I was in my Grandmother's (passed away) apartment with my mom and my brother. me and my brother got angry with eachother (can't remember why) and he began to throw sliverware, plates, and glass at me. My mom looked very sad about this. ...... My uncle (passed away), my two cousins and my brother (and I) were heading to the airport. One of us remembered we had to pick something up from our dorm room (we all went to the same college in this dream). Uncle drove us to the school, but my brother didn't have an ID card to get inside the building. I told him that he could use mine since I didn't need anything, but then remembered that i probably should get another pair of shoes. He didn't want to give me back the ID, so i used a red mascot bear hand with an ID at the palm as my fake ID. The building was a harsh fatalist concrete structure, though the surroundings were almost tropical. We waited in line to get inside, and the security person thought my fake was strange but too strange to be an attempt to get in with a fake ID. I got through and went to the 'blue' elevator. The elevator layout was confusing since each elevator would only take you to certain rooms. Me and my family got split up here. I got in the blue elevator, and it moved up and sideways like in a manufacturing plant. below me was an open concrete part of the building with students walking around. Two of them turned to look at me which i recognized as my cousins in the dream, but looked more like 2 children I know. ...... (vaguely aware this is a dream. felt like a daydream) An ugly old man was on a giant terra cotta roof tile using it as a sleigh to ride on a path also made of giant terra cotta roof tiles (3rd person POV). He was being chased (i forgot by what) by somebody also riding a roof tile, and was chasing a girl also riding a roof tile. the path forked and slanted upwards toward the sky. the girl went to the left and the old man followed, but the person chasing the old man went to the right.