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    Action Man in MW2

    by , 12-12-2011 at 07:44 PM (541 Views)
    Dream 1
    I was playing Transformers:War For Cybertron. I was playing as Starscream. I played this level again and again. I flew around the Iacon cities and went to a hallway kind of basement thing I placed a kind of fuse thing/explosive and opened the door to see Optimus Prime carrying a limp robot's body run out. I then continued to run around.

    Dream 2
    Now I'm Action Man (the one from the 2000 animated series) in Modern Warfare 2 fighting alongside Sgt.Foley and other Marines. We took cover behind some broken walls and started to fire. I played this again and even noted that "this looks like Modern Warfare 2" there were some good guns such as a "shockwave pulser" which is what I dubbed the gun with a scope and long barrel, its "bullets" blew the enemy away. I also had the standard COD U.S Marine gun, the red dot sighted rifle.

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