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    My smashed up joy ride of dreaming

    Totm to break my terrible dry spell

    by , 03-08-2014 at 03:15 PM (383 Views)
    After driving through a city which has Pepsi signs everywhere. I think pepsiman had less pepsi than this highway. I just closed my eyes to avoid it. Ventually my randim thoughts led me to ld wishing I could have one andone begins. I phase out of the car I was in and run down the highway to see someone with a color changing shirt. So when I pinch her for the totm she says "now which arm do I cut off?"

    That was not expected. I just leave. At the end, I thought I should have told her 'both' so there could be an unconscios body and I could reference a brawl machinima.

    AS I walk into A Parking lot, I slow down time so I can control myself better. I then do a front flip over a fence and atop a car to fall atop some bushes. After I do that I go to the other end where I meet a totally subconscious me.

    I only feel questions I don't remember, and I only feel responses.

    After some other stuff I finally make it to my house where it is really dark and I let my subc feeling make it light. It didn't turn out the best, but flukes always happen, no? Making sure all of this is remembered. I stop right here and don't deild.

    Earlier that night I had this weird challange filled with lava that looked very minecrafty. Just kill everyone else. I survived for a long time. Also I remember a bubble that was held inside a stadium.
    TwitchLucidity likes this.

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