took away a bit of the excitement which for most people I think they would be surprised. I knew that I was dreaming and could make anything happen so I got them into the huge ship and after the last one was in I flew up, I wanted peace after that stressful mission lol. I just flew straight up as fast as I could and that released a lot of tension. I really had to pee so woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid
    3. 2/19/17-Fingerprint, Beach Scene B & W TOTM, Fox, Pit Bull and Crime Scene, Hurt Kittens, Restaurant

      by , 02-19-2017 at 01:58 PM
      1. I was trying to fall asleep when HH of beautiful fingerprint which appeared old and black and white. I was really admiring the line work and all of the detail. It was smudged a bit on the bottom right corner but it was a huge print and covered most of my vision. That reminded me of one of the totm and I couldn't remember what it was but something about black and white and thought I had to change the scene.

      2. I was sitting on a beautiful sandy beach at sunset all alone watching how beautiful the reflection on the water was, with the colors of the sun. I thought what a great picture this would be when the scene froze. The scene became a photo. I decided try to change the photo scene to black and white and it did very easily with a blink. I blinked it back to color and did this several times faster, until it went out of control like a strobe light and I had to calm it down. Then the scene was a long landscape and as I looked to the left and right it would scroll turning the scene as I went to black and white and back to color. So cool.

      3. I was at my house when I went in the front door there were several people in my house and didn't know any of them. I was worried about the dogs getting out with all of the people coming and going so I stood by the front door. I walked out front with some of the children and said goodbye, then I saw this fox trying to get in the front door. I walked over by the front door and the fox went into the bushes and was looking at me. I asked what it wanted in my house? No answer. I then walked in and closed it and went to get a water. When I noticed a couple leaving. I went out with them and walked them down the driveway to say goodbye, when I was walking back up I saw an old bald man walk out the door and close it but not all of the way and sure enough that little fox went into the house. I ran in there and said freeze. Oh no not again. The fox was frozen in ice. I need to find a better word. I took the frozen block of fox out the front and put it in the sun to melt. Meanwhile my dogs ran out the front door. Ugh. The Lab thought that was fun and took off. The mixed sat and licked the ice on the fox. I was done with this dream, woke up thank goodness.

      4. It was dark and I was running around my block (I never run at night) when a green car came speeding down the street and turned left between the front and back of the houses. He was driving like he thought there was an alley there but it was backyards. He went through fences and trees. Now there was a tan colored Pit bull, a Rottweiler and two German Shepherds all running loose. The Pit Bull came stalking me and I walked slowly. He leaped at me and grabbed on to my hand and I felt it. I thought this is my dream buddy. I got my hand away and put both hands hard around his head and sent love and calmness into him. Sounds corny but this mean dog became sweet lol. He walked beside me and we went down my street where there were police cars and crime scene tape all the way down the street. I saw a cop and asked him what was going on and he said there is a shooter on the run. I told him about the green car in the back of the houses and he called it in. He wouldn't tell me what happened. The cop yelled down to me thanking me for the tip, they caught the guys.

      5. It was night time and I was out in my front yard when I heard a noise. I looked closely and I saw a kitten under my sprinkler donut with his head popping out through the hole. I went over and I took the cement donut off his head and he was this tiny little white kitten with brown patches, I took him out of the hole and under him was another kitten in the hole but much smaller. I was so shocked at how mean people could be. I am not a cat person, but brought them in the house to care for them.

      6. I was running down my normal route when I noticed this new restaurant was there. (Gonna have fun with this one) I decide I am a sweaty mess, but I want to see it. I make myself invisible or at least I am hoping I am. I walk in and look around. It looks like a grocery store with a restaurant inside. It has specialty foods and it had fun bulk candy, and dried fruits. I try everything. This is my dream come true. Noone notices me and I am staring right at them. I keep sampling and I am so excited the food is delicious. I walk over to an area where the restaurant is and I look at the menu on the wall. It is expensive and decide no way to be invisible and order so I walk back out to the grocery area and keep looking around. A very good looking man is standing next to me as I am nibbling. He is tall, dark brown hair and blue eyes. I look at him and I can feel myself blush even though I am invisible and so happy about that. I keep eating and he touches my shoulder and I jump. My heart was beating fast. You can see me? I was terrified. He chuckled and leaned over to my ear and said, "my real name..you are far from invisible, and don't you ever forget that". I walked over to an older woman and I waved at her, put my face in front of her, yes I was invisible. I should have asked who he was. I am always trying to find my dream guide but will never find one if I don't ask.

      I saw this on the news tonight and reminded me of my dream of the fox. WOW!!


      Updated 02-22-2017 at 01:54 AM by 91609

      lucid , non-lucid
    4. 2/15/17-Work Trip to GPS Class at Nature Center

      by , 02-15-2017 at 11:48 AM
      1. We had a GIS class at a nature center and everything seemed so real that I never got lucid. My dreams are becoming so realistic and stable that it is seems more difficult to notice things that are off. This dream was super long. There was a bus taking people to the nature center but one of the guys needed to get his water shoes that he forgot, so I went with him to show him where to buy them and then we met at the nature center.(that in itself was long because the guy is hard of hearing so I had to keep repeating myself the whole time). We had to park our car in this large lot and got a ticket to put on the car, very realistic. I even saw the white ticket with writing on it that had our lot location B. We made our way up escalators and through a long building with different turns to get to the location where we met everyone. We had a short class on gps units that we were going to use. These units weren't the yellow ones I have seen before, they were red and tiny. I had a hard time seeing the screen. We had to buddy up and I didn't want the deaf guy, but I couldn't get rid of him (pretty typical). We had to go into the water and it was pretty scary because there are alligators. They said don't worry just shuffle your feet. We were in the mangroves and had to find markers they set to gps and between the guy who couldn't hear and my not being able to see the screen we made a horrible team. I felt like we got nowhere. I was embarrassed to see how poorly we did. When we turned down to go down the next area of mangroves they turned us around because they found a body and they had to call it in. We had to shuffle back and get out of the water and pretty much that was where they sent us to free lunch and said we could go home. They apologized and off we went. We ate fruit, wraps and brownies, then everyone in all of the classes left at the same time. It was chaos. I wanted to go back with everyone but because I didn't have a bus ticket, I was not allowed on the bus. I had to go back in the car with the deaf guy. We walked and walked trying to find where the parking lot was. It was an adventure in itself because we both were out of our comfort zone. Everything seemed so drawn out like 1 step forward 3 steps back kind of dream. It was a very long ride back and woke up.

      This is the second work event with a drowned person.
    5. 2/14/17- My Boss

      by , 02-14-2017 at 11:44 AM
      1. I was spending most of this dream helping my boss out with her daughter who has very bad depression issues. I saw her son, daughter and husband in this dream even though I have only seen them on a couple of occasions in WL. I was doing a lot of work and moving furniture and boxes around. We live in Florida but her children are in Indiana. I was with her daughter and at one point we walked outside and there was snow so realized we were in Indiana and that was what it took for me to become lucid. I was so excited I stopped what we were doing and I started playing in the snow and throwing the snow at her. She looked at me like I was crazy and then she joined in and we had a snow fight. I had a blast because I have never been in snow and it felt so real, so I guess I officially can say I saw snow and played in it. Woke up.
      I ended up back in the dream and I was in Florida with my boss again. This time her children were both here and there was a lot of drama going on. Her daughter answered the phone and the Director (someone who has been gone a long time-lucid) left her a message that her mom needed to call him immediately about a red credit card? That message somehow translated to my boss that she was going to be fired and was sure of it. She was devastated and crying. I told her this is just a dream. She stopped her crying fit looked at me cockeyed and said "I was waiting for you to figure that out"! I was so shocked it woke me up. That was not what I expected to hear.

      2/15/17- My boss came to me and showed me photos her daughter sent her of the snow flakes that look like little stars on her mittens. They were beautiful and several of them. She told her mom she had so much fun playing in the snow. Another coincidence?

      Updated 02-16-2017 at 01:04 PM by 91609

      lucid , non-lucid
    6. 2/13/17-Underground Portal?, People Getting Sucked Out of Window in Elevator

      by , 02-13-2017 at 11:52 AM
      1. I was walking my dog which wasn't my WL dog so (Dream) when I noticed a hole on the side of the road maybe 6 inches wide but looked deep. As I went to pull the grass back to see how deep it was the grass lifted up like a carpet. Very lightweight and it made me giggle at how real it looked. Knowing this is a dream I let the dog go and pulled back the carpet where the hole was so I could see what was there. It had a flap that was a door to stairs that went underground. I thought this was pretty cool and decided to explore. I know the water table isn't far down there in WL but my curiosity got the best of me. I start walking down the stairs and they keep going. It is very damp and cool in the hole. I get to the bottom and I walk along the ground when I see another set of stairs going up. I walk up the stairs and out into someplace entirely different. It appeared to be from the past, or that was what my intuition was telling me. I crawled out to what appeared to be a tall grassy area with mountains at a distance. I stood there and looked around and didn't see anything that would tell me where I was. I was about to fly around because I wanted to explore my new secret land when I was woken up by dog kicking me.
      2. I was dressed up going to some kind of event my daughter was going to be having and for some reason was meeting people at a hotel to help her with something. I recognized and old friend from years ago, RK he was friends with my ex and we got along great. He was so happy to see me he gave me a hug and was telling me about his wife and daughter that were both new since the time I knew him. He was there to help my daughter as well. We got in the elevator with about 10 people. It was a huge elevator but it still felt packed. There was a window in the back and I am afraid of heights so I stood near the front. Most people got off as we got higher but we were going to the top which was the 49th floor. There were about 4 of us now. When the door opened I felt I was still moving. Everyone got out and they went to look out the window to see the view. Normally when lucid heights don't bother me but this one I was not and I was terrified. It felt so real with RK there and he looked like I imagine he probably look these days. As they got over to the window I could feel the entire building tip to that side and I grabbed on to the wall in fear. RK laughed and said it is fine, that's what happens and he ran to the other side and I could feel it tip slightly to that side. Perfectly normal he said. I was convinced. We had our meeting with the hotel owner who was letting my daughter do her event there and RK is in sales and he was getting extra perks for her while she stayed here. I was impressed. Then there was a cocky guy who was wearing a business suit and had his chest puffed out who kept trying to get my attention. RK introduced me to him and he gestured in a way to watch out for him. I already could tell what kind of guy he was, so no worries. Then we all got in the elevator to go back down when the cocky guy opens the window and sits in a seat by the window. I was afraid enough without a window open. There were bars for him to hold on to. RK then goes and sits next to the guy and tells me to come with there too. I said no thank you that is not safe. I was shocked there would be an open window in an elevator. As we went down the wind got so bad. It was crazy. I could hear flapping and swirling of the wind. All of a sudden I heard and saw the most horrifying thing. The cocky guy was there and poof he was gone with the most awful sucking sound. RK was sitting there looking dazed. I yelled for him to hold on and I could see his hands slowly grab onto the pole. He didn't show any emotion at all. His hands were grasping softly then swoosh he got sucked out too. I was devastated as I literally watched him get sucked out in slow motion. Felt real. Then I was teleported out to about 1000 feet from the hotel and I was walking toward it...that was when the aha moment happened that this was a dream and I felt so relieved but as I was understanding that I was walking closer and could see the bodies of the two of them falling to the ground like windmills. Head toe head toe spinning. That confirmed it was a dream. No one is going to spin like that. Whew I was relieved and as I got to where I was in front of the hotel I saw people leaning over their balconies throwing purple flower pedals down on them. Now that was strange.
      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    7. 2/12/17-Naughty in a Tree, Nasty Toilet, Train Ride with Hermione

      by , 02-12-2017 at 01:44 PM
      1. I was walking down a dirt path with tree shading it and it was beautiful, up ahead I saw something but couldn't make out what when I was struggling to get what it was out pops the adorable DC that I have been seeing now and then in my dreams (dream sign for me). We both seem to be in our mid to late 20's again. We have a very strong connection without speaking much. We hug and then we walk on the path holding hands, when I see the most amazing tree ever. It had the thickest branches I ever saw (hmmm that just clicked lol) I wanted to touch the tree because the bark was so smooth. I ran over to it so giddy and started to climb onto the lower branches which were very low to the ground. Perfect climbing tree. I climbed about half way up and was amazed at how wide the branch was. I laid on my back and looked up amazed at how high the tree went. Then up pops the adorable guy. Immediately I was feeling frisky and started to undress. He looked shocked at first but then he came over to help me. Can't go into details but it was so much fun and the tree was so soft. I am always amazed at how strong the senses are in these dreams.

      2. At an event for work when I had to go to the bathroom and all of the stalls were taken except one and it was just so bad I couldn't go in it. I kept waiting for someone to come out, when I kept seeing this cute little girl peeking under while her mom was in there and I was waving at her. Then I finally decide I can't wait, and go in the nasty one. I flush and grab a wad of paper and start cleaning the seat but it has clear jelly stuff all over the seat and I wipe but it just moves around. I keep cleaning and cleaning then put the paper on the seat. I get done and come out and noone is left in the bathroom lol. Figures I wash my hands over and over in disgust. Eeeew. (How does one go from a great sex dream to a nasty bathroom dream?)

      3. I was at a train station in line to board (never been on a train in my life) I get in and sit down and the train is full. This was a train ride from hell. It was a long scary ride with lots of happenings, when we passed another train and I was trying to look at the faces and focus in on them as we passed. I was trying to convey my fear. I saw several people looking at me and was able to get eye contact, but then I saw Hermione from Harry Potter (dream) lol. I was able to telepathically send her a message of what was going on with this train, someone was stealing it and it was out of control. Hermione was able to teleport onto the train and she was now sitting 4 seats in front of me. One lady recognized Hermione and asked if she could give her larger breasts. She did. Then we had people lining up with things they wanted to change. Smooth skin, hair color, sex change, one girl had tiny little arms and she wanted them larger. I stretched them out but they didn't look natural so Hermione had to come up with a spell for that. We even made old people young again. It was so much fun we totally forgot about the fact that the train was out of control.
      lucid , non-lucid
    8. 2/6/17- Viking Woman Warrior

      by , 02-06-2017 at 11:49 AM
      I don't feel I was part of this dream but more watching the scene unfold. My view was from above. To my right was a large group of viking warriors walking on green grass coming over a small hillside. I would guess around 100 of them. I was observing them with their axes and swords. They were all walking quickly. The one person that stood out to me was a woman in the front who had brown short choppy hair. She had a fierce look on her face. Just as they came toward the front of my view I looked to my left and at a distance there was a tall grass hill that was very long and at the top were horses and soldiers as far as you could see around the entire top of the hill. Appeared to be thousands of them. I looked back at the vikings and the woman threw her hand with the sword into the air and yelled "retreat, retreat, retreat"! They all ran back to the right while to the left the soldiers came racing down the hill on their horses and on foot. I watched as the entire group of soldiers went in chase of the vikings, over the hill to my right and couldn't control anything.
    9. 2/2/17-TOTM Fail, Shopping for Furniture, Bleeding Everywhere

      by , 02-02-2017 at 12:44 PM
      1. I went to sleep with intention of opening the book of secrets task. This one seemed really interesting to me. I was coming home from work and when I walked in my garage door it was nothing like my house (dream sign). I walk over to the kitchen table and right in front of me is a beautiful book that looks very artsy. It has drawings all over the front cover and under a drawing of a large beautiful rainbow is the word secrets. There are lots of hearts and someone spent a lot of time with all of the details. I was just about to open the book when I heard "stop". I turn to my left and there is a young girl about 16 who looked absolutely terrified that I was about to open her book. She was wearing flannel pants with light and dark pinks and a short sleeve shirt that was light pink. I think pjs. He hair is up as if she had just been washing her face. I looked back at the book and told her it was beautiful and I would really like to look inside. She started balling, tears flowing so hard and said, "NO! You will tell my father and he can't know what is in there". I walked over and gave her a hug and the dream faded.

      2. I was by myself furniture shopping (dream sign) when I was totally overwhelmed with what to get and wondering if it would fit and what color would look best. I tried to imagine how it would look. Then I walked over and sat down on the couch and immediately I was with the couch in my living room sizing it up and checking how the color looked. I figured comfort was useless in a dream because that would be impossible to find in IWL, so I just played around with colors and sizes of different furniture. I also went to dining rooms and tried the same by sitting at the table. I couldn't bring it all in, just the table and one chair. It didn't work bringing the china cabinet and buffet to see what would fit best. I seemed to have to be touching it to bring it with me. I feel I got my answers of what I like :-).

      3. I was walking in the grocery store picking up a few things when a guy taps me on the shoulder and tells me that he doesn't want to bother me but tells me to turn around and he points. I look down at the ground and there is a trail of blood behind me, going down the long isle. I was so embarrassed. I felt no pain and looked down and blood was everywhere. This was non lucid because knowing I don't have a period I felt something must be wrong with me to be bleeding like this. This is the second dream similar to this so I am thinking my mind is telling me to make an appointment since it has been 4 years since I went for pap. I know TMI.
      lucid , non-lucid
    10. 2/1/17- Smell the Coffee

      by , 02-01-2017 at 11:43 AM
      I had took two Advil PM last night so I actually slept deep and had terrible recall but finally slept about 6 hours of pretty good sleep, getting up only twice. I have only ten minutes left when I looked at the clock before my alarm and thought this is it, last chance for a dream. When I closed my eyes they were flashing like crazy so I grabbed on to one of the white blotches and got sucked into a little dreamlet. I was smelling coffee really strong and it smelled so good. My head was pounding and I knew I had to have coffee and looked down at the table and I had about ten cups of coffee sitting in front of me. I appeared to be in a little cafe and a woman came over and started explaining all of my coffees. The one that stuck out was something about beans they pick out of crap? She said that was the best they had. Umm I made sure not to try that one. I just needed two cups but decided to taste them for fun. I pretty much liked all of them (except the one I didn't try) and it was amazing how different coffee can taste. The smell was so strong in my nose yet I make my coffee in the morning it isn't on a timer. Then I hear the jingle bells on the door which tells them someone is coming in. Next thing I knew three men are sitting at my table. I didn't know any of them but they all grabbed a cup and started drinking it which I thought was strange. They looked like they were hard working guys so I didn't say a word. Then one guy grabbed the untouched coffee and drank it and said this is the best coffee I ever had lol. My alarm went off.
    11. 11/18/16-Husband Cut Off His Fingertip

      by , 11-18-2016 at 11:35 AM
      This is probably the first Non-Lucid dream I know was non lucid in a while. Most of mine I know I am dreaming at some point. This one gave me no clues, probably because it happened so fast. I was in my house and I was folding towels, my husband was in the kitchen chopping carrots and I hear every chop then I hear a different sound and my heart sank, then I hear him say "I cut it good this time", I said hold pressure on it and immediately sprang into action and grabbed some wash cloths and ran over held it against it. I was looking on the cutting board for a finger because it sounded horrible. Nothing, no blood anywhere. I asked him to show it to me and when he took off the wash cloth there was no blood and (I was thinking he was just teasing me) then all of a sudden it squirted at me so I quickly put pressure again. Just the tip was gone but I definitely did not know that was a dream. I was starting to wonder if I had any NL's. I am sure if I could have better recall I would have many more NL's.

      Updated 11-19-2016 at 02:24 AM by 91609
