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    Threecat's Dreamtime

    Here is where I post all my good stuff: lucids, OBEs, shared dreams (yeah that's right, I'm open-minded!), lucid NREM, DV members, etc. I also like posting some of the not-so-good stuff as well: missed lucidity cues, failed RCs, sleepless nights, etc. If you like what you are reading, like my entry and leave me a comment--it's nice to be recognized!

    1. Backlog, 11/28: "Wait, Still Dreaming??"

      by , 12-15-2014 at 12:22 AM (Threecat's Dreamtime)
      Long anxiety dream about work. I show up to work, improperly dressed and wet from jumping from platform to platform through the rain. I finally arrive and need to use the restroom so that I can clean up and change clothes. A custodian is in the restroom, and I tell her to get out from behind the shower curtain (I have decided to take a shower in my job's non-existent shower). She tells me not to mess up the bathroom as she leaves. This seems a little too weird and I nose pinch. Whoa, so this isn't real? I think. If I'm not at work, then where in the heck am I? I suddenly hear music coming from far away, and I mistake these guitars for my alarm clock. Ah, I'm just asleep and need to wake up for work, I think. I then concentrate on waking up.

      I wake up in a room (not my own room) but look at my watch. Cool! It's not Monday morning, it's Friday morning! I also haven't left home yet! I then think I might be having an FA. I nose pinch. Sweet, still dreaming! I wish the lamp lights on, and they come on. I then wish/command a book to fly, and even make a "whoosh" sound to help it out. It just sits there. The door suddenly flies open, and my wife is there. She begins getting sexual, and then tries to burn me with her breath. I tell her to "watch out, or I will freeze her with my hands!" We start talking--I tell her to play nice--and her speech gets garbled up the way DCs normally do. I am reminded that this is just a dream, and it's not really my wife. I'm a little disappointed. She is complaining about something being wrong with her hands. We talk for a moment and I wake up.