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    Threecat's Dreamtime

    Here is where I post all my good stuff: lucids, OBEs, shared dreams (yeah that's right, I'm open-minded!), lucid NREM, DV members, etc. I also like posting some of the not-so-good stuff as well: missed lucidity cues, failed RCs, sleepless nights, etc. If you like what you are reading, like my entry and leave me a comment--it's nice to be recognized!

    1. Backlog, 11/29: "The Wall" ; "The DEILD Philosopher"

      by , 12-19-2014 at 10:56 PM (Threecat's Dreamtime)
      Scary non-lucid about losing my kitten. She jumps out of the car at a rest stop and runs off. I catch her once, but she gets away again. I call out to her but she does not come back. Some people seem to have found a kitten; it has spots though, and is not her. "That is not my baby," I say to the girl. She takes the kitten back. Awake from this and DEILD. Transition rolls me over and over and over. Unfortunately, don't remember a thing about what happened, except that I woke up, and DEILDed again, with a similar transition.

      I am walking through some building. I walk downstairs and up to a huge glass wall. I phase through easily. I then am outside in a grassy area (something like a college campus). There is a very thick brick wall near me. I am phasing through when I suddenly lose my confidence; wall is very thick and I worry about becoming trapped inside. Remember I wanted to work on flying. Just can't seem to get into the air. I try flying like Superman. Nada. I shrug.

      Wake up, try for another DEILD but reenter non-lucidly; a guy is sitting on me and talking about Emanuel Swedenborg. I tell him I'm not interested, and to get off of me, because I am trying to DEILD. A few minutes later I wake up.
      Tags: deild, kitten, phase
      lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    2. DEILD? DILD? "Phasework"

      by , 12-19-2014 at 01:29 AM (Threecat's Dreamtime)
      After resting aware for approximately an hour, roll over and decide to fall asleep. I wake up in darkness and decide to try some of Michael Raduga's tricks from "The Phase." I begin imagining my body spinning around and holy WTF I start spinning around! I spin myself faster and faster. I switch it up and change to imagining myself swimming. I swim and swim, then spin again. I feel I am spinning too fast, however (begin to feel sick), and drag my hand hard to come to a stop. A weird FA. I "wake up" in the dark room. My wife sits up in bed, and tells me I need to go to sleep, as I will be tired in the morning otherwise. I try to answer, but it is very hard for me to talk. I just motion and make some Chewbacca noises. I then say, "I love you," but it comes out like zombie talk. I wake up a moment later.

      Updated 12-20-2014 at 02:16 PM by 69552
