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    Low-Recall Lucid

    by , 12-16-2011 at 12:18 PM (722 Views)
    Lucid Fragment
    I became lucid after more or less chaining some dreams together. I did a hadouken and a shoryuken on some guy. I remember the hadouken blowing him away but I don't think I connected with the shoryuken that well. Or maybe I did. This was a dream goal so not bad.

    I'm with two people, one about the same age as me and the other is a small child(I think they were a girl). I was in the future the landscape was almost Tron-like a definite mix between Legacy and the original.

    I'm Batman Beyond aswell, but I'm trying to keep undercover. I save the girl from some woman and her crony, she was old and her henchman was a big brute. Like Ma Mayhem from the Batman Beyond episode "The Egg Baby".

    At one point I nearly blew my cover because of the way Batman punched and I said that "I've seen that before". My other friend there said "How? He hasn't been here before."
    To which I replied "I've seen it on the show" demolishing the 4th wall.

    I ran with the two people to a squash court and then finished the lady and her guy. I think, probably anyway.
    I also remember seeing Terry McGuiness doing poses in his Batman costume.

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